Chapter 614: She is still a drama queen

Seeing Fan Qingyao's obviously disgusted and resistant look, the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom was not angry. Instead, he pretended to be in pain and covered his chest and said, "After we say goodbye to Bincheng, I miss the crown princess all the time. I never thought that I would be a step too late in the end. Although I don’t claim to be a good man, I still understand the word beauty of adulthood.”

Fan Qingyao listened to this...

 It’s even more disgusting!

I didn’t expect that the regent was also a drama star.

  "Aren't you afraid of scaring people when the prince makes such a joke in the middle of the night? No matter what kind of person the prince claims to be, I pride myself on not being so charming that I can make the prince spend a lot of money."

These words seemed to be self-deprecating, but in fact they trampled under the feet of the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom.

Fan Qingyao is not the kind of brainless person who becomes arrogant after being bragged for a few words.

If it weren't for the fact that the identity of the man opposite her was something she couldn't overstep, the vicious attack she would have done to Lang Ya on him would have been enough reason for her to chop him a hundred and eight thousand times.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom knew that Fan Qingyao was smart, but he did not expect that he would be so difficult to fool.

But since he was sitting here today, he never thought about giving up, "It doesn't matter even if the Crown Princess refuses to cooperate with me, it's just that the Emperor of Xiliang is still waiting hard for the merchants to show up. If it is really midway If anything goes wrong, the Emperor of Xiliang will be suspicious and the Crown Princess will not be able to escape responsibility."

If Fan Qingyao still can't hear the threat in these words, he is really stupid.

 But it would be too fanciful to ask her to agree like this.

"I will definitely keep your words in mind today. If I really need your help, I will ask you again." In this situation, even if Fan Qingyao doesn't agree, he can't refuse directly. The best way is to delay it first. .

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was not in a hurry, "In that case, I will be waiting for good news."

Fan Qingyao smiled perfunctorily, got up and walked out.

The regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom looked at Fan Qingyao's back and said again, "Don't you think the Crown Princess is going to ask me for the antidote? As far as I know, the people around the Crown Princess are not ordinary people." Minion."

Fan Qingyao paused, but did not look back. Instead, he looked at the dark night outside and said, "Your Majesty has a noble status. How dare I rashly owe you a favor? However, I believe that soon your Majesty will take the initiative to transfer it to you." The antidote was sent to me."

This was not only heard by the regent, but also by Manager Sun outside.

Fan Qingyao didn't seem to notice the sarcasm on Mr. Sun's eyebrows. When he saw the ship docking, he stepped on the ground.

Seeing that the lady was back, Ningtian quickly opened the car door and helped the lady get into the carriage.

Manager Sun waited until Fan Qingyao's carriage disappeared, then bent down and entered the cabin, "There are rumors about how powerful this princess of Xiliang is, but in my opinion, she is just a pretentious person. "

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom did not think so, but he did not refute. Instead, he counted the time and asked, "When will the third prince of Xiliang arrive?"

Manager Sun said softly, "It should be soon, in a quarter of an hour at the latest."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom nodded and stopped talking.

When Manager Sun saw this, he wanted to go out and continue steering the ship.

 After all, the place agreed with the third prince of Xiliang is on the other side.

 But just when he was about to bend down, a severe pain suddenly spread from his heart.

The pain was like cutting out flesh and bones, it was so intense and overwhelming that Mr. Sun fell to the ground in pain.

Seeing this, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom was stunned for a moment, but soon smiled.

 He raised his palm and patted it three times. Not long after, a man in black appeared outside the cabin, "Your Majesty."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom took out a small porcelain vase from his sleeve and said, "Send this to the Crown Princess of Xiliang." "Yes."

Mr. Sun, who fell to the ground, looked at the man in black who had disappeared and was filled with dissatisfaction. "If the prince wanted to give her the antidote, why did he poison her in advance..."

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom said, "It's not that I want to do it, but I have to do it."

Mr. Sun was stunned.

The regent of Zhenyi Kingdom paused and said, "Only in this way can I hold on to your life."

Mr. Sun's eyes widened, and it was only then that he realized belatedly that he had been poisoned!

 But when?

Mr. Sun gradually remembered that it should have been at the moment when the Crown Princess of Xiliang stood up...

 So, what he smelled was not a fragrance, but a life-threatening poisonous gas!

The people from the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom came very quickly. As soon as Fan Qingyao returned to the courtyard, the man took out the antidote.

Fan Qingyao took the antidote calmly and waited until Langya drank all of it. When he saw that Langya's chest showed no signs of ulceration, Ming Ningtian took out the antidote from the shelf.

Mr. Sun calls himself a slave, but he even gives way to the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom, which shows his status.

 So only by letting Mr. Sun die once can the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom obediently hand over the antidote.

After Ningtian sent the antidote, he was relieved when he came back and saw that Langya's injury had stabilized. However, when he thought of the evil deeds of the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom, he still gritted his teeth and said, "You really gave him an advantage!"

 “How could you give him an advantage? Langya’s debt must always be recovered.”

 The antidote was given, but its effect was not as strong as the poison.

In order to see the interest with his own eyes, Fan Qingyao endured his rejection of the regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom on the second day, and stepped into the palace where the Zhenyi Kingdom was located in the name of giving Xiaotuanzi a follow-up consultation.

The prince of Zhenyi Kingdom saw Fan Qingyao, but he was very happy.

After Fan Qingyao diagnosed and treated Xiaotuanzi, he planned to take him to visit the Plum Garden.

With the regent's love and regard for the prince, he couldn't bear to refuse, but after all, there was an assassination in the palace last time. Fan Qingyao would definitely not be able to take Xiaotuanzi out alone, but he let the Zhenyi guards accompany him with great fanfare. It would be too much to declare war and seize the throne...

 So in the end, Mr. Sun could only be allowed to accompany him all the way.

 The poison in Mr. Sun's body has been alleviated, but essentially it has not been completely eliminated.

 It will take at least three to five days for the toxins to completely fade away.

So now Mr. Sun almost endures the pain to accompany Fan Qingyao and the prince of Zhenyi Kingdom. The pain is so painful that he can't scream, and he is so miserable that he can't describe it, not to mention how sour and refreshing it is.

Looking at Fan Qingyao walking in front, Mr. Sun has only now realized how ruthless the Crown Princess of Xiliang is.

This is completely like killing a pig without a knife and killing without blood!

Fan Qingyao didn't find it funny when he saw Manager Sun's expression of pain.

It's just asking for interest and killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, otherwise the regent would really think that she is easy to handle.

As for the proposal of the Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, it is tempting, but Fan Qingyao never believes in pie in the sky.

Moreover, looking at those eyes reminded Fan Qingyao of the stare he had at Sun Contong’s house...

 (End of this chapter)

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