Chapter 653 The third princess has a miscarriage

 Something really happened.

 And it’s a big deal.

 The third prince’s concubine had a miscarriage…

When Fan Qingyao heard the news, he was also stunned, "Do you know the details?"

Aunt He shook her head, "I also heard what the concierge said. Now the people in the main city have spread the word that the third prince's concubine's child is gone. But I heard that the third prince's mansion is heavily guarded, so this matter is not even Concubine Yu was alarmed and left the palace. No one dared to ask what the reason was. "

Just at this moment, Ning Han rushed in again, "Miss, the concierge sent someone to say that someone is crying and wants to see you."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

She didn’t even know when she had become so popular.

 “Can you tell me your name?”

“No, but the people who came here kept crying and asking for help, Miss.”

"Go and see for yourself. If you feel angry, just send him away."

Ninghan nodded, turned around and ran out of the door.

Fan Qingyao couldn't lie down any longer, so he simply stood up with the help of Aunt He.

Not long after, Ninghan came back. While lifting the curtain, she also carried a woman through the door.

The woman's hair was disheveled and her body was covered in injuries. If Ninghan hadn't been carrying her, she would have fallen to the ground long ago.

By the candlelight in the room, Fan Qingyao could see the woman clearly at a glance, "Su Hong?"

Ninghan also followed the young lady and met Su Hong several times before letting her in.

  Consciousness was already a little blurry. He heard Fan Qingyao's voice in the hazy state. As if he had been strongly stimulated, he broke away from Ninghan's back like crazy.

"Princess, Princess, please save my son, please..." Su Hong fell heavily to the ground, but as if she didn't know the pain, she crawled towards Fan Qingyao.

The injuries on her body seemed serious. As she squirmed, a long trail of blood appeared on the ground.

It was so tragic that even Grandma He was frightened looking at it.

Fan Qingyao wanted to get Suhong up and talk, but Suhong went crazy and kept grabbing Fan Qingyao's ankles, begging her to save her son.

Fan Qingyao knew that Su Hong had received a strong stimulus that led to her current madness.

With no choice but to do so, Fan Qingyao could only take out the silver needle from his sleeve and plunge it into the plain red sleeping hole.

Su Hong, who was still mad at first, soon fell unconscious on the ground.

Fan Qingyao asked Aunt He and Ninghan to help him onto the soft couch, and then asked Aunt He to carefully untie the plain red clothes.

Soon, Aunt He let out an exclamation.

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and saw that Su Hong's body was covered with criss-crossing wounds. In many places, the flesh had been torn open, and the blood-red skin and flesh were stuck together with his inner clothes. With just a slight touch, there was a burst of bruises. Then a stream flowed out ferociously.

 “How on earth can you be injured like this?” Ninghan’s heartbeat quickened as she saw it.

Fan Qingyao looked at the wound carefully and said softly, "It's a stick."

 It is a relatively common thing. After all, every government has a prison sentence. "How could the stick be beaten like this?" Ning Han didn't believe it. It was not that no servants made mistakes in the past, but even if they were hit with a stick, they would only be red and swollen for a few days.

"It's just a few boards, so naturally it won't look like this, but if you use a stick to tap the skin repeatedly for a long time, the already red and swollen skin will crack due to the expansion of the blood vessels, without the protection of the skin. , the meat and tendons inside will soon turn into blood under the action of the stick. "

Looking at Su Hong’s injuries, it would have taken at least forty blows to reach this point.

Grandma He couldn't help but murmur, "What happened to cause such a disaster?"

Fan Qingyao is also curious about the reason, but if he wants to know the reason, he must quickly treat Su Hong's injury.

Seeing that it was getting late, Fan Qingyao asked Ninghan to prepare a basin of hot water and sent her and Aunt He to rest.

As the room became completely quiet, Fan Qingyao also began to carefully clean Su Hong's wounds. Because a lot of the flesh was completely necrotic, Fan Qingyao had to use red-hot scissors to cut off the flesh before suturing the wounds.

By the time everything was settled, it was already two hours later.

Even the water in the basin turned blood red.

Suhong woke up from the pain. The moment she opened her eyes, she struggled to get up.

Fan Qingyao did not stop her, but warned her softly, "If you want to save people, you must first make sure that you are conscious. Your acting up and going crazy for no reason will only delay time in disguise."

Su Hong stared at Fan Qingyao blankly for a long time, and suddenly burst into tears.

Big tears rolled down her cheeks, Su Hong gritted her teeth tightly, trying to calm her emotions.

Soon, Su Hong's mood stabilized a little. She raised her eyes that were red from crying, and finally said tremblingly, "Crown Princess, they, they want to kill my son..."

Fan Qingyao was stunned.

 It is true that I did not expect it.

 “Who are they you are talking about?”

“The third prince, the third prince’s concubine, and Concubine Yu…”

 An extremely bad premonition spread from Fan Qingyao's heart.

Thinking about the news that he had just heard about the incident at the third prince's residence, and then looking at Su Hong in front of him, Fan Qingyao seemed to already know the answer.

Sure enough, Su Hong paused and said, "Today is the day for a banquet at the third prince's residence. Originally, I didn't want to go and I wasn't qualified to go, but the eldest mistress insisted on letting me take the children with me. She said this It was a good opportunity to learn more. I thought that I really shouldn’t keep my child close to me, so I agreed. Originally, everything was fine. Aunt Fan also liked my son very much, and she even took the initiative to take my son to visit the Third Prince. The mansion, but I never expected that something would happen..."

While Su Hong was speaking, her body was still shaking uncontrollably, showing that she was very frightened.

Fan Qingyao did not interrupt, let alone urge, he just listened quietly.

"When I followed the others and arrived, the third prince's concubine had already fallen to the ground. There was still blood on the ground. My son fell to the side, crying so hard that he couldn't even breathe. Then, Aunt Fan Tell me, it was my son who accidentally bumped into the third prince's concubine. Later, the third prince called the imperial doctor and said that the third prince's concubine's child was gone..."

The more Su Hong talked, the more she trembled. She never expected that things would turn out like this.

Fan Qingyao stood up and handed the handkerchief to Su Hong, "So the injury on your body..."

Su Hong grabbed Fan Qingyao's hand and used all her strength to hold on tightly, "When Concubine Yu arrived, she said she wanted my son to pay with blood. I, I was scared to death." I quickly went to kneel down to beg Concubine Yu, but the third prince used the excuse of collision to beat me."

 (End of this chapter)

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