The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 762: This is how the Queen protects the calf

Chapter 762: This is how the Queen protects the calf

Yunyue was stunned, obviously not realizing the meaning behind the Queen's words.

Empress Zhen Xi took the opportunity to look at the Emperor and said with red eyes, "Some time ago, the Crown Princess was in danger. She was in the main city at that time. It can be seen that the Crown Princess was appointed by the Emperor, but there are some rebellious officials and traitors in the main city. I don’t recognize the existence of the Crown Princess in my heart.”

Concubine Yu frowned and said, "The Crown Princess has never been married. Does the Queen intend to let the Crown Princess enjoy the courtesy of others kneeling down before entering the royal gate?"

"It is a small thing for the people in the main city to look down on the Crown Princess, but I will never allow those people to deny the Emperor's decision!" Queen Zhen Xi turned to look at Concubine Yu, her steady eyes showing unquestionable determination.

This is a courage that only the queen has. Even Concubine Yu felt suffocated by the oppression.

 At this moment, even Emperor Yongchang was shocked.

 From the moment he sat on this chair, everyone relied on him.

Gradually, Emperor Yongchang got used to this feeling.

Originally, Emperor Yongchang was proud of this feeling, but now looking at the queen sitting next to him, he suddenly realized that it actually felt good to be protected.

Just like now, the queen supports him so firmly.

This feeling reminded Emperor Yongchang of decades ago.

 At that time, he and other princes fought for the queen.

 In fact, among the princes, Emperor Yongchang at that time was really not the one who stood out, but the queen chose him against all odds.

Emperor Yongchang remembered that the queen at that time stood beside him so firmly and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

Concubine Yu's heart skipped a beat when she looked at the emperor's expression.

Sure enough, when Emperor Yongchang spoke again, everyone's heart skipped a beat, "The Queen is still careful and has concerns about things that I have not yet scrupled about. Regarding the wedding of the Crown Princess, the Crown Prince was indeed too stubborn in the past. Originally, I I want to make up for it, but the Heavenly Master predicts that we should not be tempted easily..."

  When everyone heard this, their hearts were filled with doubts.

Especially Concubine Yu, who seemed calm on the surface, but was in a state of turmoil inside.

She felt that the emperor's words were definitely up to no good, but when the emperor was speaking, who dared to interrupt?

“From today on, no one in the main city can discuss the wedding of the Crown Princess without permission. The treatment of the Crown Princess will follow the procedures after the wedding. The wedding will be postponed for the time being and will be discussed next year!”

The words of Emperor Yongchang almost made everyone in the hall deafen.

What does it mean?

 The wedding can be postponed, but the Crown Princess is already the Crown Princess?

In this case, even if the Crown Princess is not married yet, when they see the Crown Princess in the future, they will have to follow the procedure to greet her?

Originally, everyone was waiting to see Fan Qingyao's jokes, and also waiting for Fan Qingyao's wedding to be postponed.

 As a result, the wedding has been postponed, but they can't laugh anymore.

Yunyue's face was turning blue. She never thought that she just said a wrong word, and the Queen got the opportunity to turn the matter around like this.

 Pan Yulu looked at this situation and said it would be a lie to say she was not jealous. They are all the daughters-in-law of the royal family, and they all came here suffering grievances. Even among those ladies in the harem, which one did not swallow the grievances along the way?

How come Fan Qingyao can’t survive even after being wronged?

Why on earth does Fan Qingyao deserve it?

 Empress Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Yu gritting her teeth and felt like hehehe.

As expected, Concubine Yu is Concubine Yu. Despite her age, her reactions are still quick. It’s a pity that Yunyue doesn’t have such a flexible mind. The only reason is that the daughter she gave birth to is a fool.

Fan Qingyao sat silently on her seat, letting the storm surge around her, but she always quietly observed the emperor.

  After seeing her for a few days, the emperor's complexion was obviously better than the last time she entered the palace. Except that she still looked like a person over fifty years old, was there any trace of old age on her body?

Such a change may not be surprising to other people, but to someone like Fan Qingyao who knows medical skills, it is extraordinary.

 Birth, aging, sickness and death are an irresistible law that everyone must experience.

 As we age, not only will our skin age, our demeanor will naturally become sluggish, and even the various organs in our body will begin to wither and wither.

 But the current emperor is obviously going in the opposite direction!

Fan Qingyao frowned even more when he thought about what the so-called Heavenly Master just said.

If she remembered correctly, there was never such a person in the palace in her previous life.

It's just that the emperor is very suspicious now, and the empress has invited such an honor for her. The emperor may not be able to react for the time being, but it doesn't mean that he will always be confused. In order to avoid suspicion, Fan Qingyao can only suppress the suspicion in his heart for the time being. , waiting for the opportunity to enter the palace and ask the Queen.

With the emperor's affirmation of Fan Qingyao's identity, everyone had a mixed meal.

Those who are happy are really happy, just like Heshuo County Prince and his wife, Han Jingchen, Yan Hanbai and the eldest princess, as well as the ministers who are secretly standing behind the prince. From their point of view, the princess has a legitimate identity. It is also the emperor's recognition and affirmation of the prince.

But people who are upset are really upset, such as the Three Princes and One Party, Yunyue, including Baili Rongze...

 Baili Rongze never dreamed that things would be turned into such an unrecognizable appearance. So what if Fan Qingyao didn't get married? Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, she was already a veritable princess.

With Fan Qingyao's IQ, as long as he does not take the initiative to die, and as long as Baili Fengming's life is hard enough and can continue to live, no one can remove Fan Qingyao from the position of Crown Princess.

Concubine Yu really couldn't sit still. She didn't even move the chopsticks in front of her.

 But what if you don’t want to admit it anymore?

Since the emperor has spoken, he will not easily take back what he has said.

 Two hours later, the banquet ended, and everyone was finally able to escape from this heart-wrenching banquet openly.

Just when going out, no matter how close the Third Prince and his party are, when they see Fan Qingyao, they must salute respectfully and say hello. Who doesn't want to say the last sentence, "Crown Princess Jin An?"

This year, it’s really terrible to think about it!

The Prince of Heshuo County didn't care whether others were going to die or live. After returning to the mansion that night, he sent someone to spread the news.

 By the early morning of the next day, the news had spread directly to every street and alley in the main city.

 (End of this chapter)

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