The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 700: The birth of the emperor's grandson

Chapter 700 The Birth of the Emperor’s Grandson

Fan Qingyao washed his hands and walked into the delivery room, looked down, and frowned.

Han Jingchen's body has obviously reached its maximum limit. It's because the child is too big that he can't get out. If the delay continues, something will happen to both the adults and the child!

Fan Qingyao walked to Han Jingchen and held her hand, "Jingchen, I want to break the child's collarbone to ensure the safety of you and the child. Can you trust me?"

The midwife on the side almost lost her breath when she heard this.

 The collarbone of an unborn child will be broken?

 What kind of operation is this!

 Han Jingchen heard Fan Qingyao's voice, and his consciousness gradually gathered. He followed the voice and looked over. When he saw Fan Qingyao's face, he smiled, "I believe you."

Fan Qingyao nodded, this sentence is enough.

The midwives never expected that the sixth princess would agree so easily, nor did they expect that the princess would actually roll up her sleeves and try to reach in and break the child's collarbone...

 The midwives hurriedly ran out of the delivery room, eager to find the Sixth Prince for evaluation.

 “Your Highness, Sixth Highness, is not well…”

 “Your Highness, the Crown Princess, she, she...”

As a result, before he finished speaking, he saw Baili Fengming standing next to the Sixth Prince.

As soon as they saw His Highness the Crown Prince, the legs of the midwives softened and they knelt on the ground.

 Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "What's wrong with the Crown Princess?"

Several midwives closed their mouths and wanted to bite off their tongues.

 Even if they have ten thousand disagreements with the Crown Princess in their hearts, they absolutely cannot express them out loud.

  Cheating the crown princess’s tongue in front of the prince, do they think their lives are too long?

 Baili Fengming was very satisfied with the temporary measures of the several midwives and had people send them out of the yard first.

By chance, the housekeeper came over at this time, holding the list and waiting for the sixth prince to finalize it. Some people still wanted to tell the news immediately whether the prince's concubine had given birth.

However, the sixth prince was already stupid. He could only stare blankly at the room in front of him the whole time, and he didn't even know what the people around him said.

In the end, Baili Fengming took the list and after selecting it, handed it to the housekeeper and said, "There is no need to notify too many people for today's production. We only need to pass the news to the Zhou family and the Han family. As for this It’s marked above, and it won’t be too late to notify you tomorrow.”

 The housekeeper nodded hurriedly, took the list and hurried out of the yard.

The news from the Sixth Prince's Mansion was very fast, and not long after, Mrs. Zhou's wife and Mrs. Han's family arrived.

The ladies of the two families walked through the door at the same time, running and jumping into the yard, and saw a tall figure who was explaining something to the people in the yard.

It is with this explanation that the people in the yard can do things in an orderly manner.

Mrs. Zhou’s wife and Mrs. Han’s wife looked at each other, surprised and relieved.

The Sixth Prince's mother and concubine left early. There was no elder to take charge of the birth, so things would inevitably get messed up. On the way here, they would have thought about the chaotic scene in the Sixth Prince's mansion, but the result surprised them. ?

They had never expected that the Sixth Prince could be so calm and steady. They were really surprised and happy, and hurriedly came over, "Your Highness the Sixth Prince..."

It was the figure who had his back to the two ladies and explained the matter to the mama. After giving some instructions to the mama, he turned around gracefully.

Mrs. Zhou and the Han family, who had already prepared a lot of compliments, looked up through the lights in the yard...

  I was almost shocked and angry on the spot!

Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince? !

Baili Fengming looked at the two dumbfounded ladies and smiled faintly, "The Queen Mother was worried that the Sixth Emperor's brother, mother and concubine would leave early, and worried that no one in the house would take care of the overall situation, so she asked me to come over and help take care of them." Mrs. Zhou's family hurriedly He saluted and said, "The Queen is thoughtful and considerate. I thank you Queen."

Mrs. Han's wife also expressed her gratitude, "The queen is exhausted both physically and mentally from taking care of the harem, but she still has to worry about the birth of her little girl. My wife, my wife..."

 Baili Fengming smiled and said, "You two ladies, there is no need to be polite. Ayao is already taking care of the delivery of the sixth princess."

 It turns out that the Crown Princess is here too!

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhou’s wife and Mrs. Han’s family were really relieved.

 Actually, they wanted to ask how Han Jingchen was doing, but it was too big to stand next to His Highness the Crown Prince, and they really couldn't ask.

 Baili Fengming noticed the embarrassment of the two ladies and took the initiative to say, "The sixth emperor's brother is at the door and has been accompanying the sixth emperor's concubine. If the two ladies have any questions, they can ask the sixth emperor's brother."

 The burden on Mrs. Zhou's and Mrs. Han's hearts suddenly lightened a lot. They bowed to His Highness the Crown Prince with gratitude and then hurriedly walked towards the door.

Seeing the Sixth Prince standing at the door of the room, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Han quickly asked what was going on inside, what happened next, and how he was doing now.

It’s just that no matter how Mrs. Zhou’s family and Mrs. Han’s family asked, all the questions seemed to be lost in the sea, and there was no response at all.

 Looking at the Sixth Prince again, he stood stupidly towards the door.

 The handsome face is paralyzed, and the eyes are blurry…

 Those who didn’t know better thought they were pretending to be wooden piles here.

The wives of the two families looked at His Royal Highness, who was still helping to arrange matters, and then at the Sixth Prince, who was both nervous and stupid. The corners of his mouth twitched again and again. They were both human beings, so why was there such a big gap?

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…"

 Suddenly, the sound of children crying echoed through the house.

Mrs. Zhou's wife and Mrs. Han's wife couldn't laugh when they heard this sound. They had heard the cries of babies who had fallen to the ground many times, but none of them were as heartbreaking and hoarse as now.

 Did something happen inside? !

Madam Zhou and Madam Han looked at each other, and just as they were about to speak, they saw the Sixth Prince, who had only been standing there blankly, suddenly stiffened and twitched, and then he was thrown straight towards the ground. .


 A layer of dust was thrown up from the ground, and the Sixth Prince was so frightened that he fainted? !

 Mrs. Zhou, “…”

 Mrs. Han’s family, “…”

Suddenly, it seems that cursing your mother is a big deal?

The mother is still struggling inside, but you, the one standing at the door looking out for the wind, suddenly fainted?

 What use do you need!

Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Han almost at the same time withdrew their gaze tacitly.

At this moment, the two ladies not only wished that they were blind, but also hoped that everyone would be blind, otherwise when the news came out that their daughter-in-law gave birth, their men would be scared to the ground and filmed, let alone the sixth prince. There is no need to ask for face, even the face of the Zhou family and the Han family.

Of course, Baili Fengming knew the concerns of the two ladies. He immediately asked the servants in the palace to carry the man away on the grounds that the sixth prince was accompanying him during the production. He also told the nun in charge to quickly find a doctor for the sixth prince.

 At this moment, the closed door was finally opened.

Soon, Fan Qingyao walked out, looked at the two ladies and smiled, "Congratulations to both ladies, we are brothers."

 (End of this chapter)

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