The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 694: The clear stream clears my heart, the color of the water is different from other water

Chapter 694 The clear stream clears my heart, the color of the water is different from other waters

As soon as he entered the door, Fan Qingyao was helped to sit down and took the initiative to take the Ping'an pulse.

Although Wu Qiuzao never met Fan Qingyao, when he thought about Fan Qingyao's status as the crown princess, he still couldn't bear it. "My mother-in-law just took my pulse a few days ago. I guess it's nothing serious." "

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about taking too many pulses."

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

What kind of virtue and ability does she have that can make the Crown Princess spend so much effort?

Mu Yan sat aside and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, please don't be polite to the third sister. No matter what status the third sister will have in the future, as long as she enters the door of the Hua family, she will always be a family with us."

Fan Qingyao glanced at Mu Yan with a smile, "So, after you get married, and we meet on the street, we have to pretend that we don't know each other, and then close the door and hug each other after we return home?"

Mu Yan's face turned red when she heard the word "marriage", "The third sister will make fun of me."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "This is not a joke. After this year, it will be time for next year's haircut. I heard that grandma has found a nanny for you and plans to start teaching you women's knowledge this year."

In the first year of Xiliang Women's Day, some well-connected mansions would spend money to hire nuns to teach them, because they were worried that their little girls would not know how to deal with the relationship between husband and wife when they were newly married. If the nuns were expensive, they would also help teach them. How to take charge of the middle class and discipline the subordinates.

Mu Yan understood all these things, but now that they were said so openly, she still couldn't adapt. She covered her face and ran out of the door as if she was running away.

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan and shook his head with a smile. He was going to get married in a year, but he was still so shy.

Wu Qiuzao was really envious when he saw the joking between the two sisters-in-law, "I remember Feng Ning seemed to have said that the Crown Princess is not much older than Mu Yan. She will have haircuts this year, right?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, "It's hard for my sister-in-law to have such intentions."

"So the Crown Princess plans to get married this year? I don't know when it will be decided. Your brother and I said yesterday that it would be best after I give birth." Wu Qiuzhuo was thinking in her mind, even if her sister-in-law is not She would ask for valuable things like other juniors, but the more so, the more stingy she, the sister-in-law, must not be.

  A few days ago, her husband had discussed with her that he had done a good job running goods last year and had saved hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in his hand, and planned to use it all to add a box to his sister-in-law.

Although Wu Qiuzao felt that his sister-in-law would definitely not lack pretense, he still nodded and agreed without thinking.

In one sentence, her sister-in-law is getting married, and she is willing to pay any amount of money.

 She doesn’t know about other people’s sisters-in-law, but her sister-in-law is worth it.

After listening to Wu Qiuzao's words, Fan Qingyao couldn't laugh or cry, "It's rare that my brother has money in his hands, so my sister-in-law should keep it safe. Besides, my wedding has been postponed, and the specific date is unknown." "

Wu Qiuzo really didn't know about this, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"I'm really not too anxious. Although the postponement of the wedding is forced by the situation, it is because of this that I can spend more time with the people in my family. Counting this year, Tianyu has reached the age of hairpin. If I can, I will I hope we can wait until all the other sisters in the house are married."

 Wu Qiuzao, “…”

  Everyone was stunned after hearing this, okay!

Where is there a woman in this world who doesn’t want to marry her husband as soon as possible?

Especially because my sister-in-law is marrying the current crown prince!

Wu Qiuzao didn't know what to say when she looked at Fan Qingyao. She really admired this sister-in-law from the bottom of her heart. To be fair, if she was asked to be so considerate of others, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Fan Qingyao smiled and didn't explain much. Thinking that he would visit his mother in the afternoon, he stood up and left.

 Let alone thinking about the Hua family, she would be happy to give her life to the Hua family.

 This is a debt she owes, and she should pay it back. Taking advantage of the daylight at noon, Fan Qingyao got on the carriage heading to Sun Mansion.

Although Tao Yuxian and Hua Yaoting are also worried about their daughter, their daughter is now married. It would not be good if they, as elders, go there too often. They can only lead people to load the things for their daughter into the car. .

In just the blink of an eye, a large cart was filled with food, drink and various nourishing and nourishing medicinal materials.

With this car, not to mention Fan Qingyao was helpless, even Sun Che was stunned.

But after all, it was the wish of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Sun Che really didn't dare to have any ideas and quickly ordered people to move it to the house.

What else can I do if I don’t move?

Are you really waiting for your father-in-law’s fist to hit his door? !

When Fan Qingyao came in, the wet nurse was holding the child for Hua Yuelian to see.

Seeing Miss Wai entering the door, Grandma Jiang quickly handed over the Tang Pozi, "Miss has guessed that Miss Wai will come early, so she specially asked me to prepare Tang Pozi to warm Miss Wai's hands."

"Excuse me, mama." Fan Qingyao took it with a smile, held it in his hand, walked to the bed and looked at the baby, and saw that the little thing had opened its eyes.

As if he sensed someone coming, the little thing also looked towards Fan Qingyao.

On a small face that is no bigger than a fist, a pair of eyes are extremely big, like a pair of black grapes, dancing around in a watery way, which is very pleasing.

Fan Qingyao was really moved by this little thing. After his hands were warm, he took it from the nanny's hand, carefully held it in her arms and rocked it gently.

The little thing stared at Fan Qingyao blankly for a while, then suddenly grinned.

This shocked the wet nurse and the general. Could it be that they were connected by blood?

Hua Yuelian did not expect that the two sisters cherished each other so much. She looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "I haven't had time to choose a name yet. I wonder if Yue Ya'er has any good ideas?"

Fan Qingyao looked at the little thing in his arms and thought for a while, then said, "Is it okay to fall in love?"

The little guy was a little stunned by Fan Qingyao's question, but when he heard the word "love", he grinned and narrowed his eyes.

Hua Yue Lian smiled and said, "The clear stream clears my heart. The color of the water is different from other waters. Although this enchanting heart is not the other's pure heart, it is also a homophone and complement each other. It is called enchanting heart."

Fan Qingyao smiled again and looked at the little thing in his arms, "Qingxin, Qingxin, when our little Qingxin grows up, he must be loved by everyone."

 The little guy really likes it, and his eyebrows are always creasing.

 Just smiling and laughing, but suddenly there were signs of crying.

The nanny on the side saw it and hurriedly came over and said, "I guess the young lady is hungry."

Fan Qingyao nodded and handed the love in his arms to the wet nurse.

Hua Yue Lian felt distressed when she saw her daughter standing there when she arrived, "You should come over and take a rest."

Mammy Jiang knew that the young lady might have something to tell the young lady, so she followed the wet nurse out of the house and dismissed all the servants in the yard.

 (End of this chapter)

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