Chapter 803 It is natural to pay back debts

  Mrs. Yuan's face changed when she saw Zhao Yi'er.

On a day like this, what does it mean for a concubine to show her face?

Although the Yuan family is not a high-class mansion, they still have to be proud!

Almost not even paying attention to the guests in the yard, Mrs. Yuan's wife hurriedly walked towards the pavilion.

Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao, who was sitting motionless in the pavilion, and naturally raised his heels.

 This posture is obviously meant to cause trouble.

 As for her…

Of course you have to get closer to see it more clearly.

"How can you be so ignorant of the rules and not apologize to the guests quickly!" Mrs. Yuan's wife angrily scolded Zhao Yi'er as soon as they entered the pavilion.

I remember that when my husband was out on business, his carriage was in danger when passing north, and both the man and the carriage fell into a ditch. It was Zhao Yier's grandfather who passed by and saved her husband's life.

  Afterwards, when their master woke up, in order to repay this kindness, they decided to get married.

Facing Madam Yuan's scolding, Zhao Yi'er knelt on the ground, "Mother-in-law, please calm down. Before I entered the door, I was once pestered by the fifth brother of this woman's family. At that time, I first came to the main city, and the woman's brother was I work as an errand in the Military and Horse Department, but I can only delay if I refuse..."

Zhao Yier started sobbing softly as she spoke.

The thin shoulders were shaking tremblingly, and there were tears on the young face. This innocent and aggrieved look made Yan Hanbai stunned for a while.

Is this the same person as Zhao Yi'er who showed off her power in Qingnangzhai a few days ago?

Mrs. Yuan was stunned when she heard Zhao Yi'er's words. She looked up at Fan Qingyao and felt that he looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

At this moment, Zhao Yi'er said again, "Now this woman's brother is injured and unconscious, but he still misses me. I have told this woman very clearly that I have already married, but I didn't expect that this woman is haunted." You can break in even if you set out the full moon wine for the young master today."

Hearing this, the guests around him were not envious, but they still looked at him.

 Concubine’s identity is not something everyone is so lucky to get to know someone from the Military and Horse Division.

Moreover, it seems that the people from the Military and Horse Division are still devoted to Aunt Zhao...

 In this way, she can be regarded as a supporter of Aunt Zhao.

Mrs. Yuan's wife, who had not yet figured out where she had seen Fan Qingyao, noticed the gazes of the people around her and looked at Fan Qingyao and directly issued an eviction order, "If you are not a guest of our Yuan family, please leave as soon as possible."

So what if I have a younger brother who works as a sergeant in the Army and Horses Division?

The Yuan family still don't take a court servant seriously.

Hearing this, Yan Hanbai wanted to say, "Is it possible that the current crown princess was expelled by your Yuan family at your request?"

Fan Qingyao looked at Yan Hanbai gloomily and shook his head, and then turned to Mrs. Yuan's family, "My fifth brother was just kind enough to save Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family when we were in Subei. Although he never thought about Zhao of the Yuan family, My aunt has given her life to you, but Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family is not good at repaying kindness with evil."

Mrs. Yuan frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Ever since Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family entered the main city, all daily expenses were paid for by my fifth brother. Even the yard where she used to live was rented by my fifth brother. Now that Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family has become so prosperous, shouldn't it be settled? How much money do you owe my fifth brother?" After hearing this, Mrs. Yuan looked at Zhao Yi'er.

Zhao Yier cried and shook her head, "Your fifth brother did spend money on me, but it was all of his own free will."

Fan Qingyao laughed and said, "If Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family really has anything to do with my fifth brother, it is indeed reasonable for my fifth brother to give you money. But just now, Aunt Zhao of the Yuan family also said that she should be clear with my fifth brother." It’s free. Who would give a lot of money to someone who has no relatives or connections?”

Zhao Yier's face turned a bit pale as she glanced at her.

Fan Qingyao paused and then said, "Besides, my fifth brother's money is all hard-earned. The Military and Horse Division manages the security of the main city and does some life-changing tasks. Auntie Yuan's family is like this It doesn’t seem so good if you don’t pay back the money you owe my fifth brother, right?”

Zhao Yi'er looked at Fan Qingyao in surprise. She didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be so shameless!

Just because she didn’t agree to go see Baili Lingyu, you wanted to settle the score with her?


Fan Qingyao doesn’t think so.

 It is natural to pay back debts.

If Zhao Yi'er is really a good person, even if Zhao Yi'er really marries someone else, it doesn't matter if she doesn't need the money.

but now…

 Not a penny different!

"I don't, I really don't owe anything, and it's just a small amount of money. Do we really have to calculate all this?" Zhao Yi'er knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, determined in her heart that as long as she didn't acknowledge the debt, it would be a bad debt.

Of course Mrs. Yuan didn't want to pay back the money to Zhao Yi'er, so she simply followed Zhao Yi'er's words and said, "I also heard what was going on. A man approached a woman proactively and said it was not profitable. Who would believe it? Now? If you come to our Yuan family to cause trouble without getting someone, you really think that our Yuan family is easy to bully!"

Yan Hanbai raised his eyebrows and looked at Mrs. Yuan's family. Hey, are you planning to deny it?

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly, of course he was not afraid, "There is no proof for what I say. It just so happens that my fifth brother has a good habit of handing over every account to the housekeeper for accounting. And today the housekeeper of my fifth brother's house is also here. ”

 Mrs. Yuan’s family, “…”

 Where did so many coincidences come from?

But now facing the blazing eyes of all the guests, Mrs. Yuan’s wife still asked someone to go out and invite the housekeeper in, no matter how much she didn’t want to.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be clear that the Yuan family would not repay their debts?

Zhao Yi'er was so frightened that her palms were sweating when she saw Mrs. Yuan's family sending someone out to ask for the housekeeper. But now, this situation was no longer controllable by her.

Soon, the housekeeper of the Fifth Prince's Mansion came over in a hurry, holding a ledger in his arms.

Seeing that the Crown Princess and Prince Pinglai were both present in the pavilion, the old housekeeper of the fifth prince's house subconsciously wanted to salute and say hello, but was interrupted by Fan Qingyao, "Please ask the old housekeeper to report the accounts."

The old housekeeper nodded quickly, opened the account and said, "350 taels for food, 128 taels for renting a yard, 210 taels for clothes, 400 taels for jewelry..."

 The guests in the courtyard were stunned.

 This, is this small money?

 Whoever has a small amount of money already has more than a thousand taels!

“You have no basis for what you say…”

Before Mrs. Yuan's words were finished, the old housekeeper directly threw a pile of receipts in front of Mrs. Yuan's face, "These are the receipts for all expenditures. Please ask Mrs. Yuan's to take a look. If Mrs. Yuan's still doesn't believe it, you can send someone People followed the old slave and went door to door to check the authenticity of these bills."

 (End of this chapter)

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