Chapter 665 Are you humiliating yourself?

It was Zui Ling who was sitting in the main hall when he saw Hua Yue Lian enter the door like a star holding the moon.

Originally planning to go to the third prince's residence today, Zui Ling put on all the clothes and jewelry that were packed at the bottom of the suitcase, but now she made a move with Hua Yue, and even she pinched the handkerchief in her hand without realizing it.

Calculating carefully, she didn’t even know how long it had been since she made new clothes.

"Didn't the eldest grandma of the Fan family say she wants to see my young lady? Why don't she say anything now that she's seeing someone?" At that time, everyone knew about the incident in Fan's house, so Grandma Jiang would not give Zui Ling a good look.

"When I was in Fan Mansion, I told you, Yue Lian, that you must be ruthless in disciplining your servants. If a slave loses his sense of discipline, he will lose his master. I didn't expect that now, Yue Lian, you are now a member of the Sun family. Madam, I still can't get rid of this problem." Zui Ling looked at Hua Yuelian with a half-smile. Now she and Hua Yuelian were considered equals, and she spoke very forcefully.

Hua Yuelian laughed after hearing this, "The eldest grandma of the Fan family also said that I am Mrs. Sun now, and asked the eldest grandma of the Fan family to pay attention to her words. After all, in my opinion, the eldest grandma of the Fan family and I are not the same. Ripe.”

 Since you are not familiar with it, there is no need to call it by name.

  It makes people feel sick and panicked.

Zui Ling's expression changed, and for the first time she realized that Hua Yuelian was so powerful under her weak appearance.

"These days are really different from the past. When I was in Fan Mansion, I didn't know that Mrs. Sun was so courageous."

"If you don't take it to heart, there is no need to fight for anything. Just like if the eldest grandma of the Fan family now says that she likes something in my house, I will also give it to the eldest grandma of the Fan family. In my eyes, It’s worthless, so why should I bother with it?”

“Mrs. Sun’s family really likes to be tough-tongued.”

“How can you be so stubborn? It’s not like I didn’t give it to the Fan family’s grandma in the first place. As for whether everything that the Fan family’s grandma has worked so hard to get is worth it or not, shouldn’t the Fan family’s grandma feel more deeply?”


 Feel the shit!

If Zui Ling had known that the Fan family was virtuous, she would not have followed Fan Yurong even if she died!

Of course, no matter what he thinks in his heart, Zui Ling will not be stupid enough to actually say it.

But regardless of whether Zui Ling said it or not, Hua Yuelian still wanted to continue, "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Grandma Fan, otherwise why would I be standing here today."

 Zui Ling, “…”

 How come I haven’t noticed before that Hua Yuelian is so eloquent!

At this moment, even Zui Ling had to wonder if it was really because Hua Yuelian had long seen that Fan Yurong was not worthy.

Mammy Jiang looked at Zui Ling's green and white face and didn't know what to say.

  What are you trying to do by coming to your door during the Chinese New Year and humiliating yourself?

"If Grandma Fan has nothing else to do, please come back. Today is the New Year, and I can't persuade Grandma Fan to stay for dinner. After all, the reunion dinner must be eaten with the family." Hua Yuelian finished. Finally, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Zui Ling suddenly said, "I came today because I have something very important to tell you!"

Huayue Lian seemed not to hear at all and continued to walk towards the door.

Zui Ling gritted his teeth and shouted again, "You don't care about Fan Qingyao's life or death?"

 Suddenly, Hua Yuelian stopped.

When she turned back, her dark eyes shone with a cold light under the light, "My daughter is my bottom line. I ask Grandma Fan to build some moral virtue for others and also for herself."

At this moment, Huayue Lian was so cold and rusty that even Zui Ling swallowed her saliva without realizing it.

"I just came from the third prince's residence, and I did hear something about Fan Qingyao. If Mrs. Sun doesn't believe it, I'll just leave." Zui Ling said and stood up.

Hua Yuelian was silent for a moment, then waved her hand to the general next to her.

  It was about Yue Yaer, whether it was true or false, she didn't want others to hear it.

Although Grandma Jiang said she was worried, she also knew that no one could shake the young lady when it came to matters, so she could only take the other maids out of the main hall temporarily.

It wasn't until there was no one else in the main hall that Hua Yuelian looked at Zui Ling and said, "Go ahead." Zui Ling calmly sat back on the chair and then said slowly, "Actually, it's more specific. I don’t know very well, it seems that Fan Qingyao and the prince failed to do their job for the emperor, and now the emperor is furious in the palace. "

Hua Yuelian would not believe it easily, "If I remember correctly, Aunt Fan is not even qualified to enter the palace to attend the family banquet."

 You haven’t even entered the palace gate, so where did you hear the gossip?

Zui Ling's face was a little ugly, "If this was not true, how could it be groundless? If Fan Qingyao was not really working for the emperor, how could Fan Qingyao come out of Dali Temple so quickly."

Hua Yuelian's heart skipped a beat, "What did you say?"

Zui Ling was even more proud when he saw that Hua Yuelian didn't know about it, "It turns out that Mrs. Sun's family didn't know that Fan Qingyao was in jail some time ago. This incident was known to the whole city, and Fan Qingyao was only Princess Rui spared no mercy and brutally killed her. Princess Rui crawled to the western suburbs mansion with only one breath left, just to identify Fan Qingyao as the murderer. "

Huayue Lian's feet swayed. Even though she was holding on, her legs were still uncontrollably weak.

 She didn't know that such a big thing had happened to Yue Ya'er!

 I'm afraid that Yue Ya'er was worried about her health, so she deliberately asked people around her to hide the matter.

  When she thought of the suffering her daughter had endured, Hua Yuelian felt so distressed that she could hardly breathe.

Zui Ling looked at Hua Yuelian's dazed look, and then cast his eyes on the high belly.

Now that Sun Che's official position is getting bigger and bigger, even if something happens to Fan Qingyao, it won't affect Hua Yuelian.

But she is not standing here today just to spare Hua Yue Lian a way to survive.

With this thought, Zui Ling slowly stood up and walked step by step in front of Hua Yuelian.

When Hua Yue Lian came back to her senses, she saw Zui Ling already standing opposite her.

Immediately afterwards, Zui Ling's low and cruel voice sounded like a ghost, "I heard that Fan Qingyao is doomed this time. Since you love your **** daughter so much, just go down and wait to pick her up." ”

As he finished speaking, Zui Ling suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Hua Yuelian's shoulder!

Hua Yuelian, who had a bulging belly, could not struggle at all, and she only felt that her body was falling further and further to the ground.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Hua Yuelian kicked the coffee table beside him to the ground.


The loud noise coming from the house alerted the grandma who was guarding the door and came in.

Looking at Hua Yuelian who was lying unconscious on the ground, she rushed over to her and asked, "What happened?"

Facing Grandma Jiang’s question, Zui Ling answered confidently, “You lady couldn’t bear the blow and passed out directly. What does it have to do with me?”

Mammy Jiang was so angry that she was about to fight back, but she noticed that her tentacles were covered in slime.

 Subconsciously, he raised his hand and saw blood everywhere.

 “Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly!”

 “Go and call Mr. Sun over!”

 “Sending a message to the old lady of the Hua family again!”

 For a time, the main hall was in chaos.

Zui Ling took advantage of this moment and left the Sun Mansion quietly.

 (End of this chapter)

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