The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 731: No one is more prodigal than Fan Qingyao

Chapter 731 No one is more prodigal than Fan Qingyao

Compared to the joyful atmosphere in Prince Pinglai's residence, the atmosphere in the third prince's residence was obviously very gloomy.

Baili Rongze never imagined that the child who was fine yesterday would be gone today. Even though Yunyue had sent him a message in advance, he still couldn't accept it when he saw Fan Xuening's flat belly.

 Losing two children one after another was a huge blow to Baili Rongze.

What can Baili Rongze do?

Even if he knew in his heart, no matter how grand Yunyue said it, he was actually angry at him for using her as bait to get revenge. Could he really fight with Yunyue over a concubine's child?

Of course not!

Now that the prince has gained a firm foothold in front of his father, he cannot easily lose the power of any party, especially now that Yunyue is still of great use to him.

Baili Rongze thought about it, called several of his confidants in front of him, and told them to go to Temple Street overnight, use money to buy off the gamblers who wandered around Temple Street all day long, and tell the story of Fan Xue Ning's child to Prince Ping Lai's Palace. 's fault.

Baili Rongze thought very simply. Since there was no trouble for the prince in this matter, he would simply attack King Pinglai. When King Pinglai's reputation in the main city was completely ruined, no matter what King Pinglai thought. It would be a waste of money for the prince to stay by his side.

Thinking of this, Baili Rongze even asked his confidants to take hundreds more taels of real gold and silver. As long as the thing can be done, he feels that the money is worth it even if he feels sorry for it!

But when it comes to being a prodigal, there really is no one better than Fan Qingyao.

After all, they are a couple for the same life. How come Fan Qingyao doesn't understand Baili Rongze's Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

After returning to the house, she asked Langya and Ningtian to take the first step and bribe all the desperadoes on Temple Street who were looking for money. By the time Baili Rongze's people arrived again, Langya and Ningtian were already there. I have gone back home for a midnight snack.

Fan Qingyao made a move, but there was no one with a hundred taels. Counting on a temple street, there were tens of thousands of taels. Those desperadoes who had already been filled with high prices had never heard of Baili Rongze's people offering five taels. When I was twelve years old, I didn’t even raise my eyelids.

The confidant had no choice but to go back home and ask Baili Rongze for his opinion.

Although Baili Rongze couldn't figure out what happened, he continued to open the warehouse and asked his confidants to take out another two hundred taels. Unexpectedly, the people on Temple Street asked for five hundred taels each.

 Five hundred taels per person, the whole street is worth hundreds of thousands of taels!

This number would make Baili Rongze tremble, let alone the confidants of the Third Prince's Mansion.

 Hundreds of thousands of taels, even if he were torn down, weighed and sold, he still wouldn’t be able to get it together!

Facing such a shocking price, Baili Rongze had to give up no matter how hard he wanted to.

The news that Aunt Fan of the Third Prince's Palace had given birth to a child in Pinglai Palace spread throughout the main city the next day. However, Fan Qingyao had already bribed those people on Temple Street to speak for Pinglai Palace in advance. In addition, Fan Xuening She was just a little concubine, so she quickly became immersed in this matter.

But soon, news spread in the third prince's mansion that the third prince's concubine was ill.

The third prince's concubine fell ill like a mountain. I heard that the imperial doctor came to the clinic for treatment that night. In the end, even on the day of Concubine Yu's birthday, the third prince's concubine was sick in the palace and could not enter the palace to celebrate Concubine Yu's birthday.

"Miss, there are rumors outside that the third prince fell ill because he blamed himself for Aunt Fan's loss of the child." Before going to bed, Ninghan told Fan Qingyao the rumors outside.

After hearing this, Fan Qingyao just smiled coldly, "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Although we in Xiliang are polygamists, looking at the world, which wife really wants her husband to love others?"

Fan Xuening lost her child, and Pan Yulu did well not to set off firecrackers. How could she blame herself?

Ninghan was confused by what she heard, "Then why did the third princess fall ill?"

"There are two tigers in a mountain. If one tiger falls ill, the other tiger will be at ease." Of course, Pan Yulu did not fall ill for no reason, and it was probably Fan Xuening who did something small.

Lying on the bed and looking at the stars outside the window, Fan Qingyao couldn't help but think of what Fan Xuening asked her that day, "Fan Qingyao, do you believe in fate?"

Fan Qingyao knew that whenever she reversed the outcome of her previous life, divine punishment would surely come.

Fan Qingyao still remembers the pain that was like picking out bones and flesh.

 But I don’t know when the so-called divine punishment started to disappear. Even Fan Qingyao couldn’t remember how long it had been since he had tasted the taste of divine punishment.

Originally, Fan Qingyao was still curious about what went wrong.

 Now it seems that God’s punishment has appeared in another way.

Thinking of Fan Xuening's tone and expression that day, Fan Qingyao clenched his hands subconsciously, fearing that Fan Xuening also had memories of his previous life. If this was true, everything would make sense.

 In the last life, Fan Zixiu had always had smooth sailing, and she was increasingly favored by Concubine Yu. Zui Ling and Fan Xuening wanted to take advantage of the trend to curry favor with the third prince, so they used her as a stepping stone to climb up the ladder.

But in this life, Fan Qingyao did not give Zui Ling and her daughter another chance. Even Fan Zixiu had been relegated to the altar long ago, but Fan Xuening was still entangled with Baili Rongze. This can only show that, Fan Xuening knew how inseparable she was with Baili Rongze in the past, and even ended up becoming the most dazzling woman next to Baili Rongze.

So, does God want Fan Xuening to stop her from continuing to change her destiny?

Fan Qingyao curled his lips silently. If this is really the case, then just come over. Who is the one who laughs last? You have to go step by step to find out.

The Emperor attaches great importance to Concubine Yu's birthday every year, and this year is no exception.

Early in the morning the next day, the princes and concubines of each palace received the invitation to enter the palace to celebrate Concubine Yu's birthday, but Fan Qingyao did not receive it.

Just as the princes and concubines were rushing into the palace, Yan Qian, who was beside Queen Zhen Xi, came to Hua's house specially, saying that he was visiting the crown prince on behalf of the queen. In fact, he was telling Fan Qingyao that the queen had taken the title of crown princess. He helped Fan Qingyao refuse Concubine Yu's birthday party on the grounds of physical discomfort.

Of course Queen Zhenxi could not let her daughter-in-law suffer in front of others.

Since the third prince and concubine of your concubine Yuguifei's family can stay out of the palace when she is sick, naturally her little Qingyao can too.

They are both daughters-in-law, and no one’s family is made of steel. It is perfectly normal to get sick or feel uncomfortable.

Want to show off in front of my daughter-in-law?

I bother!

 Why are you so beautiful!

Concubine Yu didn't expect that Queen Zhen Xi refused to enter the palace directly on Fan Qingyao's behalf. She was so angry that she didn't sleep much all night last night. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble for Fan Qingyao, but was directly defeated by Queen Zhen Xi with her own strength. The power was disturbed.

Fan Qingyao really didn't expect that Queen Zhen Xi would go to such an extent for her. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't touched.

Yan Qian smiled and said, "Since the Queen has said so, she also asked the Crown Princess to stay in the palace to recuperate. Now Zhang Ping, whether in Nancheng or Fengcheng, is still in the main city and has not left. It is estimated that during this period, there are also people in the palace. It won’t be too quiet.”

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "Don't worry, Eunuch Yan, I know what to do."

 (End of this chapter)

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