Chapter 779 Not everyone can catch it

When Fan Qingyao followed Lily back to Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi had just entered and sat down. When she saw Fan Qingyao coming, she quickly waved her hand, "Come and sit next to me."

Fan Qingyao obeyed and sat next to the Queen, and took the tea from the palace attendant and handed it to the Queen.

Queen Zhen Xi took the tea cup and smiled knowingly, "How about the Yue Yu Palace?"

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "Does the queen even know about it?"

"When I was in front of the emperor, I heard that you took Lily to Yueyue Palace." When Queen Zhenxi heard the news, she knew that it was Lily who told Fan Qingyao about her dilemma. Fan Qingyao was He didn't want her to be distracted, so he went to Yue Yu Palace in person to silence Concubine Yu.

“The mother-in-law doesn’t blame the daughter-in-law for making her own decisions.” Fan Qingyao did not take any credit.

Queen Zhen Xi put down the teacup and grabbed Fan Qingyao's hand, "It's indeed strange, because I'm worried that you can't defeat the cunning and treacherous Concubine Yu, but seeing you calm and relaxed, I guess I'm worrying too much. Yes, come to think of it, my carefully selected daughter-in-law is really something."

The Queen is like this. No matter what she does or says, she always touches people's hearts and warms their hearts.

“Concubine Yu’s pulse is very stable, and she doesn’t seem to have any hidden dangers. How is your Majesty doing?”

Empress Zhen Xi was not surprised at all when she heard Fan Qingyao's words, "Over the years, the methods of fighting for favor have not changed at all. She really thinks that she is still a young girl who has just entered the palace. Even if she is shameless and not tired, I have seen enough."

 She knew that Concubine Yu was taking the opportunity to pretend to be ill in order to gain the emperor's sympathy!

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 She couldn't accept this.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Fan Qingyao's silent expression, paused and then smiled, "I know that you are a measured person. Concubine Yu will be left to me. As long as I have a chance to breathe, she will Concubine Yu, don’t expect to have a day when you have her way, but you should stay in the house more recently and don’t go out easily. "

"The emperor plans to investigate this matter strictly?" Fan Qingyao asked.

“I finally came out with a glowing face. Not only was I disturbed by someone, but I was also frightened to death. The emperor is still lying on the bed at this moment.”

 At the end of the day, it’s not just about being angry.

Queen Zhen Xi held Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "Your Majesty will investigate this matter strictly. It just so happens that Feng Ming is not in the main city either. You can rest in the palace during this period. There is no need to worry in the palace."

Fan Qingyao knew that the Queen meant for her to avoid suspicion, so he nodded and agreed. After chatting with the Queen for a while, he heard that Princess Yunyue had arrived. Fan Qingyao thought about the Queen's warning that she did not need to ask the palace. What was going on inside, he stood up and said goodbye.

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and nodded. She just liked Fan Qingyao's ability to know the important and the light.

When Fan Qingyao was walking outside Fengyi Palace, he happened to bump into Yunyue entering the door.

At this time, Yunyue had changed her clothes, and her complexion looked good, but the corners of her lips were still a little white.

“The Crown Princess is entering the palace to visit her mother?” Yunyue took the initiative to greet Fan Qingyao with a smile on her face.

"What Princess Yunyue said is that after such a big thing happens, if you can't enter the palace and see your mother safe with your own eyes, you will always feel uneasy." Fan Qingyao admired Yunyue very much, and he was just pressed by her. Inside the lake, I can still greet her with a smile.

This kind of forbearance is not something ordinary people can achieve.

Of course, Yunyue can pretend, and so can she.

Moreover, she pretended to be even more nonchalant than Yunyue.

Yunyue knew that there was no evidence even if Luohu's matter was investigated, so she simply pretended that nothing happened. This made Fan Qingyao feel uneasy, but looking at Fan Qingyao, he looked as if nothing had happened. Yunyue never expected that Fan Qingyao could really act as if nothing had happened. Looking at the calm smile on Fan Qingyao's face, she could vomit two kilograms of blood.

How hypocritical does this have to be to do this?

Fan Qingyao didn't care what Yunyue thought in her heart, as long as she didn't quarrel with her face to face.

Yun Yue felt that if she continued to make excuses with Fan Qingyao, she would probably vomit blood and die, so she quickly backed down on the grounds of visiting the Queen.

Of course Fan Qingyao will not stop him. It would be a lie to say he is not tired after struggling for so long.

The collective danger of the concubines in the harem was not a trivial matter. In addition, the matter also involved the emperor, and it became a big matter. When Fan Qingyao walked out of the palace, he saw the ministers hurriedly walking into the palace. , all of them were in a hurry, and their faces were very ugly.

On the other hand, Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting, who entered the palace later, looked calm.

Fan Qingyuan saw his adoptive father and grandfather from a distance, but did not come forward to say hello. He silently watched the two figures disappear completely before continuing to walk towards the palace gate.

The lights in front of the emperor were brightly lit, and the emperor's angry scoldings were heard.

 All the ministers stood in the room, not daring to express their anger, each with his head lowered and looking at his toes.

 Takes charge of checking this matter. If it is done well, it will indeed gain favor in front of the emperor.

 But what if it really went wrong?

Not to mention the fact that he could not explain himself to the emperor, even the anger of the people could not be appeased.

 To put it bluntly, this matter is a hot potato. Everyone wants to take it, but not everyone can.

Even Fan Qingyao can figure out such a simple truth, let alone these old fritters who hang out in the court.

But what Fan Qingyao didn't expect was that the emperor finally handed the matter over to the Military and Horse Department for full investigation and handling.

 When he heard the news, Fan Qingyao was stunned as he was about to walk out of the palace.

Of course she will not forget that Baili Rongze served in the Military and Horse Division.

The emperor has been partial to Baili Rongze for more than a day or two. This is why he will not leave matters with unknown results to Baili Rongze. After all, this matter concerns not only the royal family, but also the main city. The voice of the people speaks for itself, and if it is not done well, it will ruin the reputation in the hearts of the people.

But the emperor just handed this matter over to the Military and Horse Department. Why?

 Could it be that Baili Rongze requested the order himself?

But Baili Rongze is not a fool. Even if he wants to show his filial piety in front of the emperor, he can definitely distinguish the pros and cons. How can he take such a big responsibility on himself at this time?

The more I think about this, the more puzzling it becomes.

 “Sister-in-law of the Emperor!”

Just as Fan Qingyao was thinking, she heard someone calling her from behind. She turned around and saw the fifth prince running over in a hurry.

Standing in front of Fan Qingyao, Baili Lingyu looked at Fan Qingyao carefully, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the emperor's sister-in-law is safe, why not wait for the emperor's brother When I come back, I really don’t know how to explain it to the emperor.”

Fan Qingyao knew that the fifth prince really cared about her comfort, but at this time, all she could think about was the emperor's will, "Does the fifth prince know why the emperor handed this matter over to the Department of Soldiers and Horses?"

 Baili Lingyu snorted, "It's not like Brother Three Emperors is showing off."

Fan Qingyao's heart sank, Baili Rongze really took it over himself!

 (End of this chapter)

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