Chapter 832 The purpose of the Yu family

 In other words, this is the purpose of Mrs. Yu’s family bringing her son to Hua’s house today!

In fact, as early as the moment her son was born, the eldest wife of the Yu family had already found a reading companion for her son. Who would have thought that something like this would happen in the middle, disrupting all her plans, and she had to bite the bullet and admit it? The fact that Hua's family was allowed to stay with their son.

The eldest wife of the Yu family found a reading companion for her son. He was the grandson of a second-grade Hanlin Academy scholar at that time. Such a scholarly family could not be compared to the Hua family, which was half-dead and living in the main city. ?

Besides, if the third prince really sits on that chair in the future, he will definitely have to use the Yu family. But the Yu family has many heirs, how can the third prince reuse her youngest son like this, with a flower family beside him? A spy should be a companion.

The eldest lady of the Yu family mentioned the matter of rejection to her mother-in-law several times, but was rejected by her mother-in-law. The eldest lady of the Yu family had no other choice, so she planned to visit the house in person to find a reason to cancel the accompanying reading.

Fan Qingyao had long known that the eldest wife of the Yu family was either an adulterer or a thief, but he didn't expect that this was the idea behind the fight.

To put it bluntly, if there was still room for choice, Fan Qingyao would not send Brother Ren to be a companion to the heirs of the Yu family, so since the Hua family has to endure it, the Yu family will naturally have to suffer as well. Respond.

But before Fan Qingyao could speak, he saw the old lady of the Yu family walking in with support.

The old lady of the Yu family who also heard her daughter-in-law's **** words was so angry that she knocked the eldest lady of the Yu family to the ground with a cane, "You are a long-haired person with short knowledge, how come we in the Yu family have such a disgraceful person like you?" , why don’t you confess to the Crown Princess quickly!”

Mrs. Yu's wife lay on the ground, her face twisted in pain, "Mother-in-law, how can you help outsiders?"

 Old lady of the Yu family, “…”

 Does she want to help?

 It’s impossible not to help!

Let's not talk about the accompanying reading matter, which is the emperor's golden words. Even Concubine Yu in the palace can't do anything about it, and it is their turn to make their own decisions. Let's just say that the group of people from the Hua family surrounded the gate of the Yu family, and even the gate of the Yu family They were all demolished and the people were already alarmed.

If this matter gets serious, won't the Yu family be in trouble?

 “You evil thing, why don’t you get up quickly and apologize to the Crown Princess!” the old lady of the Yu family scolded angrily.

The eldest lady of the Yu family hated the Hua family so much, how could she apologize to Fan Qingyao, but she didn't dare to refuse the honor of the old lady of the Yu family, so she simply fell to the ground with eyes wide open and pretended to be faint.

 “Today’s matter is all due to the poor discipline of my wife, and I have invited the Crown Princess to pay a lot of attention...” Poor old lady of the Yu family is very old, and she has to wipe the butts of the juniors in the house with all her face.

Fan Qingyao glanced at Madam Yu, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, "The Hua family never likes to cause trouble, and we ask Madam Yu to take care of her family."

 “What the Crown Princess said is true, and I must remember it carefully.”

The matter has reached this point. If Fan Qingyao continues to be unreasonable, he will be overbearing. It is impossible to let her and the Yu family settle their differences. Seeing that her grandmother has been carried into the back room, She just stepped in and walked in.

 The remaining old ladies of the Yu family stood where they were...

 It can be said to be extremely embarrassing!

The old lady of the Yu family has never been so embarrassed in her life, but in the final analysis, it was the Yu family's fault. She didn't even have the confidence to show her unwillingness, so she quickly had Madam of the Yu family picked up and hurried out. After entering the main hall, he galloped towards the door of the mansion without even daring to look back.

 In the back room of the main courtyard, Tao Yuxian was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed.

Fan Qingyao was afraid of touching his grandmother's wound again, so he asked Nanny Xu to bring scissors and simply cut a slit in her clothes along her back. Soon, the already red and swollen lower back was exposed under the clothes.

Looking at her grandmother's swollen lower back, Wu Qiuzao burst into tears of distress, "How could a little child be so cruel? It's a pity that the Yu family is still a high-ranking mansion, so they raised their children in this way!"

"Children understand things, but they are only instigated by adults." Fan Qingyao said in a deep voice while checking his grandmother's injuries. Fortunately, his grandmother had no broken bones.

“What do you mean, my sister-in-law, is that this is Mrs. Yu’s idea?” Wu Qiuzao’s eyes widened. How could anyone raise a child like this?

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly and didn't think there was anything surprising.

Concubine Yu occupied the emperor's favor in the palace. After Baili Rongze was born, the emperor was even more partial. Even if the emperor still retained the positions of queen and prince, for Concubine Yu, whether she was the empress or Baili Rongze, Li Fengming is just a showman.

Concubine Yu thought so, let alone the Yu family.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Yu family, Baili Rongze is the one who can sit on that chair. The eldest wife of the Yu family is worried that after Baili Rongze takes the throne, because her son has an heir of the Hua family as a companion, But he was unwilling to be unable to be reused by Baili Rongze.

I have to say that the Yu family’s idea is quite beautiful.

But they put all their hopes on Baili Rongze and wanted to see if Baili Rongze could really climb up.


Ren Geer was so frightened that he was still sobbing in his mother's arms, but looking at his little aunt in front of him, even though the tears on his face were not dry yet, he did not forget to reach out to her for a hug.

Wu Qiuzao looked at his son in his arms and said that he was lying if he said he was not worried. Originally, the Hua family and the Yu family did not deal with each other. Now that something like this happened again, I am afraid that the Yu family will hate the Hua family to death. If in the future, Brother Ren was sent as a companion to the young master of the Yu family, but he didn't know how to be bullied.

How could Fan Qingyao not see the worry in Wu Qiuzhuo's eyes, but it was too early to worry now.

Since the eldest lady of the Yu family dares to bring her children to the house to make trouble, she is not a calm person, so we still need to wait and see what the final result will be.

It’s just that Fan Qingyao didn’t want to boast in front of his sister-in-law until the matter was settled. “Sister-in-law, please take Brother Ren to rest first. Grandma is here to watch over me.”

"Okay, if anything happens, my sister-in-law will send someone to find me at any time." Wu Qiuzhuo nodded, hugged Brother Ren and went out first.

Fan Qingyao turned around and sat on the bed. He first applied the ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis on his grandmother's lower back bit by bit with his hands. Then he warmed his palms and slowly rubbed the ointment into his skin. Wait until the ointment was completely absorbed. After it was absorbed, the silver needle was placed on the red and swollen area.

I don’t know how long it took before Tao Yuxian gradually became less aware of the pain in her lower back. When she opened her eyes, she saw Fan Qingyao sitting by the bed, silently by her side.

 (End of this chapter)

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