Chapter 772 Look at the ice lanterns after fifteen

Han Jingchen was really tired, and when he raised the teapot, he drank from it.

After she was full, she looked at Sun Contong and complained, "Why don't you just make a hole in the ground."

Sun Congtong expressed that she was innocent, "I drank tea last time and killed someone, so I have to be careful this time."

When Han Jingchen heard this, he thought of Princess Rui and obviously didn't want to continue this topic. "When I came in, I saw you two chatting happily. Whatever you say, take me with you."

Sun Contong just smiled and said, "I just heard that Qingyao's third sister is actually married."

Han Jingchen looked at Fan Qingyao and was stunned, "Is your sister married? How old is she?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Thirteen, if you turn over the year, it will be fourteen."

 Han Jingchen nodded. In Xiliang, if it is not the royal family or some big family, they don't care so much about whether a girl has hair extensions. Many families marry people first, and then wait until they have hair extensions before performing the courtesy of the Duke of Zhou.


Suddenly there was the sound of smashing things outside the window.

Several people in the private room looked at each other and walked to the window lattice curiously. When they opened the window, they could vaguely see many people busy carving ice sculptures and ice lanterns by the moat.

“I heard that on the night of the 15th, the ice lanterns on the moat will light up, and it will be very lively then.” Even though Sun Congtong was married, he was still like a child.

On the contrary, Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen fell silent at the same time.

Sun Congtong looked at the two of them in confusion, "What do you mean by being bitter and resentful?"

Han Jingchen smiled bitterly and said, "The moat has caused such a big stir. It seems that it is the hand of the imperial court. Since the imperial court has spent money, it will not be in vain. I am afraid that these fifteen dollars are enough for me and Qingyao."

Sun Congtong was stunned for a moment, still not quite understanding.

Fan Qingyao said patiently, "The imperial court paid money to go in, not just for the benefit of the people, but also to please the masters in the palace. Once the empress and the concubines in the harem leave the palace incognito, we will These daughters-in-law must be by their side.”

This time, Sun Contong understood it and had an expression on his face that said, "I am praying for you."

Although Han Jingchen does not have a mother-in-law, this makes her even more embarrassed.

Last year, I followed the concubines from the harem out of the palace to watch the fireworks. I saw that the other princes and concubines were accompanying my mother-in-law, and she was the only one in the middle. Every concubine I saw would pretend to say a few auspicious words.

 Since he was of low status and had no mother-in-law, he naturally had to treat all the concubines in the harem as mothers-in-law.

Scenes from the past came to mind, and Han Jingchen was really upset.

Sure enough, on the 13th day, the princes and concubines all received the news that on the 15th night, the queen would take the concubines from the harem out of the palace to watch the ice lanterns.

Thinking about Han Jingchen's embarrassment, Fan Qingyao specifically suggested to the Empress that Han Jingchen should accompany the Empress this time. After all, the Empress is the legitimate mother of all princes, and no one can say anything.

Empress Zhen Xi thought that Feng Ming was not in the main city this time, and she knew that Fan Qingyao had a good relationship with the sixth prince and concubine, so she naturally nodded in agreement.

By the evening of the 15th, the main city was really lively. From one end of the moat to the other, there were densely packed figures of people walking back and forth. The sounds of people chatting and the sounds of children playing on the streets came and went.

There were many carriages coming out of the palace. In order not to attract the attention of the people and block the streets, the palace drivers could only park the carriages on the shore a little further away.

As the carriage doors opened one after another, the concubines of the harem, together with the princes and concubines, all stepped out.

Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen accompanied the Queen out of the carriage, and happened to see Concubine Yu walking over with Princess Yunyue and Baili Rongze.

Concubine Yu seemed to have never expected that it would be such a coincidence that she would meet her enemy as soon as she landed. But when their eyes really met, she couldn't pretend that she couldn't see her. She could only suppress her discomfort and take the initiative to come over to say hello.

After Queen Zhen Xi did a few rounds of Tai Chi with Concubine Yu, she looked at Fan Xuening next to Baili Rongze and said, "This one is quite handsome."

Fan Xuening quickly said her greetings obediently, "The queen is a thousand years old."

 Baili Rongze took Fan Xuening's hand and took the initiative to say, "If you go back to your mother, this is Aunt Fan from the son's house."

After hearing this, Queen Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao beside her calmly. After receiving Fan Qingyao's affirmative look, she looked at Fan Xuening carefully again.

Even though the men in the Fan family are not on the stage, the daughter they gave birth to is really beautiful.

Even Queen Zhen Xi, who is used to seeing beauties, has to admit that Fan Xuening is indeed well-born, especially her straight and beautiful facial features. If you don't look carefully, she is very similar to Fan Qingyao next to her.

"Don't you know, Queen, that this is the half-sister of the Crown Princess?" Concubine Yu spoke lightly, but she emphasized the word "Crown Princess", which was clearly a slap in Fan Qingyao's face. After all, no woman wants to have a sister as an aunt.

Queen Zhen Xi smiled, "What Concubine Yu said is that I am really strange. We are all from the same house, but how can we have such completely different choices in life? However, I feel that, You only have one life, so you should choose the path you take carefully. ”

 Concubine Yu, “…”

  Is it not prudent to choose his son?

Yunyue looked at her mother-in-law who was always comparing money and money, and she always felt that her mother-in-law had become more and more out of control recently. She was probably really confused by the queen's anger, and she even cared about this kind of verbal dispute. .

"What the Queen Mother said is true, but this Aunt Fan is really a good person. Today, the third prince's concubine was ill and could not come, so Aunt Fan came instead. After all, she is also a person who can help the third emperor's brother to take care of her worries." Yun Yue took the opportunity to tighten her mother's arm. She had more important things to do today, so she couldn't waste time here.

Concubine Yu suddenly woke up, pointed at the ice lantern in the distance, and then led the people away.

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Fan Xuening, who had always been silent. It was really difficult to connect such a person with the person who pretended to be Yunying. As expected, people cannot be judged by appearance.

"Mother, how about we go over there and have a look?" Fan Qingyao didn't want to disturb the Queen's good mood because of someone who wasn't worthy of her.

Queen Zhen Xi smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's take a nice stroll today."

Han Jingchen looked at the sincere smile the Queen gave to Fan Qingyao, and was truly envious and blessed. Not everyone has such an honor to be loved by her mother-in-law so much, especially the Queen with a noble status.

 (End of this chapter)

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