Chapter 672 is rarer than anything else

 When she thought of the past, Queen Zhen Xi's heart ached terribly.

"That day I went to the East Palace and saw the young Feng Ming practicing martial arts with the young master. I thought it was a coincidence, but I never thought that Feng Ming had already started practicing martial arts secretly a long time ago. Such a small person, Not afraid of the heat, not afraid of the cold, gritting his teeth and holding on even though his whole body is bruised, I feel heartbroken just looking at him."

Queen Zhen Xi sighed, "Later, I told him, Feng Ming, let's not fight anymore, just live in this way. Maybe this is the most correct choice for us, but that kid Feng Ming pulled me His hand told me that only by standing tallest can you get what you want most, so no matter how hard it is, he will get through it."

Empress Zhen Xi thought that she could really be called a waste at that time.

  For such a big man, he is about to die after suffering some setbacks, and his life is not as clear as that of his own son.

“It’s just a pity that Feng Ming had a heart problem since he was a child. Fortunately, I met you at that time...” Queen Zhen Xi held Fan Qingyao’s hand, and she was really excited.

Had it not happened that I met Fan Qingyao at that time and place, I am afraid that Feng Ming...

 Actually, it was also thanks to Feng Ming that when he was ill, he held her hand and asked her to take him out of the palace to Hua's house, otherwise he would have missed it.

Fan Qingyao actually didn’t expect that he would meet the Queen on that day.

Little did she know that the first thing she did after she came back from rebirth was to change her past.

In his last life, Fan Qingyao had always listened to rumors that the prince in the palace died of illness at the age of fourteen.

Fan Qingyao himself has always believed it.

But thinking about the rumors in the previous life that the emperor loved the prince, and even the nonsense that was recalled and remembered after the death of Queen Zhenxi, Fan Qingyao couldn't find any reason to believe everything he had heard. .

 Perhaps, after the death of Queen Zhenxi, the emperor's posthumous title was true.

 But whether it’s guilt, guilt or fear, it’s definitely not the deep love as rumored.

 And the phoenix sings in a hundred miles...

Fan Qingyao was sure that she had met him later, and he had saved her.

 But at that time, Fan Qingyao had no way of knowing why he was no longer the prince and what his identity was.

"It's almost time, we should go." Queen Zhen Xi smiled and took Fan Qingyao's hand, saying these words to her, and she really felt a lot more comfortable.

Fan Qingyao nodded and followed the Queen out of Fengyi Palace.

  What happened in the last life has passed.

As long as she seizes everything in front of her in this life.

 After leaving Fengyi Palace, Fan Qingyao took the initiative to separate from the Queen.

 After all, she hasn't been with them yet. Even if the emperor is a little wary of her and Baili Fengming now, it will only be temporary.

Fan Qingyao never dares to take this principle lightly: Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger.

Empress Zhen Xi also understood this truth, so she didn't say much and just told Fan Qingyao to be careful on the road.

Fan Qingyao said goodbye to the Queen and walked along the spacious palace road towards the banquet hall. As a result, before she had gone far, she saw someone not far away waving to her.

Fan Qingyao looked at it carefully and smiled.

"I knew that with your low-key temperament, it was absolutely impossible for you to go with the Queen. Why didn't you come out earlier? You were going to freeze to death." When Han Jingchen saw Fan Qingyao, he couldn't help but complained.

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen's bulging belly and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

Han Jingchen sighed, "Isn't that necessary?"

Fan Qingyao smiled helplessly, took Han Jingchen's hand on his arm, and led her cautiously forward.

“Zhang Yilan has been causing trouble for you recently?” Fan Qingyao still felt uneasy when he thought of Zhang Yilan. That woman was someone who would use any means to achieve her own goals.

When Han Jingchen thought of Zhang Yilan, she actually laughed, "Since I was teased by you last time, she is much better behaved now. She has not left her own yard for a long time. The Sixth Prince is now full of my heart." "Fan Qingyao nodded, as long as Zhang Yilan doesn't cause any trouble.

 Otherwise, even if Zhang Yilan was in the Sixth Prince's residence, he would never really be at peace.

"By the way, I heard that you are in contact with the eldest princess?" Han Jingchen asked softly.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows, "Where did you hear about it?"

“When I went to visit my mother-in-law just now, I heard what the palace servants said, but don’t worry, they all praised your kindness and didn’t say anything bad about you.”

Fan Qingyao couldn't tell what the good intentions were in these words.

She went to visit Yan Hanbo only once in total.

 But as luck would have it, the trouble has now reached the palace.

This kind of news seems to help her gain popularity and gain favor.

But Fan Qingyao will never forget what kind of temperament their aloof emperor is like.

Now that Baili Fengming is out of the limelight, even more so than Baili Rongze. At this time, there are rumors that she contacted the eldest princess. No matter what the purpose is, as long as it reaches the ears of the emperor, it will be a disaster. She must be suspected of deliberately trying to win over the eldest princess.

 As for the person who can do such a thing, you don’t need to think about it to know who it is.

Concubine Yu is Concubine Yu, she can always sort out her mood and move forward as quickly as possible.

"What's wrong?" Han Jingchen looked at Fan Qingyao and looked unhappy.

"It's okay, I just thought about the eldest princess. She is pregnant after all, but the current conditions are really bad." Fan Qingyao is not worried. After all, even if this kind of thing really makes a fuss, it won't cause much trouble. Feng Lang, now Concubine Yu sent people to spread such news, it was just to get rid of her.

"I didn't expect that the eldest prince would end up like this. Speaking of which, the eldest prince is too stupid. He even did stupid things like assassinating the prince. My parents' family just sent a lot of supplements a few days ago. I can’t finish it myself, so when I leave the palace, I will send someone to deliver some to the eldest princess.”

Han Jingchen can't say he likes Yan Hanbo, but if he really hates him, he can't reach it.

Now that she is also a mother, she really sympathizes with Yan Hanbo.

 The most important thing is that as long as she sends people to deliver things, no one can make a fuss about Fan Qingyao anymore.

If you really mean to win over, then she is one of them.

Although Han Jingchen didn't explain it clearly, how could Fan Qingyao not know?

 “Jingchen, thank you.”

 “What are you talking about? It’s a trivial matter.”

 It is indeed a small matter.

 But with this kind of intention, it is really rarer than anything else.

Han Jingchen smiled and patted Fan Qingyao's arm, then continued walking forward.

As a result, it was at this glance that she couldn't help but smile, "Qingyao, why does the person talking to the prince look so familiar to me?"

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Hmm, she looks familiar too.

  Fan self-study.

 Her grandfather.

 Why doesn’t it look familiar?

 (End of this chapter)

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