Chapter 743 This child cannot be kept

 As we enter the twelfth lunar month, every household has begun to prepare New Year's goods in advance.

The Hua family also had to prepare early, and at this busiest time, Wu Qiuzhuo's stomach reacted.

When Fan Qingyao arrived at the yard, he saw his brother and grandfather standing in the yard.

 In Xiliang, men are never allowed to go in when a woman gives birth to a child.

Fan Qingyao was thinking about his sister-in-law, and it was inconvenient to say anything to his brother and grandfather. He nodded and hurried in with the medicine box.

 In the room at this time, Wu Qiuzao was walking back and forth with the support of Aunt He.

Tao Yuxian ordered someone to prepare hot water and change the sheets and bedding. Seeing Fan Qingyao come in, he quickly called someone over, "Your sister-in-law's birth was a little crooked. I had corrected it for him in advance, but just now The effect of touching it is not very good, I will need your help for a while. "

“Grandma, don’t worry, my sister-in-law will leave it to me.” Fan Qingyao had never given birth, but he had studied medicine for two generations, so he was already familiar with the things in these books.

Wu Qiuzao's fetal movement was not very severe, and the pain would only occur every hour or two.

Tao Yuxian was worried about the food cooked in the house, so he went out to supervise it in person. Not long after, Aunt He walked in with a tray, which was filled with Wu Qiuzhao's favorite food.

 When Wu Qiuzao finished eating, he continued to walk on the ground.

The pain lasted until night, and Wu Qiuzao was in so much pain that he could no longer stand up.

Fan Qingyao knew it was almost done, so he helped Wu Qiuzao to the bed. He rolled up his sleeves and applied the medicated oil that he had prepared on his bulging belly. He used silver needles to fix the position of the fetus. Come out, then look for the fetus's head and push it down gently.

Tao Yuxian didn't dare to delay, and kept checking the situation below Wu Qiuzhuo.

Just after midnight, a loud cry finally echoed through the western suburbs mansion.


Hua Fengning, who had been out in the cold until his body felt numb, was stunned.

Aunt He poked her head out from inside, looked at Hua Fengning and said with a smile, "Congratulations, young master, you are a brother."

Hua Fengning gradually came back to his senses after hearing these words, but there was no smile on his face like a new father.

Hua Yaoting could tell what his grandson was thinking at a glance, patted his shoulder and said, "It is a great joy that mother and child are safe. You don't need to think too much about other things..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Fengning suddenly took long strides and rushed into the house.

The heat and blood in the delivery room were dissipated by the cold air on Hua Fengning's body. Fan Qingyao and Tao Yuxian were stunned when they looked at Hua Fengning who suddenly entered the door.

At this moment, Hua Fengning snatched the son from Wu Qiuzhuo's face, looked at the swaddled little thing, gritted his teeth and raised his hands, as if he was going to throw it to the ground!

Wu Qiuzao, who originally had a smile on his face, was confused, "Ms. sir, what are you going to do?"

Hua Fengning looked at his wife with eyes full of debt, "Qiuzao, just think that I, Hua Fengning, owe you something. It doesn't matter whether you hate me or blame me, I absolutely cannot have this child."

Wu Qiuzao looked at Hua Fengning in shock, completely unable to believe what he heard.

If someone else’s family had a baby, she wouldn’t know how happy she would be, but why was her biological father throwing her child to death as soon as it was born?

 by Wu Qiuzao who was weak from birth, and after such a shock, Wu Qiuzao  fainted to death.

 “Old, old madam, grandma is bleeding a lot!” The maid on the side was frightened.

Tao Yuxian, who originally wanted to stop Hua Fengning, had no choice but to turn around and check on Wu Qiuzhuo.

"Hua Fengning! Are you crazy?" Hua Yaoting, who heard the noise outside, strode into the delivery room. Looking at his great-grandson being held high in the air, he became furious and slapped Hua Fengning in the face.


The originally noisy delivery room suddenly became quiet. The maids in the room retreated one after another, not even daring to raise their heads.

Half of Hua Fengning's face was instantly swollen, but despite this, the high-raised arm still did not fall.

 This is his own flesh and blood, how can he not feel bad?

No matter how painful it is, this child must not be kept, otherwise the Hua family will definitely cause disaster!

Seeing this, Hua Yaoting snatched the child over, looked at Hua Fengning and said, "Follow me to the study."

Hua Fengning looked at his grandfather's back, gritted his teeth and followed him silently.

Fan Qingyao looked at his grandmother and said, "Sister-in-law, just leave it to me."

Tao Yuxian nodded. He didn't even have time to clean his hands, so he walked out with his hands covered in blood.

Fan Qingyao carefully stopped Wu Qiuzao's bleeding, and then asked the maid outside to stew ginseng soup.

 The blood in the room has not dissipated yet, and it is filled with breath.

In Xiliang, even in the palace, no doctor dared to distinguish between men and women. Once found out, it would be a capital crime of beheading.

The Tao family's medical skills cover a wide range of areas, but they do not teach people how to identify the gender of a child.

Grandma doesn’t know how to do it, but Fan Qingyao understands.

In his last life, Fan Qingyao wanted a child of his own, and he even hoped to have a man to carry on the family line for Baili Rongze, so he learned the Tao family's forbidden technique.

 So if Fan Qingyao had thought about it, he would have known the gender of the child long ago.

She didn’t do this because she just wanted everything to obey God’s will, but she had actually already thought of the so-called retreat.

 Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Wu Qiuzao faintly opened his eyes.

The moment she regained consciousness, she struggled to get up, "Child, my child..."

Fan Qingyao held the person down and said softly, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, the child was taken away by the grandfather, my brother was called to the study, and my grandmother is also there."

Wu Qiuzao was actually still worried, but the bleeding from her lower body had just stopped. If she couldn't even get off the ground, how could she go out?

Fell heavily back on the bed, Wu Qiuzao could only cry silently.

Ever since she married into the Hua family, everyone in the family treated her very well, and her husband-in-law was very loving to her. Even when she was ten months pregnant, he was always by her side. The thought of taking a concubine.

However, Wu Qiuzhuo remembered that as her belly grew bigger, she woke up several times late at night and saw her husband sitting aside in a daze. At that time, she only thought that he was happy, but now it seems that he is not at all. She thought wrong.

"Sister-in-law deserves to feel aggrieved. If it were me, I would try my best to keep my child." Fan Qingyao took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears on Wu Qiuzhuo's face.

“Qingyao, did I do something wrong?” Wu Qiuzhuo looked at Fan Qingyao helplessly.

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "My sister-in-law didn't do anything wrong, and my brother didn't do anything wrong either. The person who was wrong was the one who was always aloof but never admitted that he was wrong."

Wu Qiuzao's heart tightened. Could this mean...

 today !

"I think my sister-in-law also knows what the Hua family has gone through in the past, so she should understand how deeply the emperor is suspicious of the Hua family. The reason why the Hua family can live a stable life now is because although my brother is the descendant of the Hua family, he has nothing to do with the government. ”

"Isn't this good?" Of course Wu Qiuzao had heard about the Hua family, but she thought it had been settled long ago, and she married Hua Fengning because of him and never wanted him. A meteoric rise.

 (End of this chapter)

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