Chapter 680 Tooth for tooth, life for life

Zui Ling dared to go to the Sun family to cause trouble today. The bet was that even if the Sun family and the Hua family wanted to investigate, but there was no evidence, even if Hua Yuelian was really alive, just relying on her one-sided words , the government has nothing to do with her.

but now…

Fan Qingyao told her that evidence was not important at all?

How can Zui Ling not be afraid?

Seeing Fan Qingyao standing in front of her like a **** of death, she was scared to death!

Almost subconsciously, Zui Ling pushed towards the door behind him.

However, the condense Han who stayed outside had long been blocked to death, and let the drunken Ling smash the door with the strength of the drunk Ling. The closed door was still not moving.

Zui Ling has never been so scared as he is now!

She never thought that the person who could scare her so much was Fan Qingyao, whom she had never put her eyes on before!

Thinking back to when she first entered Fan's house, Fan Qingyao was just a coward who didn't even dare to say anything. Who would have thought that such a useless thing would be driven out of Fan step by step under her own calculations? The things at home could now kill her? !

"What are you doing?" Fan Yurong's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Zui Ling seemed to have grasped the last straw and shouted like crazy, "Master, help me! It's just me! Fan Qingyao is going to kill me!"

Fan Yurong heard from the servants in the mansion that he saw Fan Qingyao coming in. He originally thought that the servants had made a mistake, but now that he heard Zui Ling's words, his heart skipped a beat.

"Qingyao, what can't you say? Open the door first, and let's talk about it slowly." Fan Yurong used to be indifferent and disgusted with Fan Qingyao, but now he is so humble.

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, it was indeed the way of heaven that brought reincarnation.

 Similarly in this courtyard, she and her mother once suffered a lot of indifference and humiliation.

When Zui Ling first entered the house, her good father would beat and scold her and her mother every time he came to the yard. Even if he knew clearly that Zui Ling was lying and confusing right and wrong, all the faults must be blamed on her and her mother. Come on, mother.

  As time went by, it was still the same yard, but everything had changed.

 No one knows how long Fan Qingyao has been waiting for this moment.

 Only she knew in her heart that she had waited a whole life for this moment!

“Want to save my son or her, do you want to choose one?” Fan Qingyao looked down at Zui Ling who was leaning against the door, with no sympathy or pity in his dark eyes.

 Outside the door, Fan Yurong's face turned pale.

His mouth was obviously still open, but he could no longer make any sound.

Suhong has already told him about her son.

Although Su Hong is an aunt, that son is the only incense in his Fan family. It cannot be cut off, it cannot be cut off...

 Zui Ling couldn't hear the sounds outside, and began to panic in her heart, "Young master, you have to save me. Since I came to this house, I have been working hard to give birth to your child, how can you be so cruel?"

 Outside the door, Fan Yurong made no sound, as if he was dead.

Fan Qingyao was not surprised. Her irresponsible father was best at staring and pretending to be dead.

Once upon a time, he watched it so coldly, watching her mother and his heart away from Fanfan.

 Now, it’s just that the indifference of the past is used on other people.

It’s just that unlike Hua Yuelian, Zuiling at this moment does not have such a noble temperament and decent silence. "Fan Yurong, please speak to me! You don't have to pretend to be dead for me outside, I know very well what you are!

“I think I was so blind back then that I thought you would be a good place to stay!”

"Let me tell you, my daughter is now the third prince's wife. If she knows that you are so unsympathetic and cold-blooded, she will definitely let the third prince seek justice!"

These words can be said to have torn off the last layer of Fan Yurong's face. Fan Yurong, who was still a little hesitant at first, was filled with disgust after hearing these words, "Who do you think you are, how dare you yell in my Fan Mansion! It was me who was obsessed with you in the first place. This poisonous woman brought me in! Without you, I wouldn’t be so depressed that my wife and daughter don’t recognize each other today!”

When Hua Yuelian left Fan Mansion with Fan Qingyao, was Fan Yurong really just watching with a cold eye?

Of course not, back then he was really tired of Huayue Lian who only knew how to be noble.

 That's why he remained silent and allowed the drunkard to oppress Hua Yuelian step by step, forcing Hua Yuelian to leave willingly.

But now seeing Fan Qingyao getting higher and higher, and even Hua Yuelian has become Mrs. Gaoming, Fan Yurong doesn't know how long it has been since he had a good night's sleep.

Fan Yurong has been thinking about how many times he has dreamed back at midnight. If he had not invited Zui Ling to visit him at the beginning, would the glory of the Hua family be able to share a share of Fan's mansion now?

 Otherwise, he is also a man who has a prince as his son-in-law!

"Stop daydreaming there. With your temperament that entertains cats and dogs, do you think you deserve to have a successful career? Except for me, who is blind, anyone who wants to marry you will only be even blinder!" Zui Ling was lying at the door. He sneered coldly, he didn't have much emotion in the first place, so why was he afraid of breaking his face now.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 It’s really spectacular.

Even she didn’t expect that the dog-eating-dog scene could be so explosive.

 It’s just that a selfish person like Fan Yurong will certainly not consider his own problems, "Since you also know that you are a member of my Fan family, you should now contribute to the incense of my Fan family."

 Zui Ling, who had just tried his best to sneer, instantly froze up.

Even though I have thought about it for a long time, I still can’t believe it when I hear it with my own ears.

Fan Qingyao walked closer to Zui Ling step by step, looking at her twisted face and eyes that were so shocked that she couldn't be more shocked.

 Her father's selfishness, indifference...all these were something she and her mother had experienced before.

Now, I can finally repay the debt in full to Zui Ling.

 Turning over his palm, silver light suddenly appeared between his fingers.

Zui Ling only felt a stinging pain on the back of her neck. Before she had time to struggle, the entire silver needle was completely submerged into her flesh and blood.

She subconsciously raised her hand to touch the back of her neck, but before she could touch it, she suddenly fell to the ground.

 The feeling of suffocation that gradually came over slowly enveloped her.

Zui Ling opened his mouth to ask for help, but no sound came out.

Seeing Fan Qingyao lift his foot and cross her body, Zui Ling used her last bit of strength to hold the slender ankle.

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes slightly, his condescending black eyes showing no signs of fluctuation, like a pool of stagnant water, "Don't worry, it won't be long before your daughter will go down below to reunite with you."

Zui Ling trembled all over. Today, she finally understood that the height Fan Qingyao was standing on was no longer within her reach.

 But even if you know it, so what?

Now she has no chance to even say a word of mercy.

 (End of this chapter)

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