Chapter 723 It’s haunted!

Whether it is the third prince's party or the prince's party, although there are many followers, everyone has their own interests hidden in their hearts. Now those who work for the third prince have trouble happening under the third prince's nose. , aren’t the other ministers standing behind the third prince afraid that one day it will be their turn?

 I think I’m afraid.

 So now Baili Rongze is also in a state of distress.

It is estimated that Baili Rongze was worried about losing people's hearts because of this incident, so he planned to win over King Pinglai, so as to comfort himself, which was a gain and a loss.

Fan Xuening listened to the conversation between Fan Qingyao and the eighth prince's concubine, and clenched her hands under her sleeves.

Of course she didn't want to come, but that **** Pan Yulu insisted on mentioning her friendship with Princess Pinglai in front of the third prince. For his own little benefit, the third prince actually didn't even care about the child in her belly. Just let Pan Yulu bring her out.

Fan Xuening knew how difficult it was to conceive this child, so she had to protect the child in her belly no matter what.

Due to Pan Yulu's arrival, the originally bustling flower hall became deserted.

Although Han Jingchen and the eighth prince's concubine were still talking to Fan Qingyao, they would deliberately avoid Pan Yulu.

 In the final analysis, since they, the Crown Princess, are all aware of it, there is no need to pretend anymore.

Of course Pan Yulu knew what was going on and was used to it, so she took the second prince and concubine beside her to greet her and said, "I heard that the second prince was recently sent to the Ministry of Rites by the emperor. I think he will be busy after he comes."

The second prince's concubine said softly, "What the third prince's concubine said is true, but it's better to be busy and have a family, and it's not good to just be a prince. The child in my belly will be born next year. If I just eat The prince's salary is okay if it is small, but it will be difficult to support it when it is older. "

When Pan Yulu heard the word "child", her heart felt as if she had been pricked by an awl.

If it hadn't been for that accident, her belly would have become pregnant.

Almost forcing a smile, Pan Yulu looked at the second prince and concubine again. She wanted to speak again, but the second prince and concubine suddenly stood up.

Fan Qingyao was chatting happily when he saw the second princess walking in front of her.

“The sun is getting too strong, and it’s too hot to sit at the door. I wonder if the princess can give me a seat?” The second princess smiled kindly.

This may sound like a joke, but the taste is different when you taste it carefully.

For calculating, the second prince's concubine was not short, but he has always been a good old man who is with the mud. Now he suddenly leaves Pan Yulu and come to Fan Qingyao ...

Unless you are blind and cannot see it, the second princess wants to take sides with the crown princess!

Fan Qingyao didn't know the reason why the second prince and concubine suddenly stood in line, but since people were walking in front of her, she certainly wouldn't refuse. She smiled and motioned for the second prince and concubine to sit next to the eighth prince and concubine.

Seeing the second prince's buttocks sitting on the flower bench, Pan Yulu's face darkened instantly. If it were before, she would have been able to shout a word or two with Fan Qingyao, but now where does Pan Yulu have the confidence?

He almost suppressed his anger and looked away, but now the only person on Pan Yulu's side was Fan Xuening. In a blink of an eye, Pan Yulu saw Fan Xuening next to her.

Fan Xuening was still smiling in a good-natured manner, but her heart was filled with cold snoring.

I knew that I screamed in the house, but it was not the same as a quail in front of Fan Qingyao?

 Fortunately, not long after, Yan Hanbai came to invite people to have a banquet in the front hall. As soon as Yan Hanbai saw Fan Xuening, he felt a twitch in his heart. However, today was her big day to move into a new house, and she didn't have to make herself unhappy just because of one person.

Everyone stood up and walked out. Fan Qingyao walked to Yan Hanbai's side calmly, "Keep an eye on the third prince's concubine carefully. I'm worried that she will be restless today."

Yan Hanbai was stunned, "What did you see?"

"It's not that I saw anything. The child in the third prince's belly disappeared without any reason. I'm worried that I won't be too calm today." Fan Qingyao doesn't think that Pan Yulu really has such good intentions. Take Fan Xuening out with you.

Hearing this, Yan Hanbai almost vomited in disgust.

No matter how Pan Yulu and Fan Xuening fight in the mansion, it is a matter within the third prince's mansion.

Now if something happens here, will she still lose her reputation as Prince Pinglai?

"I know, I will keep an eye on it all the time." Yan Hanbai gritted her teeth. If it weren't for the fact that King Pinglai had just started to improve and his confidence was not so strong, she really wanted to kick both Pan Yulu and Fan Xuening. Go back to the Third Prince's Mansion.

Fan Qingyao nodded and followed everyone out of the flower hall without saying anything else.

 At this time, the front hall was already full of guests.

Yan Hanbai took his sisters-in-law and a few others from the back door directly into the main hall from the alley, and sat in a room that had been arranged long ago.

The house is not big, but it is well-ventilated on all sides and faces the lake on the east side. Sitting in it to eat is nothing more than an elegant affair.

Yan Hanbai also had to greet the guests outside. When the food was all served, he let everyone eat first.

Han Jingchen looked at Yan Hanbai's busy back and felt really happy, "People, when you are busy, you want to be idle, but when you are really idle, you realize that the best thing is to be busy."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao quickly added a salt and pepper shrimp and put it into her plate, "It's just a meal. How can you be so sentimental?"

"I'm telling the truth." Han Jingchen muttered and threw the shrimp into his mouth. Well, it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It really tasted good.

“If we say busy, Fengcheng and Nancheng are really busy recently.” The second princess suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Han Jingchen and the eighth prince's concubine looked at the second prince's concubine curiously.

Fan Qingyao had heard Baili Fengming mention it before. Now he looked at the second princess and asked, "I heard about Fengcheng and Nancheng. Even the people in the court did not dare to criticize easily. The second princess is Where did you get the news?"

The second princess clenched the chopsticks in her hands, "The princess doesn't know something. My maternal grandfather's home is Fengcheng. The current Fengcheng Pingzhang is my maternal grandfather's apprentice. Now Fengcheng can be said to be in panic. The whole city was empty, and all the people who could run ran to seek refuge elsewhere. The rest who had no way to go could only hide in their homes all day long. No one dared to walk around the streets casually, even in broad daylight. "

Fan Qingyao frowned, "It's so serious, but what kind of plague is it?"

The second princess sighed, "If only it was really a's Fengcheng and Nancheng that are haunted!"

The people sitting here are all flowers in high-end mansions that have never experienced wind and rain. Now, even if the sun is piercing the back, Leng Ran is scared to break out in a cold sweat when he hears the word "haunted".

 (End of this chapter)

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