Chapter 764 Fan Qingyao will not be fooled

Of course, Fan Qingyao would not let his mother feel as embarrassed. When the waiter came over, he ordered the waiter to take his mother and Qingxin to the private room first.

Xiao Qingxin nestled in her mother's arms and saw that her eldest sister did not follow them. Her little mouth was babbling non-stop. If her legs were not too short, she would have jumped into Fan Qingyao's arms at this time.

Huayue Lian did not dare to allow her daughter to act recklessly at this time, so she held Qingxin's head and carried her upstairs.

Pan Yulu is just weird. She was obviously not born by Fan Qingyao, so how can she feel closer to her than seeing her own mother?

The more this happened, the more Pan Yulu thought of the child she had lost, staring straight at Fan Qingyao with eyes that were hot and cold.

The ladies at home are all going to be scared to death, okay?

Afraid that Pan Yulu would do something irreversible, she quietly pulled Pan Yulu's sleeve to remind her.

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to stand here and watch their eyebrows and lawsuits, so he was about to continue walking upstairs.

“Fourth brother and sister, can you please lend me a moment to speak?” Pan Yulu’s voice sounded behind her again.

Fan Qingyao stopped and turned around, and saw that Pan Yulu had already kicked several ladies from her natal family downstairs first.

"I still have to eat. If Sister-in-law has anything to say, please say it here."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

 She is not as important as a meal?

"That sister just now must be the fourth sibling. She looks really cute, but children are always very fragile. There have been bumps and bumps along the way. Who can guarantee that she will always be safe?" Pan Yulu looked at Fan Qingyao and said with a half-smile.

Fan Qingyao's eyes turned cold when he mentioned his relatives, "Is the third sister-in-law cursing my sister?"

Pan Yulu smiled and said, "I'm just telling the truth. The fourth brother and sister should thank me. Now Aunt Fan has a very important status in front of the third prince. I think my children would not understand if she didn't have the status at the beginning. No, I’m afraid it will be the fourth brother and sister’s turn now.”

Fan Qingyao frowned. He didn't expect that Pan Yulu, who was celebrating the New Year, would say such unlucky things.

This is because you are not satisfied with yourself, and you also want to irritate others?

"If what the third sister-in-law said is true, Aunt Fan and my sister in the third prince's house are also close to each other. Although Aunt Fan and I seldom move around, there are some relationships that cannot be ignored without moving around. "If it's not Fan Xuening, then it's still someone close to Baili Rongze. Who knows what Pan Yulu is planning to do when she takes the opportunity.

But it didn’t matter what Pan Yulu had planned, Fan Qingyao didn’t intend to accompany him anyway.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Qingyao walked away.

Pan Yulu never imagined that Fan Qingyao would leave immediately without leaving any face for her.

"Are the fourth brothers and sisters really not worried at all? I saw that the child was getting along with the fourth brother and sister, so I kindly reminded him that I am a mother, so I naturally know that the child is innocent. I just hope that the fourth brother and sister will soon A little precaution will save you from going down my old path." Pan Yulu's voice followed Fan Qingyao closely.

Fan Qingyao stopped, but did not look back this time, "I also felt it was a pity what happened at the beginning, but there is no need for the third sister-in-law to hold on to her. After all, the third sister-in-law is not as good as others."

 Pan Yulu, “…”

Can Fan Qingyao's mouth be any more poisonous?

This time, seeing Fan Qingyao walking upstairs, Pan Yulu didn't speak again. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but because she was out of breath due to Fan Qingyao's rebuke, so she had no time to speak again!

In the private room, Hua Yuelian had already finished feeding her milk, and was coaxing Qingxin to play with her carelessly. Qingxin probably felt her mother's perfunctoryness, and her little mouth was pouted.

When Fan Qingyao entered the door, Qingxin saw the savior. Yes, she screamed and rushed into Fan Qingyao's arms. Fan Qingyao smiled and took him over and sniffed gently. Well, there is another A light milky aroma. Seeing that her daughter's complexion was as normal, Huayue Lian breathed a sigh of relief, "I saw that the third prince's concubine didn't have any good intentions. I thought she was looking for trouble for you."

Fan Qingyao said nonchalantly, "It's just a few casual words, mother, there's no need to worry."

Hua Yuelian was about to continue asking when she saw Fan Qingyao holding her sister up high. Looking at the big and small children having so much fun, she finally swallowed her words when they came to her lips.

Perhaps Pan Yulu's purpose was too obvious, and Fan Qingyao really didn't take her to heart.

This is how long it has been since we last seen each other. He has lost a lot of weight. It is obvious that his life in the third prince's residence is not going well.

But think about it, if Fan Xuening really has the memory of the previous life, and he has the ability to capture Baili Rongze, but Pan Yulu has no idea about it, how can he be Fan Xuening's opponent?

It is estimated that Pan Yulu was so oppressed by Fan Xuening that she seized the opportunity to sow discord in front of her. Unfortunately, Pan Yulu's method was too despicable, and Fan Qingyao certainly would not fall into the trap.

Pan Yulu certainly didn't expect that Fan Qingyao not only didn't listen to her words, but instead slapped her until her chest became clogged. She felt her chest was so heavy all afternoon.

The New Year is already busy. After Pan Yulu finished socializing, it was already dark. She returned to the Third Prince's Mansion exhausted physically and mentally. She heard Fan Xuening's uncontrolled laughter coming from the direction of the main hall. Pan With a dark face, Yulu took a detour and returned to her yard.

Ever since Fan Xuening gave birth to the child, she didn't know what means she used to make the third prince become more and more addicted to her. She was just a concubine. Now she dared to go directly to the front hall to eat. If it was passed down If you go out, you will make others laugh.

 But she was favored by the third prince, what could Pan Yulu do?

 It’s been a terrible year this year!

After waiting for a year, Pan Yulu, who has not calmed down at all, still has to go to the palace to meet Concubine Yu, because Pan Yulu was not present at Concubine Yu’s birthday before. This time, she had to hold a valuable gift, and it was still dark. Just got on the carriage entering the palace.

When Grandma Ying saw that the third prince's concubine was coming, she took her to the main hall and waited. After all, she was the third prince's concubine. She still had to give her some face. "Concubine Yu took Princess Yunyue to Fengyi. The palace has come to visit the Queen, the Third Prince and Concubine will wait a moment."

Of course, Pan Yulu didn’t dare to show off to Aunt Ying, so she quickly took out the money from her arms and said, “I’m sorry to trouble you, Aunt Ying.”

Mammy Ying smiled and put it in her arms, then withdrew.

Not long after, Concubine Yu brought Yunyue back to Yue Yu Palace. Thinking of the queen's cheerful smile, she couldn't help but said as soon as she entered the door, "Look at the queen's face. I'm so disgusted that I'm going to die. Isn't that right?" The past few years have been smooth sailing, but I don’t know how to get better!”

Concubine Yu is really angry. She has never been so groveling in front of the queen since she entered the palace!

Yunyue's face didn't look good either, but she didn't dare to really anger her mother at this time. "Mom, please calm down. No matter how proud the queen is, it's only temporary. This time we have captured the father's thoughts. Otherwise, my father would not send the prince away to Fengcheng."

After hearing this, Concubine Yu's expression finally softened a little, and she took Yunyue's hand and sat on the Grand Master's chair together, "Just because the Emperor is following our wishes now, we must be more careful. This matter must not happen." A little mistake, otherwise none of us will get anything good."

Yunyue smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, concubine, my master..."

 "Pah!" There was a crisp sound, which made Yunyue and Concubine Yu jump.

Concubine Yu's face instantly darkened, she looked behind the screen and asked, "Who?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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