Chapter 675 The Heartbroken Eighth Prince

 The sixth prince looked confused, he really didn’t know anything.

 He didn’t even know when he had started drinking wine with the prince.

 Fortunately, Emperor Yongchang did not pay too much attention to him, because after Fan Qingyao kowtowed to the emperor, he suddenly looked in the direction of the courtiers and bowed Yingying.

Emperor Yongchang was inevitably curious, "What is the Crown Princess doing?"

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes and said, "Actually, my daughter-in-law did not dare to mention this matter to her father. Just before entering the door, her daughter-in-law heard that her grandfather and the prince said that one should take care of the family ties between brothers and sisters, so she made up her mind. My daughter-in-law has to thank her grandfather for reminding her about this.”

 Fan Zixiu, “…”

 What does it have to do with him?

 But now it’s no longer Fan Zixiu’s turn to say whether it has anything to do with him.

 After all, what happened just outside the palace was witnessed by many people.

 The other ministers felt sick and wanted to vomit when they thought about what Fan Zixiu had done when he picked trouble with the prince.

  No wonder you are provoking the Crown Prince in a good way. It turns out that you want to stimulate the Crown Princess to come forward to save your own grandson. It’s okay if you don’t do anything and take no risks. Now you are still here pretending to be confused and innocent...

 You are such a bad old man!

Concubine Yu turned pale with anger and wished she could slap Fan Zixiu in the face.

Is it possible that she has been supporting him so much recently, but she ended up supporting a white-eyed wolf?

In this way, Fan Zixiu not only had to face the sarcastic looks of the ministers, but also the cannibalistic looks of Concubine Yu. He was really like Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, and he was no longer the same person inside and outside.

Fan Zixiu, who was curled up on his seat and wished he could disappear on the spot, could only look at Fan Qingyao fiercely.

Fan Qingyao smiled at Fan Zixiu without hesitation, calmly and calmly.

Since you are helping Concubine Yu to embarrass Baili Fengming, you must be prepared to be struck by lightning.

Her husband is not something anyone can step on.

The sound of silk and bamboo began again, and the excitement in the hall returned to its previous state.

Emperor Yongchang, who rarely saw the prince being unusually pleasing to the eye, repeatedly raised his wine cup to drink with Baili Fengming across the air.

 The sixth prince has always been a little transparent and would not care about such things at all.

 But the same thing felt very different in the eyes of the Eighth Prince.

They are also the sons of the father. In the past, the three emperors were favored, but now the prince is favored. Why has the father never looked at him? Is it because his mother and concubine have a low status?

The Eighth Prince became more and more depressed the more he thought about it, so he simply left his seat when no one was paying attention.

The eighth prince's concubine saw the eighth prince leave, and she also knew why the eighth prince left, but she sat on her seat with no intention of moving.

 Being favored by the emperor is what everyone dreams of.

 But before dreaming, you must first see if you have the ability to make it real.

Seeing the eighth prince disappear outside the palace, the eighth prince's concubine sighed silently. She didn't know when the fool in her family would understand this truth.

 In the main hall, it was getting dark.

 The Eighth Prince had already drunk a lot of wine, but now that he was blown by the cold wind, he became even more drunk.

 Several palace servants walking from a distance seemed to be discussing something quietly. They didn't even need to wait for the eighth prince to get closer. The cold wind mixed with the compliments and compliments of the prince reached his ears.

 The Eighth Prince...

  It’s even more troublesome.

Walking all the way to a deserted place, I didn’t want to walk until I reached the palace gate.

Just at this moment, I saw several guards walking inside with a strange woman.

The guards did not expect to meet the Eighth Prince here, and they quickly knelt on the ground to say hello, "I have met His Highness."

 The Eighth Prince frowned, and then asked, "What are you going to do?"

The guards said truthfully, "This person is said to be the maid next to the Crown Princess. She has something urgent to report to the Crown Princess."

As soon as the Eighth Prince heard the word "Crown Princess", he suddenly thought of the Prince who was being taken care of by his father today. The anger that had been suppressed in his heart burst out uncontrollably, "How presumptuous! Who is this person in the palace?" You can move around at will? How on earth do you do this job?"

The guards were so scolded that they did not dare to raise their heads and knelt on the ground in silence. Of course they didn't want to cause trouble for themselves, but news just came out from the palace that His Highness the Crown Prince was receiving much attention from the Emperor today. They also thought that they could not offend the Crown Princess, so they decided to be accommodating.

Ninghan, who had been waiting at the palace gate for more than an hour, hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, pleading, "I really have something important to report to the Crown Princess. Please be kind to Your Highness the Eighth Prince and let me see the Crown Princess."

Ninghan was really anxious and banged her head on the ground.

But now, no matter what kind of behavior he did, he couldn't arouse the eighth prince's sympathy at all. "Since you are someone close to the Crown Princess, you should distinguish the priorities. Today is a family banquet hosted by the Emperor himself. Now the Emperor is also If she doesn’t leave the table, who is your princess?”

Ninghan still wanted to explain, "Yes, but..."

However, the Eighth Prince no longer had any patience. He looked at the guards and shouted angrily, "What are you waiting for! Get them out quickly! If it ruins your father's happiness, your heads will have to be moved!"

Hearing this, the guards didn't dare to delay. They stood up in a hurry and dragged Ninghan out.

Ning Han looked at the palace door that she had finally walked in, and it was getting farther and farther away from her. Tears of anxiety flowed out, "Your Majesty the Eighth Highness, please be accommodating. I really have something important to do." …”

The Eighth Prince looked at Ning Han's helpless and panicked look, and finally felt a lot more relieved with his angry heart, "When the banquet is over, the Crown Princess will come out. If you are anxious, just wait outside. "

He said nothing and strode away without looking back.

Ninghan looked at the eighth prince's back as he walked away, sitting helplessly on the ground weeping.

 At this time, the lights in the banquet hall were still brightly lit.

 Another wave of palace servants entered the palace, pouring tea and wine for the sitting masters.

Baili Fengming didn't want to drink too much wine at first, but when he saw that the palace servant was about to pour wine again, he stretched out his hand to stop him.

The palace man didn’t force it, he just quickly left a few words on the table while picking up the wine jar.

 Baili Fengming looked at the gradually fading handwriting and frowned unconsciously.

At this time, Fan Zixiu stood up and said, "In previous years, not only the palace was very lively during the New Year's Eve, but also the palace itself was also very lively. The ministers even heard that this year's New Year's Eve, the people will celebrate in the streets."

Listening to this, other ministers also agreed a lot, "What Mr. Fan said is true. I even heard that there will be a dragon lantern parade tonight, and the people spontaneously raised long lanterns in the shape of flying dragons. The lamp shows respect and awe for the emperor."

"Although fireworks will be set off soon, you can see them any year, but dragon lanterns may not appear every year. Besides, you can still see the fireworks set off in the palace even from outside. "

With Fan Zixiu’s proposal, more and more people in the hall agreed.

Emperor Yongchang unconsciously put down the wine cup in his hand, and it was obvious that he was a little tempted by what he heard.

Fan Qingyao sat aside and watched coldly.

If there was no previous life, Fan Qingyao would probably believe it to be true.

But after experiencing the previous life, Fan Qingyao knew very well that the people who were helping and echoing now were all secret ministers of the third prince.

And now this group of people are working hard to instigate for only one purpose...

 I want to gain favor for Baili Rongze in front of the emperor.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't know what Baili Rongze had secretly prepared to make the emperor happy, Fan Qingyao knew that no matter what, he could not let the emperor leave the palace.

It's just a courtier talking, and it's not easy for Fan Qingyao to speak.

However, Fan Qingyao is not worried. How could his adoptive father and grandfather not see such an obvious trick?

Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting obviously saw that Ni Duan was there, and they had already wanted to refuse in their hearts. However, just when they were about to stand up and speak, another figure stood up first. .

“Since the people have prepared spontaneously, I think my father can see it with his own eyes.”

As soon as these words came out, Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo were both stunned.

Looking at the person who stood up and walked out of the crowd, the two of them obviously looked in disbelief.

Even Fan Qingyao was stunned.

 Hundred miles of phoenix?


 (End of this chapter)

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