Chapter 848 The little wife is the little wife

Under the sun, Pan Yulu's face was glowing with a faint dark yellow color, and even her pupils were a little cloudy.

Compared with all the vibrant scenes around her, she seemed so lifeless.

With the help of her servants, Pan Yulu was extremely cautious every step she took, as if she might fall to the ground at any time if the wind got stronger.

Compared with Pan Yulu, who took one step and took three breaths, Fan Xuening was obviously much more active. Not only did he take the initiative to lead the way for everyone, but he also kept instructing the servants around him to do this and that in the house. The other servants obeyed his words without any complaints.

Fan Xuening really stole the show.

 Those who didn’t know, thought she was the mistress of this house.

Liao Yuwei, who was following the second princess, looked at Fan Xuening like this. It would be a lie to say that she was not envious. Although Concubine Yu and Concubine Han Xian had promised her, they were both concubines at the moment. Fan Xuening could only do what she wanted. But that can't be done now.

Even though Fan Xuening was walking in front, she could still feel the eyes of everyone behind her. Invisible to everyone, the corners of her lips curled up in a proud arc.

 That's exactly what she wanted.

 In the dream, she was superior to everyone else. In the dream, she had the status and the emperor's favor that all women dreamed of.

 But what about in reality?

 Fan Qingyao always had the upper hand and always stepped on her head!

However, Fan Xuening always believed that the dream was a guide for her, allowing her to move towards her own glory step by step. Just like now, she just wants to tell everyone that she is the one who has the final say in the third prince's mansion. that.

How could Fan Qingyao not see Fan Xuening's intention to show off?

But compared to Fan Xuening's complacency, Fan Qingyao wanted to find out what happened in the third prince's house. After all, Pan Yulu was married by the emperor, and the third prince Ming matchmaker was marrying a concubine. If it weren't for one of them What's the hidden secret? Even if Baili Rongze was concerned about the emperor, he couldn't do the evil thing of pampering his concubine and destroying his wife.

However, Fan Qingyao can turn a blind eye to Fan Xuening's showoff, but it does not mean that others can pretend not to see it.

"It's strange to say that the scenery inside the Third Prince's Mansion is really unique. Other people's mansions have more flowers and less grass, but the Third Prince's Mansion obviously has more grass and less flowers. If you don't look carefully, you can still see flowers. The shadows were all taken over by the soldiers." The eighth prince looked like she was admiring the scenery, but in fact everyone knew what kind of mystery was hidden in her words.

Liao Yuwei smiled and said, "What the Eighth Prince said makes sense, but many things are beyond human control. For example, these flowers themselves are not up to par. No matter how carefully the servants take care of them, they are nothing. It’s just a waste of time.”

After hearing this, Han Jingchen looked at the second princess and said, "The second prince doesn't seem to talk much on weekdays. I didn't expect that the concubine who was trained can be very eloquent. But it's okay to talk to us freely. If we wait, It's still like this after entering the palace, and the person I lost is the second prince..."

Halfway through speaking, Han Jingchen seemed to remember something, covered his mouth and laughed, "Oh, I forgot, concubines are not qualified to enter the palace."

 Liao Yuwei, “…”

Is the Crown Princess’s sharp tongue contagious or something?

  Why do people who are close to the Crown Princess talk like they are cutting flesh?

Yan Hanbai was too lazy to listen to these convoluted words and said directly, "I am a concubine. No matter how public I am, I am still a little wife. I can't be engraved with the royal jade butterfly when I am alive. I can't be buried in the royal ancestral graves after I die. I really don't know. What's so good about it? If you ask me, it's better to accumulate some virtue while you're still alive, so as not to be buried in the wilderness after you die. Maybe you will be a lonely ghost and be captured by evil spirits to continue. Be a little wife!”

 Everybody, “…”

It is indeed Princess Pinglai, who is refreshing. Fan Qingyao really couldn't hold back his laughter, "Just say what you say, don't get angry, be careful of fetal contamination."

Yan Hanbai held his belly and groaned, "I just can't stand the virtue of the little chicken climbing on the head of the old hen! I'm not afraid of falling to death halfway!"

 The people around him couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

“Princess Hirai is right in saying that people must be self-aware.”

“If you don’t even have self-knowledge, aren’t you no different from an animal?”

"But don't tell me, some people are not as sensible as animals."

Hearing this, Liao Yuwei's face turned pale.

 Looking at Fan Xuening walking in front, his body bones were obviously stiff and formed into a straight line.

Pan Yulu, who was walking aside with her servants, was actually forced to agree to swim in the lake, but now she felt very comfortable. As long as she could see Fan Xuening deflated, let alone walking these few steps, just walking She would be happy even if she traveled thousands of miles!

Just looking at the laughing and joking of the princes and concubines around her, Pan Yulu was still a little dazed. These were all ladies from famous families. Before they got married, who didn't live a tense life, let alone swearing in a roundabout way, just saying something. Don't speak loudly.

But look at it now, you can’t even breathe when you criticize Sang and Huai.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Pan Yulu had to admit that Fan Qingyao was really good at it. Not only did he win over a group of people to follow her wholeheartedly, but he also made everyone believe in her unswervingly and stand up for her. .

Just like now, who doesn’t know that the words they speak are causing hatred for themselves?

 But they are still so unhesitating.

 In the final analysis, it was because they believed in Fan Qingyao. Even if something happened, Fan Qingyao would be able to help them avoid danger.

Liao Yuwei followed the second prince and concubine silently, facing the laughter and laughter of others. This time, let alone talking, she couldn't even raise her head.

Fan Xuening, who was walking in front, was not much better. She felt so radiant just now, but now she felt so sharp and piercing her back.

After walking to the edge of the lake, Fan Xuening turned around and smiled at everyone, "The boat is ready, and there are some cakes and tea on it. Distinguished guests, please move carefully."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked to Pan Yulu first and helped Pan Yulu get on the boat.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Except for Yan Hanbai, who turned directly to the pavilion and sat down, everyone else was walking towards the boat.

The lake in the third prince's residence was artificially created after all, and was not as big as a moat. Even the boats prepared by the residence were small boats, and each boat could only accommodate three or four people at most.

As Fan Qingyao got on the boat, the second princess and Liao Yuwei followed suit. Han Jingchen naturally wanted to take a boat with Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen and said, "The third prince's health is not good, please help take care of her."

 (End of this chapter)

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