The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 719: I didn’t even talk about my unrequited love, but I was dumped

Chapter 719: Unrequited love, I was dumped even though I didn’t talk about it

 Empress Zhenxi looked at the things in her son's hands and asked, "Did you rob the Imperial Hospital?"

Baili Fengming smiled and said nothing, also looking helpless.

It is true that Empress Zhenxi suffered an injury to her foot, but in order to prevent Concubine Yu from seeing the joke, she could not get medicine from the Imperial Hospital.

Ji Hongliao was worried about the empress, so he took the prince to his house, where a lot of bottles and jars were stuffed. Although Baili Fengming knew in his heart, Ayao would immediately after learning about the matter. He entered the palace, but in order not to hurt Ji Hongliao's self-esteem, he still took all the medicine back.

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of the Jiyuan judge.

"By the way, is there any movement in the Army and Horses Department today?" Anyway, the people sitting here are all of her own people, and Queen Zhenxi has nothing to avoid.

 Baili Fengming said, "I heard that the people from the Military and Horse Division have placed the fifth emperor's brother in a less important position, and he is currently helping the deputy commander."

Queen Zhen Xi sneered, "The more this happens, the more it means that the third child has done too many unspeakable things in the Soldiers and Horses Division. It's a shame that you were thoughtful enough to send the fifth child in. As long as the fifth child is slow, If you slowly take root in the Military and Horse Division, you will always find something you shouldn’t.”

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and almost couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

The fifth prince's temperament is like a living donkey, even the previous seventh prince would be so angry, let alone Baili Rongze. There is such a person who causes trouble for Baili Rongze at every turn, and the beautiful Fan Qingyao They all wish they could see it with their own eyes.

"By the way, I heard that Lao Wu not only came back this time, but also brought a girl with him?" Queen Zhen Xi asked.

Baili Fengming said softly, "It is true that we brought back a person. He was arranged by the fifth emperor brother in a small house outside the palace. I heard that he came to the main city to look for someone, and the other ministers did not inquire carefully. Pass."

Queen Zhen Xi turned to look at Fan Qingyao and said, "Lao Wu, that kid doesn't have that much thought. Please take the time to help me find out who that woman is."

Fan Qingyao did not dare to go against the Queen's wishes, "My daughter-in-law understands, and my mother can rest assured."

Queen Zhenxi nodded, and then said, "After a while, the imperial court will allocate a mansion to King Pinglai. At that time, King Pinglai will definitely organize a grand ceremony to thank the Holy Grace. Although King Pinglai is the king, , but the difference between the two words is destined to miss that chair. It is inconvenient for the princes to attend such an occasion, but after you see Princess Pinglai, tell her that if the child needs anything, just come to me. "

Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen was giving reassurance to the eldest prince, so he quickly agreed.

Empress Zhen Xi was indeed in a good mood today, so she simply kept Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming together, and only let them leave Fengyi Palace after dinner.

 Baili Fengming escorted Fan Qingyao out of the palace. Lin Yi had already been waiting in front of the palace gate with the carriage.

After Fan Qingyao got on the carriage, he saw Baili Fengming also getting on the carriage. Normally, Baili Fengming only had to take her to the palace gate, but I don't know since when, even she herself She gradually got used to Baili Fengming's pampering and pampering.

 Baili Fengming knew that in the palace, even if the queen loved her, she would still be restrained, so as soon as he sat down, he took her into his arms and let her rest on his shoulder.

"What's going on with the woman that the Queen Mother mentioned is related to the fifth prince?" Fan Qingyao asked softly, leaning on Baili Fengming's shoulder. She didn't believe that Baili Fengming really didn't know anything about that woman.

Baili Fengming said softly, "It's a woman who was rescued by the Fifth Emperor's brother in Subei, but that woman is unusual. A few years ago, she had a baby engagement with Wu Guan Sichen from Qin Tian Prison, so she went all the way to find her. , The fifth emperor brother originally wanted to be a good person and do it to the end, but he didn’t want to..."

 “What don’t you want?”

 “I didn’t want to, but I fell in love with that woman.”

Fan Qingyao was stunned.    This is also okay?

 “What did the woman say?”

“Hearing what the fifth emperor brother said, the woman didn’t say much, but she still wanted to come to the main city to find her betrothed husband first. The fifth emperor brother was afraid of scaring the woman, so he didn’t ask any more questions.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Not to mention unrequited love, she was rejected.

 This life…

Fan Qingyao can't see the fifth prince now, and he can imagine how miserable the expression on his face is.

The carriage stopped outside the door of the western suburbs mansion, and Baili Fengming suddenly held Fan Qingyao's hand, "I heard that Nancheng and Fengcheng are not at peace recently, and there have been a lot of posts sent to me. Although my father's intention is unclear, But I’m afraid I won’t be able to visit you for a long time during this time.”

Nancheng and Fengcheng are not too far from the main city.

 “I understand.” Fan Qingyao nodded.

No matter what the reason is, even if the emperor does not hand over the matter to Baili Fengming for investigation, Baili Fengming must always be on standby in the East Palace. Otherwise, even though he knows that other cities are not peaceful, as the prince, he takes the woman with him all day long. They are enjoying themselves in the city, and they don’t know what kind of trouble they will cause in the eyes of others.

 Baili Fengming touched the delicate cheek and said, "Take care of yourself. If you have anything to do, let Ta Xue come to the palace to deliver a message."

Fan Qingyao expressed her gratitude, got up and got out of the carriage, turned around and stood at the door of the mansion. She waited until Baili Fengming's carriage disappeared at the end of the street, then turned around and returned to the mansion.

 After August, the main city ushered in the dog days of summer.

 The sultry weather made people reluctant to leave the mansion, and there were even fewer pedestrians on the streets.

This year's weather has been extremely hot and muggy. I heard that many people in the palace fell into coma one after another. Even the empress felt more uncomfortable every day. Fortunately, Ji Hongliao returned to the palace in time and resumed his duties. He stayed with people from the Imperial Hospital all day long. There were a lot of rushes inside the palace.

The emperor was infected with the summer heat, and his body was ill. Nancheng and Fengcheng successively handed over the coupons and kept them unanswered.

Liangcheng Pingzhang had no choice but to drive to the main city for an audience. As a result, the emperor's summer weather never improved, so Liangcheng Pingzhang could only be temporarily accommodated in the official residence in the main city.

Fan Qingyao was afraid that the people in the house would also be infected by the heat, so every morning he asked Nanny Xu to take the prescription to the drug store to prescribe medicine, and when she came back, she would add it to pots of mung bean soup to relieve the heat in the house. hot.

Wu Qiuzao's belly was getting bigger and bigger, originally because the child in her belly had difficulty breathing, and now it was summer time, so Tao Yuxian simply took her into her yard and took care of her carefully all day long.

 At the end of August, the letter from Heaven was quietly delivered to the main city.

Fan Qingyao opened the letter and learned that Tianyu and Ji Yuze had secretly gotten married, and now the two of them were living in Tianyu's shop. Although they were not rich or famous, they lived a warm life.

September came, and Dali Temple finally released the news of the beheading of the thieves. But what people didn't expect was that the day of the beheading happened to coincide with a banquet at Prince Pinglai's palace.

 (End of this chapter)

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