Chapter 662 The Emperor’s Favoritism

 Because they were in the palace, Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming couldn't be too close.

Walking in silence all the way to the imperial palace, before reaching the imperial study room, you can see the number of palace guards patrolling back and forth, three or four times as many as before.

Fan Qingyao looked at the amount and said it would be a lie to say he wasn't surprised.

The front is so heavily guarded, but who knows how many people are hiding behind it?

I'm afraid Yunyue already knew that due to today's family banquet, there were many people in the palace and the changes in the imperial guards, so she just made that gesture in Fengyi Palace.

Now that Shaoxuan is injured, Lin Yi's martial arts is good but not as good as Shaoxuan. Once he secretly sneaks into the imperial palace and gets the box back and is discovered...

That’s really so full that I can’t even explain it clearly!

Bai Tu had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time. When he saw the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince walking over, he greeted them with a smile, "The Emperor has just arrived at the Imperial Study Room. It's just a good time for the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess to go in."

Fan Qingyao saw Bai Tu smiling very naturally, so he nodded slightly and followed Baili Fengming into the imperial study.

On the dragon chair carved from wenge wood, Emperor Yongchang was looking at the box in front of him with his eyes shining brightly. The hand wearing a gold brick square ring was gently stroking the surface of the box as if touching a treasure.

So focused and obsessed, he didn’t even know Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming walked in.

It was not until Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming knelt on the ground to say hello that Emperor Yongchang came back to his senses in shock.

"Get up, you two have worked hard." Emperor Yongchang offered a hand, showing a rare pleasant look.

“It is the honor of a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law to be able to run around for his father.”

 In front of the emperor, both Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao had to behave appropriately.

Emperor Yongchang was very satisfied with this answer, nodded with a smile, and finally reached out and opened the box.


With a crisp sound, the box opened.

 Under the surprised and expectant gaze of Emperor Yongchang, a pair of animal carcasses inside were completely revealed.

Like Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming, Emperor Yongchang, who had never seen such a huge animal carcass, was very surprised and looked at it carefully by the light in the imperial study room.

It seems that at this moment, Emperor Yongchang has seen his immortality in his eyes.

"You two have made great contributions this time, and I will reward you generously." It can be seen that Emperor Yongchang was very satisfied.

Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming knelt down again, kowtowed and thanked each other, "My son, my daughter-in-law, thank you, father!"

Emperor Yongchang hummed, his eyes lingering on the two corpses. He raised his hand, indicating that the two of them could go out and not to disturb his appreciation here.

Unexpectedly, just as Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming stood up, Bai Tu's voice sounded outside the door, "Your Majesty, the third prince has arrived and said he has something important to report."

Emperor Yongchang frowned slightly, obviously unhappy.

 But after a long moment of silence, he still closed the box in front of him and shouted, "Xuan!"

Fan Qingyao sneered in his heart when he looked at Emperor Yongchang's obviously troubled yet conniving look.

Concubine Yu is a really good trick. Not only is she favored, but her son can also be favored by the emperor.

The door of the royal study room was pushed open, and Baili Rongze walked in staggeringly, looking a little flustered. He even forgot to say hello when he saw the emperor.

"Look at how panicked you are?" Emperor Yongchang's words of reprimand were not intimidating at all.

It was only then that Baili Rongze realized it and knelt on the ground with a plop, "Son, I pay my respects to my father."

Emperor Yongchang nodded and motioned for him to stand up and speak, "You're in such a hurry, but what's the important matter?"

 Baili Rongze did not get up when he heard this. Instead, he glanced in the direction of Baili Fengming, and then quickly looked away as if he was discovered.

Emperor Yongchang was the most suspicious. How could such a small move be concealed from him? "Well done, what do you think the prince is doing?" Baili Rongze lowered his head and said awkwardly, "Please, father, please let the prince and the prince go together first." The Crown Princess has left, and I have something to tell my father alone."

Emperor Yongchang frowned when he heard this, "What are you saying that you can't say in front of the prince?"

 Baili Rongze suddenly kowtowed heavily on the ground, "My son, I beg you, father!"

Seeing this, Emperor Yongchang became more and more confused.

When he looked at Baili Fengming again, he waved his hand and said, "Go and wait outside first."

 Baili Fengming knew that his father would definitely indulge the three emperor brothers, so he turned around and left without any objection.

Since Fan Qingyao came with Baili Fengming, he also wanted to leave together.

Just now the third prince entered the imperial study room in a furious manner, but everyone in front of the emperor saw it.

 As a result, as soon as the third prince entered, the prince came out.

Think about the third prince inside, and then look at the prince standing silently outside...

Even though no one in front of the emperor dared to say anything, the eyes cast on Baili Fengming were all covered with contempt.

Sure enough, compared to the third prince who was favored by the emperor, the prince was as humble as dust.

Countless appraising eyes fell on Baili Fengming, and even Fan Qingyao began to feel uncomfortable.

But Baili Fengming stood quietly in front of the door as if he had no fear.

 Like an innocent child who is inexplicably punished by his eccentric parents.

With the memory of his previous life, Fan Qingyao has long been aware of Baili Rongze's insidiousness. He also knows that Baili Rongze always looks innocent and tramples on those around him.

Fan Qingyao thought that she had long been accustomed to it.

 But now looking at Baili Fengming standing next to her, her heart was still sore.

 It's like eating sour plums.

  Bitter and astringent.

 Baili Fengming seemed to notice Fan Qingyao's gaze, turned his head slightly, and showed a reassuring smile.

 He is like this, but he still cares about her feelings...

Fan Qingyao's hands under his sleeves were clenched tightly.

“Prince, Crown Princess, the Emperor will let you two in.” Bai Tu walked over from the door, and there was no smile on his face that was originally full of smiles.

Almost at the same time, Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming noticed Bai Tu's difficulty in speaking.

 So from the moment he stepped into the imperial study room again, Fan Qingyao was already very energetic.

 In the imperial study room, Emperor Yongchang was still sitting on the dragon chair.

 Compared with the smile just now, his face now was already filled with a cold look.

"Prince, are you sure that this is what you got from that merchant?" Emperor Yongchang looked at Baili Fengming, and the muscles under his eyelids twitched with forbearance.

Baili Fengming lowered his head and said, "That's exactly what I said to my father."

Emperor Yongchang snorted coldly, "But why did someone tell me that this thing is fake?"

 (End of this chapter)

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