The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 651: You don’t have to go there in person to get slapped in the face

Chapter 651 You don’t have to go in person to get slapped in the face

Fan Qingyao was in the room, tossing and turning for an unknown amount of time before he fell asleep.

Ningtian has been standing guard at the door. In order not to disturb the young lady's sleep, he even deliberately suppressed his breathing.

Waiting until he noticed that the lady's breath gradually stabilized, Ningtian gently left the door.

Since he had to replace the man who was monitoring Princess Rui in Langya's place, Ningtian jumped out of the yard without any delay.

The man lived in a very inconspicuous corner of the main city. The yard was not big, and there was only one room in total.

When Ningtian arrived, he saw Lang Ya sitting silently on the eaves of the man's house in the dark night. The cold aura exuding from his whole body really looked like a wolf.

Ningtian gestured to Langya and walked over to replace him.

Unexpectedly, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone. Ningtian was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Langya's low voice, which slowly reached his ears, "You go back and rest. I will take care of you tonight. I want to thank you for taking care of me these days."

Ningtian frowned, "No need to sell me favors."

Langya didn't want to talk to her at all, "You can't beat me."

 So, if you don’t leave, I will beat you until you leave.

Ningtian was not good at dealing with others, so he became even more silent when he saw Lang Ya who was about to fight him if he disagreed with her.

Langya stopped looking at her and looked up at the night sky above his head.

 An object suddenly hit the wolf fang.

Langya instinctively grabbed it with his hands, and a sweet smell blew into his nose along with the cold wind.

 Open the palm of your hand, and there lies a pine nut candy inside.

Langya frowned. He wanted to tell Ningtian that he didn't eat sweets, but when he turned around, the area behind him was already empty. Where was Ningtian's figure?

Seeing this, Lang Ya frowned even more, but he threw the candy into his mouth the next second.

Standing far away, Ningtian saw Langya eating candy, and the corners of his lips curved up unconsciously.

However, thinking that he would have to do something for the young lady tomorrow, Ningtian did not dare to delay, so he had to rush back to his mansion in the western suburbs.

Early the next morning, Ningtian went out with ginseng.

 Because she was getting married, the Kong family had already opened the door to their house.

Relying on Kong Yingba, he settled in the rural leaders, and the Kong family now took a breath.

The Master of the Kong family was careful. He stood in the courtyard early, pretending to be socializing with the guests, but in fact he kept looking at the door of the house.

  Although Mrs. Kong was standing in her daughter’s boudoir, she had been standing at the door waiting for news.

Kong Qingying actually felt unsure, and kept asking her mother, "Mom, hasn't Wu Qiuzhao come yet?"

Mrs. Kong's wife turned back to look at her daughter, who was wearing a pink dress. "If she comes, someone from the front will definitely come to deliver a message to us. Don't worry, but you have to gain some momentum today. Don't do what you did last time." "

Hearing this, Kong Qingying still felt a little uncomfortable, "Mother really wants me to ask Wu Qiuzao? It's obvious that I have always had the limelight since childhood."

“If you can’t keep your head down, you will really marry and go to the countryside!”

If given the choice, Mrs. Kong’s wife would certainly want her daughter to marry into the Hua family.

The Hua family today is just different from the past. I heard that Fan Qingyao committed murder some time ago, but didn’t he come out safe and sound?

 This can only show that the emperor pays more and more attention to the Hua family.

Mrs. Kong's wife saw that her daughter was unhappy, so she walked over and comforted her, "It's better to be a concubine to Hua Fengning than to marry someone in the countryside. You also said that since you were a child, you have always suppressed Wu Qiuzhuo. Wait. If you marry into the Hua family, as long as you pay more attention, how can Wu Qiuzao be your opponent? " I heard that Wu Qiuzao is pregnant. If this is the case, Hua Fengning will accompany Wu Qiuzao.

By then, as long as Kong Qingying is brave and dares to cry and beg Wu Qiuzhuo in front of everyone, Wu Qiuzao really dares to kill Kong Qingying and refuse to let him in. That would be a scorpion-hearted thing.

 Besides, how many men don’t like fresh food?

 For Hua Fengning, Wu Qiuzao is already a second-hand product, unlike Kong Qingying who is still fresh.

"I'm just afraid that Fan Qingyao will do bad things again!" Kong Qingying said she was not afraid of Fan Qingyao, which was a lie.

The Kong family's wife didn't care, "Fan Qingyao is the Crown Princess. The last time she came out was because Hua Fengning was getting married. Today, our Kong family didn't send her a message. How could she come forward with such shame? If it really happened, When the news comes out that the Crown Princess is bullying, that Fan Qingyao can’t stand it!”

Kong Qingying felt that what her mother said was unreasonable, and she gradually felt relieved.

 When she thought of the humiliation she suffered in the Hua family, Kong Qingying's heart ached with hatred.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as she steps into the door of the Hua family, these revenges can always be avenged.

"Madam, someone from the Hua family is here." The servant's voice finally came from outside the door.

Mrs. Kong was so happy that she didn't even ask who was coming. She pulled Kong Qingying and walked out. She kept telling her along the way, "Remember what I said." After a while, she saw Wu Qiuzao and Hua Feng. Ning, I cried and rushed over. I wanted to say something to Wu Qiuzao, but your body was next to Hua Fengning. Do you hear me?"

Kong Qingying nodded, "Don't worry, mother, if you just talk about looks, Wu Qiuzao can't compare to me."

Hearing this, Mrs. Kong’s wife took her daughter and walked a few steps quickly.

 At this time, many guests had gathered in the front yard.

When Mrs. Kong arrived with Kong Qingying, she could not find Wu Qiuzao and Hua Fengning at first glance. In order to give Kong Qingying the upper hand, she hurriedly winked.

Kong Qingying's tears came quickly. She started crying. Her voice was raised a little so that everyone in the yard could hear her, "Qiu Zhuo, I heard you are coming. Are you really coming?" Yet?"

 The guests present were stunned when they heard this name.

 At the beginning, everyone knew that the Wu family and the Kong family were competing for a husband, but no one expected that Wu Qiuzao would appear again.

 A figure walked out of the crowd and slowly walked towards Kong Qingying.

Kong Qingying's eyes were a little blurry, and she didn't see the person clearly. She thought it was Wu Qiuzao, and said hurriedly, "Qiu Zhuo, if you are really here, I knew..."

Before he finished speaking, a box was thrown at Kong Qingying.


 After the box hit Kong Qingying’s head, it fell to the ground again, revealing the century-old ginseng inside.

The Kong family were all a little shocked when they realized that the person walking over was not Wu Qiuzhuo at all.

When the surrounding guests saw this, they were all wondering, how eager must the Miss Kong family be to see the young mistress of the Hua family, so that she even admits that she is the wrong person?

Mrs. Kong quickly said, "Who are you? Why are you so ignorant of etiquette?"

Ning Tian didn't want to say more nonsense, but thinking that it was necessary to let the Kong family know his identity, he said coldly, "He is from the Hua family."

He said nothing and turned around to leave.

 Mrs. Kong, “…”


 Is this really the case? !

 (End of this chapter)

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