The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 669: You can't always eat soft food all the time

 Chapter 669: You can’t just eat soft food all the time

Concubine Yu returned to Yue Yu Palace full of anger, her face as ugly as she wanted.

On the New Year's Eve, everyone was having a family dinner in the palace, but her son was kicked out of the palace?

 When she thought of the looks from everyone when she attended the family banquet in the evening, Concubine Yu wished she could faint right now.

 It saves you worries!

Seeing that Concubine Yu was in a bad mood, Grandma Ying quickly took the servants in the palace and left for refuge.

Yunyue stood not far away, looking at the concubine whose face was as dark as Bao Gong, and she also wished she could escape and disappear.

 “Didn’t you say it was perfect? ​​What on earth is going on!”

Yunyue looked at her mother-in-law and trembled, "Everything was fine originally, but who would have thought that Fan Qingyao had made spiritual blood pills in advance? I didn't expect that..."

Concubine Yu frowned, "Didn't you tell me that the carcass of an animal is fake? Since it is fake, how did Fan Qingyao make it real!"

Yunyue shook her head, "I'm not the one contacting the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom, and I don't know..."

Concubine Yu was furious when she heard this, "What use are you, you can't even handle such a trivial matter! And your senior brother, has he also been bribed by Fan Qingyao?"

Yunyue remained silent and did not speak.

 What could she say?

  Could it be that he had already used up all his face by asking his senior brother to come forward?

But the Medicine Master’s Pavilion has its own rules. It only distinguishes between true and false and never lies about medical skills!

Yunyue certainly doesn’t believe that senior brother will help Fan Qingyao properly, unless...

 That so-called spirit blood pill is real.

 But Yunyue couldn't say such words.

She didn't want to admit that she had been studying medicine for a year and had never been recognized by her senior brother. However, Fan Qingyao was able to gain his recognition easily.

Concubine Yu was extremely angry, but she also knew that being angry now would not solve any problems. She quickly asked Aunt Ying to send someone out of the palace to ask what was going on in the third prince's mansion.

 Baili Rongze, who had just returned to the mansion at this time, was also in a mess. When he asked everyone, there was no clue.

Fan Xuening's face turned a little pale, not because she was frightened, but because she couldn't accept it.

Originally, she heard that what happened today must be foolproof, but now the third prince was escorted back to the mansion to think about his mistakes behind closed doors. So, does Fan Qingyao feel safe again?

Pan Yulu thought of something and said softly, "Before we walked into the water, someone did come to pay homage to His Highness."

 Baili Rongze frowned and looked at Pan Yulu, "Who?"

Pan Yulu paused and named a person.

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 It’s like a dream.

 In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhenxi was about to die laughing when she heard the whole story.

"This time, Yue Yu Palace shot itself in the foot. I think Concubine Yu is going to have a broken bone at this moment." Just the thought of being at the family banquet in the evening and seeing Concubine Yu's face made her die. With her husband's expression, Queen Zhen Xi could only eat two more bowls of rice.

There is no way, who can let Concubine Yu's son fail to live up to expectations, and her daughter is nothing more than that.

  If your skills are not as good as others, then you have to kneel down and lick them.

Fan Qingyao had already removed the bandage that the imperial doctor had bandaged Baili Fengming. After making sure that the wound on his forehead was not serious, he asked Baihe to go to the imperial hospital again and took the medicine according to the prescription given by him. After carefully crushing the medicine, apply it gently on Baili Fengming's forehead.

Queen Zhen Xi waited for Fan Qingyao to finish her work, then looked at the two of them and said, "Thanks to you two for the hard work. Today's incident may only be a blow to Concubine Yu, but for you, it will be a narrow escape."

Who let that old scumbag be partial? A bowl of water has never been balanced.

Baili Fengming smiled and said, "Ayao is fully prepared and everything will be fine."

Fan Qingyao looked at the handsome face beside him and said, "You believe me."

Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "If you can't even trust your own wife, who can you trust?"

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Even though we are shameless, do we still need to part ways?

Empress Zhen Xi was a sensible person, so she stood up hurriedly and said, "Look at the clothes you two are wearing, I'm afraid they won't be able to wear them at night. Fortunately, when people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came, I specially asked them to make more clothes for Xiao Qingyao. There are a few sets, but Feng Ming’s clothes are all in the East Palace.”

Fan Qingyao didn't think much about it, "Queen Mother, just let others get it." Empress Zhen Xi blinked her eyes, "It's better for me to go and get it, you two can chat first."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Empress, can you pretend to be more obvious?

Seeing the Empress walk out, Fan Qingyao suddenly stood up and said, "I have not thanked the Empress for the things I have entrusted to her today."

Empress Zhen Xi waved her hand without looking back, "If you want to thank, thank the person next to you. I did agree to you, but it's not my turn to do it myself."

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming in confusion and saw that he was looking at her with a nice smile.

"No wonder you weren't surprised when you were in the Imperial Study Room." At that time, she thought that he might know something. After all, his fox nose was very good, but she didn't expect that it was him who did it.

Baili Fengming pulled her to sit next to him, and seemed to sigh softly, "Today, Madam is showing off her talents in the Imperial Study Room. As a husband-in-law, I can't always hide behind Madam's back and eat soft food. I have to do something, otherwise I’m afraid people will gossip about me.”

Fan Qingyao was helpless.

Your reason is really impeccable.

“Who did you find to put the person next to Princess Rui into the third prince’s mansion?”

At first, Fan Qingyao asked Langya to keep an eye on the man next to Princess Rui, just to think of how to take advantage of him.

However, she has never been sure whether this matter is really related to Baili Rongze, so she has been delaying it.

 It wasn't until Yunyue made such a fuss in Fengyi Palace that Fan Qingyao confirmed the matter.

However, this matter is easy to say, but it is not that simple to really successfully insert people into Baili Rongze's territory. Pan Yulu's side is okay, not that sharp, but Fan Xuening is hard to say.

 And being able to rush to the most critical juncture to release the news of the leakage of the third prince's residence obviously means that the matter has been taken care of in advance.

Fan Qingyao is really curious about how Baili Fengming did it.

 Baili Fengming smoothly brought over the pastries on the coffee table next to him, broke off a small piece and put it on Fan Qingyao's lips. He looked at her curious eyes and said with a smile, "Brother Emperor."

Fan Qingyao was stunned.

As for the eldest prince's temperament, which is like a stone in a latrine, he is simply smelly and hard, and he is not someone who can be easily incited to rebel.

And the last time Concubine Yu stabbed her, it was the eldest prince's mother-concubine Liu Renfei who helped make the emperor believe it without any doubt.

 It can be seen that Concubine Liu Ren still did not give up on Concubine Yu.

“Even if the eldest prince and the eldest prince’s concubine have no feelings, the eldest prince’s concubine is carrying his own flesh and blood. If you go to protect his flesh and blood regardless of past grudges, how can he have the nerve to refuse to help?”

 “How did he know?”

“That day, you and the eldest princess were in the house, while the eldest brother and I were outside the house.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

I really don’t know what to say.

That day, she really did it on a whim, just to keep the child in Yan Hanbo's belly, but she didn't expect that Baili Fengming would put this scene in front of the eldest prince.

“I didn’t expect that the third prince would be able to let down his guard against the eldest prince.” Baili Rongze in the previous life would never be kind to an abandoned son.

 Just like she used to be.

"If you go directly, you will be blocked from outside, so I asked the eldest brother to go to the third emperor brother's mansion in advance, deliberately making the third emperor brother suspicious, and you and I will have a private life-long relationship." Baili Fengming said goodbye again. He picked up a piece of pastry and put it into her mouth. For fear that she would choke, he turned around and handed the teacup to her.

Fan Qingyao was stunned for a long time before taking the tea cup.

It turns out that Baili Rongze didn't take things lightly, but Baili Fengming worked hard every step of the way.

To put it bluntly, Baili Rongze was clearly led by Baili Fengming in this game.

Now, even without looking at Baili Rongze's face, Fan Qingyao could imagine how angry he was.

 Scumbag is unhappy, Fan Qingyao is naturally happy.

Looking at the pastries on his lips, Fan Qingyao's appetite suddenly increased.

 (End of this chapter)

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