Chapter 751 Why should I agree to you?

"There is no need to make any announcement about this matter for now." Empress Zhen Xi on the bed suddenly spoke, interrupting Ji Hongliao and Fan Qingyao's thoughts.

Ji Hongliao didn't like to ask about the affairs of the harem. Seeing the Queen's explanation, he bowed his head and accepted the order, and then took Lily down to make a prescription.

Empress Zhen Xi waved to Fan Qingyao, "Xiao Qingyao, come here."

Fan Qingyao walked to the bed and said, "Mother."

“Looking at you coming out of the imperial study, I thought that the matter of coming to Hua’s house was no big deal. You are indeed a capable person.” Empress Zhen Xi smiled, but she still couldn’t hide the look of weakness on her face.

"My daughter-in-law asked the children of the Hua family to serve as companions to the new grandson of the Yu family." Fan Qingyao lowered his head and said. This matter seemed to have solved the current dilemma of the Hua family, but it also involved the Queen. She felt that she still It is necessary to explain to the Queen.

Queen Zhen Xi was stunned for a moment, obviously a little shocked, but she quickly nodded and said, "Everyone in the world wants to swim against the current, but they never understand the principle of retreating bravely. You have done a good job, but once the emperor agrees to this, Have you thought about the consequences again?"

“Since my daughter-in-law has reached this point, she is ready to bear all the consequences.”

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao's firm eyes and said nothing more.

Sending the heirs of the Hua family under the eyes of the Yu family is a risky move, but who can guarantee that the person who is sent there will be led by the Yu family forever? Maybe the heir of the Hua family is powerful and has opinions?

Who knows what will happen next.

Besides, the heir of the Hua family is still young. Even if he is sent to the palace at the earliest, it will take five or six years. By that time, it is hard to say how the situation will turn out.

 Empress Zhen Xi is not willing to waste energy on unknown things.

"Since you are able to enter the palace, I should have thought that you would make this move. That's all, we will talk about the future later." Empress Zhen Xi smiled and took Fan Qingyao's hand, with a look of love and kindness on her face. tolerate.

Fan Qingyao didn't want the Queen to waste energy on her own affairs at this time, so she said, "If the mother wants to investigate the coma, the daughter-in-law will do her best."

 As long as poison is administered, it must pass through the hands of others.

Although the poison was administered secretly, it doesn't necessarily mean that nothing can be found.

Fan Qingyao has really never been afraid of anyone when it comes to medical skills.

Queen Zhen Xi said, "No need, just treat this matter as an accident for now."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, and then Queen Zhen Xi continued, "You and Ji Hongliao also said that this poison will not really harm me. In this case, the purpose of poisoning people is not mine. Life, I am very curious about what that person wants."

Fan Qingyao heard that the Queen was planning to take risks.

Perhaps, the Queen Empress already has suspicions in her heart.

Of course, Fan Qingyao would not veto the Empress's decision. The Empress had experienced the storms and waves in the palace. She must have her own opinions when making such a decision. But if Fan Qingyao was to let Fan Qingyao just let it go, she would be really worried. .

Thinking about it, Fan Qingyao simply walked to the front of the book desk, studied the ink, and quickly wrote something on the rice paper. Just at this time, Bai He came in and said, "The Queen, Concubine Liu Shu is still sitting outside. She said she is worried about the Queen's health, and she doesn't feel relieved if she is not safe."

Queen Zhen Xi nodded, "Then let her come in."

At the same time, Fan Qingyao put down his pen and walked up to Lily with what he had written, "Aunt Lily, could you please find a trustworthy person to send this prescription to my master? After the medicine is captured, please give it to me." Aunt Lily carefully ground it into powder and kept it in a warm place.”

Lily looked at the densely written rice paper and said, "This is..."

"From now on, when the mother eats all her food, including tea, pour this in front of her mouth. As long as there is something inappropriate in it, it will definitely turn reddish brown within a quarter of an hour. If there is no reaction, it means nothing is wrong. Remember this. Don't put too much, just a small amount is enough. "Many of the medicinal materials here are extremely rare, but I guess they are not difficult for the master.

Lily didn't expect such a good thing, so she quickly put it away carefully, "Don't worry, Crown Princess, I will personally go to the Imperial Hospital in a moment."

Fan Qingyao nodded, thinking that Concubine Liu Shu was still outside, so he left first.

Concubine Liu Shu came in quickly and greeted the Queen obediently, "I have met the Queen."

Empress Zhen Xi waved her hand, "I'm fine now. Speaking of today's matters, there are more Concubine Liu Shu. Everyone has been in the palace for so long and they are all old. There is no need to beat around the bush. What does Concubine Liu Shu want? You can tell me directly.”

Concubine Liu Shu's knees that she had just straightened bent down again, "I have no other thoughts, and I did not expect that such a thing would happen. The Queen is the master of the harem, and I should do whatever I do for the Queen. "

"What you said is interesting." Queen Zhen Xi smiled half-heartedly.

Concubine Liu Shu took a deep breath, as if she didn't hear the Queen's teasing, "If the Queen doesn't dislike her, I am willing to follow you all the time."

Queen Zhen Xi was really tired after all this hard work and was too lazy to use her brain. "It has been more than ten years since Concubine Liu Shu entered the palace. Why didn't Concubine Liu Shu take the initiative to come to the palace before?"

Concubine Liu Shu gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't dare to do this before."

 “Oh?” Queen Zhen Xi raised her eyebrows and waited patiently for the next sentence.

"Back then, when I entered the palace, I only gained the emperor's favor. Concubine Yu was the one who got in the way. After Concubine Zhang Shu was favored, she deliberately sent the palace title to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that Concubine Zhang Shu could share the concubine's title. Later, after having the second prince, Concubine Yu also used ruthless methods. On the day of the third bath, she found someone to push the concubine and let the concubine throw the second prince. The emperor was furious and sent the second prince to Concubine Han Xian for foster care. With…”

 When mentioning the past, Concubine Liu Shu was filled with hatred.

She was young at that time, so how could she be able to compete with Concubine Yu?

Her biological son was raised by Concubine Han Xian for eight years. Later, if she hadn't deliberately set a fire in her palace and used her words to win the emperor's soft heart even though he was about to die, she would probably have had two children in this life. The prince will never be sent back to her again!

It's a pity that she and the second prince missed eight years. Even though the second prince knew that she was his biological mother, he still obeyed the words of Concubine Han Xian who had raised her.

Now, Concubine Han Xian is clearly trying to please Concubine Yu. If she does nothing more, won't she make the same mistake again?

Queen Zhen Xi understood and understood, "You didn't look for me before because you thought I couldn't beat Concubine Yu. Now you show up because you see hope in me? But why should I?" I promise you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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