Chapter 623: Fan Qingyao’s wings must be broken

This situation made everyone a little dumbfounded.

Even though Emperor Yongchang was concerned about his own face, he fed the eighth prince to the throne, but in the eyes of others, this was a clear preference for the prince and the princess!

And why does the emperor want to pay more attention to the prince's performance?

At this time, everyone looked down upon the prince and the princess, even if they didn't want to think highly of them.

Especially those civil servants who had worked hard to please Prince Heshuo in the past few days secretly swore in their hearts that their wishes have not yet been achieved, and they still need to work hard. After tonight, they will continue to be stuck in Prince Heshuo's return. On the way home.

As a result, the faces of the ministers of the Third Prince and his party became extremely ugly.

Not to mention Baili Rongze and Yu Guifei, there were dark clouds overhead that were about to thunder.

Baili Rongze just wanted the eighth prince to come forward and attract the attention of others, so that everyone would not focus on the prince.

Who would have thought that the eighth prince who he pushed out as a gun would actually push the prince to the highest point!

  Why didn’t Queen Zhen Xi understand the emperor’s temptation?

She knew better that the emperor was worried about his old face before he beat the eighth prince.

Thinking of a young couple who have been separated for a long time, what meeting is not just for you and me?

In the end, it was his son and Xiao Qingyao's turn, but they still had to act under the emperor's nose.

 Fortunately, the current ending is good.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Baili Fengming and refused to go away. Baili Fengming simply took Fan Qingyao's hand and sent her back to the seat.

He couldn't resist his father's speculations and temptations, but he could definitely let people know that he valued Fan Qingyao.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

As expected, he is a black-hearted fox, and he can easily do things like push people along with the current.

Of course Concubine Yu couldn't let the prince influence the pace of the banquet, so she winked at Yunyue beside her.

Yunyue stood up and took advantage of the situation to hold the pot of wine in front of her in the palm of her hand, "My daughter thought that her father would be in a good mood today so she would drink. However, being drunk would harm her health, but she didn't want her father to spoil his mood. Last night This pot of medicinal wine is specially prepared. Although the taste is not as good as the fine wine in the palace, it is of great benefit to my father's body. "

Emperor Yongchang was naturally happy after hearing this.

But just when Bai Tu came down to take the pot of wine from Yunyue, Emperor Yongchang looked at Fan Qingyao.

Bai Tu was so smart that he immediately came to Fan Qingyao with the wine in hand.

When Yunyue saw this, she would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised.

 Does your father trust Fan Qingyao so much now?

Even the wine she brewed had to be tasted in front of Fan Qingyao? !

Fan Qingyao took the wine and opened it. He first poured out some and put it in front of his nose to smell it. Then he took a sip. Then he stood up and looked at the emperor and said, "White Poria, chamomile, calamus, asparagus... pound them all." Dip it into fine powder and soak it in wine. When the medicine is completely mixed with the wine, it can be used by ordinary people to moisturize the skin and strengthen the body. "

 Yunyue, “…”

 She seemed to know why her father believed in Fan Qingyao.

After hearing this, Emperor Yongchang smiled heartily, looked at Yunyue and said, "After all, she is a daughter, but she is more careful than her son."

Yunyue smiled awkwardly, not wanting to mention how she felt.

This eye-candy wine is unique to the medicine school, and it took her several months to learn the essence.

 In the end, Fan Qingyao knew the secret just by asking about it.

Concubine Yu noticed her daughter's unhappiness and comforted her in a low voice, "Why should you be unhappy because of a bastard? Now that your father pays more attention to the prince, that **** will also follow the rising tide."

Yunyue looked at her concubine's always aloof face and remained silent.

She was indeed surprised that her father valued Fan Qingyao, but she was even more shocked by Fan Qingyao's medical attainments.

It is said that the Tao family's medical women are good at making useless work, and it seems to be true.

Just these words, Yunyue knew that it would be useless to tell her mother and concubine.

 The mother-in-law has a distinguished status. She is the legitimate daughter of the family. She has lived a pampered life since she was a child. She married her father, the empress, and the mother-in-law has been favored until now. For such a concubine who has been superior to others since she was a child, judging the value of other people's existence based on their status has long been a habit engraved in the bones.

 But Yunyue is different. During this year in Yaoshi Pavilion, she understood that strength is the fundamental explanation for everything.

Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao not far away again, slightly tightening the handkerchief in her hand.

It doesn’t matter if the mother-in-law doesn’t understand, as long as she understands.

When she comes back this time, she will definitely break Fan Qingyao's wings.

Queen Zhen Xi has always been a watcher and listener. Seeing Concubine Yu and Yunyue whispering to each other, she whispered to the emperor beside her, "Yunyue just returned to the palace last night, and she stayed overnight. The emperor makes wine, even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. The emperor would not neglect the child's heart. "

After hearing this, Emperor Yongchang naturally turned his attention to Yunyue.

 As a result, he also saw Concubine Yu whispering something to Yunyue.

Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes, half smiling, "You mother and daughter are chatting happily, I wonder what they are talking about?"

Faced with the emperor's sudden inquiry, Concubine Yu and Yunyue were startled.

After all, Concubine Yu reacted quickly and said with a busy smile, "Isn't this Yunyue's cousin Baoyan here? Yunyue was curious why she didn't see anyone."

Emperor Yongchang knew in advance that Concubine Yu's niece had entered the palace. Now he didn't see anyone and said, "Today is a family banquet. It's not that special. Since people are here, they should be allowed to attend."

These words can be regarded as giving Concubine Yu enough face.

 In the final analysis, she is the niece of Concubine Yu. She is unknown and has no qualifications to participate in the royal banquet.

Concubine Yu hurriedly stood up and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is generous, I know this, but my nephew is always shy and shy. Before I came here, I had someone accompany her to walk around the palace, which can be regarded as living up to my expectations." The Emperor’s favor.”

Emperor Yongchang nodded and said no more.

 The banquet was still going on. Everyone saw that the emperor was in a good mood, and the palace became more and more lively.

  When the singer left, the maids who had been waiting outside the door poured in to serve the dishes to the masters.

Royal banquets are always divided into priorities, even the food.

 The emperor was the most lavish, with sixty-six dishes, followed by the queen, who had half of the emperor's dishes.

 Then come the princes and the high-ranking ministers. Twenty of you, half meat and half vegetarian.

 As for the other female relatives, it is as simple as possible, which is basically just three dishes.

Although the concubines can be better than other female relatives, they can only have five dishes at most.

 Those exquisite and delicious ones can be served first to the emperor, queen, concubines, princes, and ministers.

 The remaining ones were distributed among the concubines present.

When it was the turn of the princess and the female family members, some dishes were even made from obvious leftovers.

  But everyone has long accepted such rules by default, and now it is not surprising.

Fan Qingyao was a never-experienced crown princess, but she changed her tune after the emperor issued an order. Although her treatment was that of a crown princess, it was basically the same as the Princess Heshuo County around her.

The Princess of Heshuo County was afraid that Fan Qingyao would not get used to it, so she wanted to whisper a few words of advice.

As soon as she was about to speak, she saw another maid coming over carrying a tray.

The dishes on the tray are both meat and vegetable, and the aroma is overflowing. Judging from the appearance, they should be from the prince's side.

Just as the palace maid placed the dishes on the tray in front of Fan Qingyao one by one, the female relatives behind her also looked in Fan Qingyao's direction.

Of course they know that such an occasion should not be heard or shocked.

But facing such an exciting scene, who can really withstand it?

 (End of this chapter)

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