The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 632: Let's make trouble, but don't let your hands get cold

Chapter 632 Let’s make trouble, but don’t let your hands get cold

Although Baili Fengming knew that Fan Qingyao was doing this, he just wanted to sound a warning to the Sixth Emperor's younger brother, but now he couldn't just stand there and act as a crowd-pleaser with the Second Prince and his wife.

Isn’t that too obvious?

"Ayao, why should you alarm your father over such a trivial matter?" Baili Fengming pretended to be helpless and held Fan Qingyao's hand. Her persuasive look made the second prince and his concubine envious.

Looking at the princes in the palace, none of them are superior. Even if they are flirting with women outside, they are very confident. But look at His Highness the Crown Prince, even the way he persuades others is so gentle.

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 She is actually envious too, but she doesn’t say it!

"The prince first delayed the wedding decisively without my consent, and now he is entangled with other concubines in front of the palace gate. Could it be that the prince deliberately delayed the wedding or had other purposes?" Fan Qingyao said, pretending to shake off Baili Fengming's hand.

Of course Baili Fengming will not let go.

It doesn't matter how noisy you are, but it won't be good if you freeze your body.

Fan Qingyao noticed Baili Fengming's thoughts and felt warm in his heart, but since the play had to continue, he still kept a straight face.

 Zhang Yilan looked at Fan Qingyao who was so arrogant and was being held tightly by His Highness the Crown Prince. The anger in his heart was about to burn through her. How could such a jealous person be worthy of her!

The sixth prince stared at Zhang Yilan, fearing that she would say something worthy of being beaten again.

Since this incident alarmed Bai Tu, it quickly reached the emperor's ears.

Emperor Yongchang was still angry, but now he heard that the Crown Princess was making a fuss in front of the palace and wanted to break off the engagement. His head was about to explode. If he asked more carefully, he would understand everything.

"Publish my decree. In the future, the concubine of the Sixth Prince's Mansion is not allowed to step out of the Sixth Prince's Mansion without my permission. If he disobeys the order, the Sixth Prince will be held responsible for everything!"

The current Emperor Yongchang still has some uses for Fan Qingyao, so he is naturally biased.

Besides, if the incident of his son’s concubine ogling other sons really got into trouble, the royal family would be disgraced?

Once the emperor's decree was announced, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Zhang Yilan's head.

If it weren't for the maid supporting him, Zhang Yilan would have collapsed on the ground.

 Who is the emperor, and how could he think of her and remember who she is?

At best, it means waiting for the emperor's decree to go out, but at worst, it means being banned forever!

From now on, she won’t even be able to leave the house, so what else can she do?

She can do nothing but live in misery...

The sixth prince looked at the absent-minded Zhang Yilan. He didn't even call him, but he took the carriage and left first.

From now on, it is better to keep people like this as far away as possible, otherwise you won’t even know when they will die.

 When everyone else saw this, they all got on the carriage.

 Baili Fengming personally walked Fan Qingyao to the carriage and whispered, "Haosheng, wait for me at the house. I will go see you after finishing the things at hand."

Fan Qingyao could see the longing in his eyes that seemed to be almost unbearable. In fact, she didn't miss him, but now was really not a good time to reminisce about the past. Thousands of words could only be condensed into one word, "Okay."

 Baili Fengming watched Fan Qingyao get on the carriage and waited until the carriage completely disappeared from sight before turning and walking towards the palace gate.

 As a result, before entering the palace, I saw the fifth prince running out in a hurry.

 “Brother, where is the emperor’s sister-in-law?”

Baili Fengming said softly, "I've gone back."

Baili Lingyu frowned in disappointment, "I was thinking of saying thank you to the emperor's sister-in-law." He had heard what happened today from Shaoxuan. If the emperor's sister-in-law hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been the groom's official by now. .

"Brother Huang, tell me how your and Sister-in-law's heads grew. I heard Shaoxuan say that Sister-in-law Huang just made a few insinuations, but you planned everything, and even told Shaoxuan to wear your Tsing Yi. The garden." Baili Lingyu looked at his imperial brother with envy and jealousy.

 Baili Fengming frowned slightly, "This matter has passed and cannot be discussed again. But you are not young anymore. When will you want to start a family and start a career?"

 Baili Lingyu made a sound, "I don't want to drag my family with me. It's so troublesome. Quietly the sixth man has such a bad character and a lot of hatred all day long. If I were him, I would rather become a monk."

Baili Fengming didn't stop him, he just said, "Even if you become a monk, you still have to take care of the things in front of you."

 Baili Lingyu, “…”

Brother, are you a devil?

"The disaster in Suibei is causing a lot of noise. I have told my father to open the official warehouse to put food in, but I can't trust other people. I still want you to lead the troops there in person."

“Just because you trust me, you throw me into a place where people are starving to death?”

Baili Fengming nodded affirmatively.

 Baili Lingyu, “…”

Brother, you are the devil!

Facing Baili Lingyu’s face, which was so painful that it could drip with tears, Baili Fengming smiled but said nothing.

When he came back this time, he found that his father was far more selfish and suspicious than before. If he had not lied that some of the relatives of the Huaishang gangsters were also in Subei, his father would never agree to start the war because he was worried about those gangsters causing trouble again. A warehouse for storing grain.

 Now, in the eyes of the father, apart from himself, there are only people left who are of value.

 The Fifth Emperor’s Brother has come so quickly and accomplished nothing, so how can he protect himself if this continues?

Although the journey to the north is difficult, releasing food is a major event that benefits the people, and the people will definitely be grateful.

As long as he has the support of the people, the Fifth Emperor's brother can be regarded as having a life-saving amulet.

While Baili Fengming was talking to Baili Lingyu, Fan Qingyao had arrived at the western suburbs mansion.

As soon as he entered the door, Aunt He came over and said, "The master and the old lady are waiting for the young lady."

Fan Qingyao knew that his grandfather and grandmother must have heard something.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the main courtyard, Tao Yuxian stood up and looked at Fan Qingyao. He was relieved when he saw that he was fine.

Hua Yaoting asked softly, "Prince Heshuo sent someone to send a message in a vague way. What happened in the palace?"

Fan Qingyao didn't intend to hide it, even he told everything about the palace.

Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian were speechless after hearing this.

I never expected that Concubine Yu would even do such a thing in order to control the turbulent situation.

"Concubine Yu has reached out to the court for more than a day or two. Now she even dares to attack the fifth prince. I'm afraid there will be more sinister methods in the future. You must be careful and guard against it." Yaoting warned carefully that Concubine Yu had been in power for more than ten years, and her roots were deep and her methods were ruthless.

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, my granddaughter will remember it."

 (End of this chapter)

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