Chapter 840 makes you jealous

"Does anyone else know about this?" Fan Qingyao looked at Fan Zhao and asked.

"I was the only one who went shopping this time, and the others didn't know about it. But before I came back, I heard that the woman in the carriage was asking the boy next to me to come to Hua's house to report the news. I saw that the boy was coming on foot. If Considering the distance from the city gate to the western suburbs mansion, it still takes about half an hour."

Are you really going to ask the Hua family to greet you at the city gate?

Fan Qingyao had no time to indulge in outsiders' tempers. He counted the time in his mind and ordered Fan Zhao, "Let the concierge prepare a few more carriages. The sooner the better."

After giving Fan Zhao instructions, Fan Qingyao walked straight towards the main courtyard.

Before the hour passed, the daughters-in-law from each courtyard gathered in the main courtyard to pay their respects to the old lady. It was so lively that Fan Qingyao simply said directly that he wanted to take the elders in the mansion out for a walk. The daughters-in-law from each house But in the house, I have to hold back my hair, and when I heard this, my eyes lit up with excitement.

Originally, Tao Yuxian didn't like to mess around, but seeing the juniors gearing up one by one, it was hard to get rid of everyone's nature. He also thought that the master had told him in advance that he would go directly to the Heshuo County Prince's Mansion after the next court. When he came back for lunch, he nodded and agreed to Fan Qingyao's proposal.

Soon, a group of people got on the carriage in front of the mansion.

As Fan Qingyao stepped onto the carriage, he took out a purse and threw it to Fan Zhao, "The servants in the mansion have worked hard during this period. Please give this money to them and tell them to have a good rest today."

When Fan Zhao heard this, he figured it out. Not only did he take away the masters in the mansion, but what was more cruel was that he even gave the servants below a holiday. By then, the people waiting for his cousin and grandma would arrive. There was probably no one to open the door.

 To put it bluntly, Miss is not leaving any way for my cousin and grandma to survive!

Fan Qingyao was leaning on the soft couch of the carriage with her eyes closed. They were all relatives. If they were really good friends, she would naturally treat him with respect. But if he didn't know what was good and what was bad, she wouldn't have the time to do anything about it.

 Didn’t her cousin always like to go her own way?

 That would make her feel like waiting for others all the time.

In the blink of an eye, almost half a year has passed since the incident of the fifteen thieves. Although the Bingma Division has not been able to arrest the people and the people are still panic-stricken, the days are still going on. Although the main city is still empty. It had returned to its former lively and noisy appearance, but it was midday and the main street was still lively.

On the moat, boats pass by from time to time, and just looking at them makes people feel relaxed.

Fan Qingyao simply rented two boats and took the elders of the family on a boat trip. But the daughter-in-law of each house had never taken a boat. Ever since they got married, they had very few opportunities to go out. Now they set foot on the river. Everyone in the swaying boat turned pale with fright.

The second daughter-in-law, Chun Yue, has always been a person who speaks without thinking. She shouted at the top of her voice, "Can this boat sink?"

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 Can’t you say something auspicious?

The other daughters-in-law were already extremely nervous. After hearing what the second daughter-in-law Chun Yue said, they were even more frightened and panicked. They all hugged the hull of the boat beside them and refused to let go.

The people on the shore saw the bear lying like this, and they all looked at it curiously.

The boatman is also helpless. He is just a rower. Can you not make him look like a kidnapper?

Fortunately, the boat soon started rowing steadily on the lake, and the daughters-in-law of each house gradually adapted to the feeling of sitting on the boat. Coupled with the breeze blowing, eating cakes, and occasionally chatting, They all feel that they have reached the peak of their lives.

Tao Yuxian is really good at stroking her forehead. Each of them is just good at this. It seems that they should take them out to see the world more in the future.

However, when the people on the shore looked at this scene, they were really envious and felt comfortable. Ever since the incident happened in the main city, everyone has been living in panic. Although no one has said anything for a long time, who is not worried?

Now seeing the Crown Princess and her family cruising on the river in a boat, chatting and laughing, the common people felt that even their moods had relaxed a lot. Then when they thought of the third prince who was still under investigation in Dali Temple, the common people felt It's really disgusting from the bottom of my heart.

 Look at the princess, she knows how to spend time with her family when she has nothing to do, but their third prince, when he has nothing to do, he only knows how to make trouble with small tricks.

 In such a comparison, it is really clear what is superior and what is inferior.

“Tell me, is the fifteenth incident really related to the third prince?”

"I asked you, are you stupid? If it really doesn't matter, how could the third prince be captured?"

“If this matter is really done by the third prince, it would be too cruel. Not only will it harm others, but also yourself, how will the people in the third prince’s mansion see each other in the future?”

Fan Xuening was standing on the shore at this time. Meeting Fan Qingyao was enough to make her nauseous, and looking at Fan Qingyao's carefree appearance made her nauseous even more. As a result, she still couldn't breathe out the bad breath. Well, the rumors and rumors from the people around her were coming towards her again.

It was Fan Qingyao who was sitting on the boat who actually saw Fan Xuening. Similarly, she also knew that Fan Xuening had always been jealous, otherwise she would not have taken Baili Rongze's position because of her. Doting on her, he also brought people to torture her all day long.

Just like this, the more Fan Xuening looks here, the more Fan Qingyao pretends to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Doesn't Fan Xuening like to be jealous?

Then go ahead and be jealous!

Fan Xue condensed the handkerchief in her hand angrily, turned away from the crowd and got into the carriage.

The maid stood beside the carriage and quickly consoled her, "Aunt Fan, why should you vent your anger on those ignorant people? Our third prince was wronged. I believe that the emperor will soon restore his innocence."

Fan Xuening, however, couldn't hear a word he said. He took a few deep breaths before ordering, "Go to Dali Temple."

Fan Xuening naturally felt uncomfortable seeing Fan Qingyao getting his wish, so she thought of going to Dali Temple to inform Baili Rongze about the matter, making Baili Rongze hate Fan Qingyao even more.

But who would have thought that Baili Rongze was suffocated and angry at Dali Temple, and now after listening to Fan Xuening's words and knowing that Fan Qingyao was living a free and easy life outside, would the same prince be equally happy?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Baili Rongze was so angry that he fainted.

Seeing this, the minister of Dali Temple did not dare to hide anything, so he immediately sent someone to report the matter to the palace.

Emperor Yongchang was already in a bad mood because of Baili Rongze's investigation. Now that he heard about it, he was so angry that he smashed the tea cup in his hand. He immediately called Concubine Yu to him and asked her whether How to discipline the people below the third prince.

Concubine Yu was scolded by the emperor with a confused look on her face. When she walked out of the imperial study, her face was so dark that she couldn't even find the sunlight.

 “Auntie Ying!”

 “The old slave is here.”

“Send the order and have Fan Xuening’s hooves locked inside the palace!”


 (End of this chapter)

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