Chapter 607 How many donkeys were kicked?

The Eighth Princess knew that by telling her the news, she was selling her a favor.

If the Crown Princess really brought the matter directly to Concubine Zhang Shu, even she would not be able to live with it.

Feeling grateful for the good deeds of the Crown Princess, the Eighth Prince and Concubine immediately chased her out in person wearing a cloak.

 Then, she got the small porcelain bottle from Ningtian's hand.

 The wind outside is cold, and the small porcelain bottle in my hand is biting.

The eighth prince's concubine returned to the mansion and happened to see a servant going to the study to deliver supper to the eighth prince.

Looking at the steaming soup on the tray, the eighth prince finally opened the small porcelain bottle in her hand.

Since the Eighth Prince has done something, the Crown Princess will not stand idly by.

However, the Crown Princess showed her favor and would not let her kill the Eighth Prince herself.

So she knew that the contents of this small porcelain bottle, even to death, would only serve as a lesson to the Eighth Prince.

 The Eighth Princess also didn’t want to, but she had no choice.

If she didn't do as she was told and wait for the Crown Princess to take action, the Eighth Prince might not even be able to survive.

Fan Qingyao followed the trend and postponed the wedding to gain more benefits for Baili Fengming, but this did not mean that the sand raised by the eighth prince could continue to fascinate her eyes.

If this incident does not teach the Eighth Prince a painful lesson, how can the Eighth Prince be honest?

Fan Qingyao looked at Ningtian who was coming back next to him, and asked softly, "When did the eighth prince come out to look for you?"

Ningtian thought for a while and said, "It's less than a quarter of an hour."

 In summary, the eighth prince's concubine should have gone out to look for someone after reading the letter.

From this point of view, the eighth prince's concubine is indeed flexible and smart, and Fan Qingyao's favor to her is not in vain.

The night passed quickly, and early the next morning, the news of the postponement of the prince's wedding bombarded the court.

The prince of Heshuo County expressed his sincerity and righteousness. Although the prince was not in the main city, his heart was always close to the court. Moreover, the journey to the north did not happen overnight. The prince has been thinking about it for a long time. However, the prince knew that he was not capable of doing what he wanted, so he could only ask for a delay. A big wedding to calm the people of Subei.

Hearing this, Hua Yaoting naturally stood up and strongly opposed it.

Oh, his granddaughter can marry if she wants, and delay if she wants. Do you think that the Hua family is easy to bully?

 Even if it is really necessary to delay, the emperor will have to speak.

Emperor Yongchang was pleased with the prince's move and immediately agreed to postpone the wedding.

Seeing this, Hua Yaoting acted obediently.

But when facing Prince Heshuo, Hua Yaoting still looked angry, and even kicked Prince Heshuo in the waist.

Prince Heshuo immediately lay on the ground and fainted from anger.

The third prince and his party, who got the news yesterday, originally thought of taking advantage of this matter today to slap a few hats on the prince, but now...

Where else to deduct it?

 I have been listening to the quarrel between General Hua and Prince Heshuo all morning. They didn't even have a chance to speak!

It’s just that the emperor not only pursued the case, but also specifically ordered the imperial doctor to go to the outpatient clinic for Prince Heshuo, and even personally called Hua Yaoting to the imperial study to comfort him...

Seeing the emperor's attitude, the three princes and his party had to keep their mouths shut even if they had the chance to speak.

 Obviously the emperor is very satisfied with this result. Have they lived enough to dare to go against the emperor?

 Emperor Yongchang was certainly happy.

 The prince took the initiative to postpone the wedding and successfully calmed the public sentiment in Subei.

 Looking at the Hua family's attitude, it was obvious that they were disgusted with the prince's private decision. Emperor Yongchang originally asked Fan Qingyao to marry the prince in order to keep both parties in check and monitor each other.

 Naturally, the more tense the relationship between the Hua family and the prince is, the more antagonistic the effect between Fan Qingyao and the prince will be.

 In this way, Emperor Yongchang was reaping the benefits. How could he not be happy?

In just half a day, the news of the postponement of the prince's wedding spread throughout the main city.

In the Eighth Prince's mansion, it was the Eighth Prince who was bedridden. He had been suffering from diarrhea and vomiting all night last night. He finally calmed down a bit today, and finally heard the news.

 Like the eighth prince who was struck by lightning, he almost fainted without losing his eyesight.

 He spent so much effort, time and money to delay the prince's letter...

 The result is this now?

The eighth prince's concubine who was waiting at the side looked at the eighth prince who was struck by lightning, and felt extremely happy.

When the prince is in the spotlight, he doesn't think about how to curry favor with the prince, but instead secretly makes small moves.

 The most important thing is that I still don’t understand…

You have to be kicked by a few donkeys to become so stupid? !

It is nothing more than a good thing that the Crown Princess's laxative can purge him of his stupidity.

Concubine Zhang Shu, who was in the palace, heard that her son fell ill, and went to beg the emperor in person, hoping that the emperor would allow her to bring the imperial doctor to the house to treat her son.

Emperor Yongchang was happy now, so he agreed to Concubine Zhang Shu's request.

As soon as Concubine Zhang Shu entered the door, she saw her son who had lost weight on the bed, and hurriedly asked the prince to go for diagnosis and treatment.

The eighth prince's concubine was afraid that her mother-in-law would cause too much trouble and cause extraneous matters, so she called her mother-in-law behind the screen while the imperial doctor was diagnosing and treating her, and told her the whole story.

Of course, in order to avoid being scolded, the Eighth Princess deliberately replaced her ignorance with earnest persuasion to no avail.

Concubine Zhang Shu was stunned when she heard this, "So you are saying, this, this was intentional by the Crown Princess?"

 The Eighth Princess nodded and said, "Fortunately, it's not poison, it's just a laxative."

Zhang Shufei never expected that her son could do such a stupid thing.

 Fortunately, the Crown Princess suppressed this matter. What would she do if it really happened in front of the Empress?

The imperial doctor quickly gave a diagnosis, saying that the eighth prince had diarrhea caused by eating something unclean, and that he would be fine as long as he rested for a few days.

Hearing this, the eighth prince's concubine felt even more nervous.

 How the eighth prince became this virtuous, she knew better than anyone else.

 But the imperial doctor did not diagnose it at all, which is enough to see the Crown Princess's medical skills and methods.

 Zhang Shufei looked at her son who was dying on the bed, feeling distressed and angry.

 But she didn't say a word and left with the imperial doctor.

If he can't give himself some pain this time and have some memory, he may cause some trouble in the future.

The world only knows the cruelty of the struggle for imperial power, but they don’t know that the cannon fodder lying under the chair is the most bloody.

 Zhang Shufei climbed up step by step from the bottom, so of course she understands the dangers of people's hearts.

 That’s why she didn’t want her son to become a stepping stone for others to seize power.

 (End of this chapter)

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