Chapter 643 Isn’t Xiao Hongfei poisonous?

Xiao Hongfei saw that Fan Qingyao kept his eyes closed and sneered, "Why, you don't dare to face the fact that you are disliked by thousands of people?"

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao did not open his eyes, but said softly, "Seeing you makes me sick."

 Xiao Hongfei, “…”

 Why can this woman still have such a tough mouth at this time?

“Fan Qingyao, don’t forget, the prince personally sent you here today. None of the dignitaries in the main city will be defeated by the wind. I want to see how long you can keep your stubbornness!”

Xiao Hongfei had no intention of leaving, and just looked at Fan Qingyao with a sneer.

 In his opinion, Fan Qingyao's current glory is all because she became the princess.

And only now did he realize that Fan Qingyao didn't marry him in the first place because he wanted to climb a high tree.

Such a shameless woman should get the retribution she deserves!

 Half an hour later, the jailer came over with sweat on his face.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xiao Hongfei knew that what he had been waiting for had finally arrived. "Speak carefully and carefully, so that the Crown Princess will know clearly how the Eighth Prince and Princess responded."


 This is a bit hard to say.

Xiao Hongfei waited for a long time, but did not see a reply from the jailer. He even sneered and said, "Tell the truth."

The jailer looked at Xiao Hongfei, who had his back turned to him, and then at the Crown Princess, who had her eyes closed and was concentrating. He gritted his teeth and said, "The Eighth Princess has just arrived at Dali Temple in person, but she was afraid of disturbing the Crown Princess's rest." , and did not come in to visit, but the Eighth Prince Concubine said that it doesn’t matter if the Crown Princess is not used to eating, just ask someone to tell her what she wants to eat in the future, and the Eighth Prince Concubine will do everything possible to make the Crown Princess eat well. "

As the jailer spoke, he raised another food basket in his hand.

 Open it, and it is filled with exquisite dishes.

 Because the dishes in the basket just now were all on the lighter side, the Eighth Prince really made some improvements this time, replacing all the mild dishes with spicy ones.

Xiao Hongfei lowered his head stiffly, looking at the stuffed food basket, his fists clenched.

If he was puzzled just now, the eighth prince's concubine was fawning over Fan Qingyao.

 So now, it is no exaggeration to say that I am shocked!

Xiao Hongfei couldn’t understand, why? Why would the Eighth Prince and Concubine accommodate Fan Qingyao without any bottom line? Doesn't the Eighth Prince and Concubine know that Fan Qingyao is now in jail?

Of course the eighth prince and concubine knew this.

 Otherwise, why would she be rolling up her arms and sleeves and holding a large spoon in the middle of the night?

 But in the eyes of the eighth prince, Fan Qingyao had experienced great storms.

What kind of obstacles have you not encountered?

 What kind of fire pit have you not jumped over?

To put it bluntly, the so-called imprisonment is not a big deal in the eyes of the eighth prince, because she fully believes that with Fan Qingyao's strength, he can definitely return home safely.

Fan Qingyao couldn't help but slightly raise the corners of his lips. Even with his eyes closed, he could still think of the scene when the Eighth Prince Concubine was cooking.

 The same smile fell in Xiao Hongfei's eyes, it was clearly sarcasm and ridicule!

Grabbed the food basket, Xiao Hongfei threw it to the ground again without even thinking about it.

“I really don’t know if I haven’t come here, but I’m shocked when I come here. Isn’t it true that Dali Temple is the most rigorous and just place in our main city? Why did I see someone deliberately mistreating me as soon as I entered the door?”

This voice…

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes and saw Sun Contong walking towards him.

It's just that Sun Contong was not walking fast at this moment, because she was also supporting a woman with a bulging belly.

When Fan Qingyao saw Han Jingchen's figure clearly again, his heart was already sore.

 It was quite tiring for both of them.

 Xiao Hongfei certainly knew Sun Contong and Han Jingchen.

 One is the daughter of Sun Guoyu, the Salt Transport Secretary of the Imperial City. One is the current concubine of the sixth prince.

Even though they are two women, they are not ones he can mess with in terms of status or background.

So in the face of Sun Contong's question just now, Xiao Hongfei had to explain, "I'm afraid Miss Sun has misunderstood. Dali Temple has always strictly investigated prisoners."

If Sun Congtong hadn't been well-educated, he would have really slapped her and said, "Fuck you! Who among the people in the main city doesn't know that Princess Rui's death is suspicious? Even the so-called witness's testimony was hesitant. This matter Even the Minister of Dali Temple has not made up his mind, you are the one who said that the Crown Princess is a prisoner!"

 Xiao Hongfei’s face turned green after being scolded.

How can this woman be so vulgar!

Han Jingchen took Sun Contong's hand and said, "Don't talk like that. This is the young minister of Dali Temple."

 “What is Shaoqing?”

 “The official title is second only to the Minister of Dali Temple.”

 “Oh, to put it bluntly, he’s just a perennial old man.”

 Xiao Hongfei's face was no longer green.

 Xiao Hongfei’s face turned completely green!

Sun Congtong didn't bother to look at Xiao Hongfei's little face, and turned to look at the jailer aside, "When I came, I saw the Eighth Prince Concubine still waiting outside. Go tell the Eighth Prince Concubine the truth, and say that what happened today is all your fault. The young minister of Dali Temple has a convulsion, which has nothing to do with the princess. "

Jiu Cheng glanced at Xiao Hongfei with some embarrassment, "But..."

Han Jingchen's face darkened when he saw this, "No matter why the young minister of Dali Temple knocked over the food basket sent by the eighth prince, if this matter gets serious, it will not be good for Dali Temple's face. Or, Dali Temple itself Is it just a place where officials protect each other and is in decay? "

This hat is too big.

The jailer was just a small fifth-grade official, but he didn't dare to pick him up and hurriedly walked out of the prison.

Xiao Hongfei really didn't expect that the Sixth Prince and the Miss Sun family would come together at the drop of a hat. Thinking about his rashness just now, he just wanted to talk about it.

But Sun Contong didn't want to listen to his nonsense at all, "Does the second son of Dali Temple still want to stop us from visiting?"

 Xiao Hongfei, “…”

 Who do you think is the second child?

"It's rare for us to come here. I would like to ask the Young Minister of Dali Temple to move away for a moment. We want to say a few words to the Crown Princess." Han Jingchen was still very polite, but this kind of superior politeness was even more heartbreaking.

Xiao Hongfei squeezed the hands in his sleeves, trying his best to regain some face for himself, "The sixth prince's concubine is serious. The sixth prince's status is noble, and the ministers must be accommodating."

Looking at the entire court, who doesn’t know that the sixth prince is the most powerless!

Han Jingchen sneered in his heart.

No matter how bad her husband is, he is still a prince. How can he allow a courtier to ridicule her?

When he was about to retaliate, he was directly interrupted by Sun Contong, "I asked you why you are so ink, didn't you see that the Sixth Prince's Concubine still has a bulging belly? If something happens to the Sixth Prince's Concubine in Dali Temple, you have to Take full responsibility!”

 The fists in Xiao Hongfei's sleeves clenched loudly.

 He has never seen such blackmail!

But what Sun Congtong said was right. If something really happened to the sixth prince and his concubine, he would not be able to escape the blame.

Thinking about this, Xiao Hongfei pretended to be generous and made a gesture of invitation, and then walked out the door.

Sun Contong is really disgusted. He is obviously a villain, why is he pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here?

"I would say you two were lucky not to marry him in the first place, but speaking of it, Xiao Hongfei is also interesting. First he fell in love with Qingyao, and then Qingyao became the princess, and then he fell in love with Jingchen. Unexpectedly, Jingchen Chen has become the sixth prince's concubine again, so maybe Xiao Hongfei is poisonous?"

It was Xiao Hongfei who was about to walk out of the door. He tripped on the steps and almost fell to the ground!

The jailer was so frightened that he quickly helped him, "Young Master, be careful."

 (End of this chapter)

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