The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 857: Can it still be interrogated like this?

Chapter 857 Can we still interrogate like this?

When Lang Ya, who was standing behind Fan Qingyao, heard this, he subconsciously glanced at Dali Si Qing, and then silently turned away his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Dali Si Qing's ability, but no matter from any angle You see, none of the ministers of Dali Temple are martial arts practitioners.

Of course Fan Qingyao knew that the reason why Dali Temple Minister followed her so closely was not to worry about her.

 On the contrary, Dali Temple Minister was worried about the person locked inside.

I'm afraid that the Minister of Dali Temple had guessed her purpose a long time ago, so he followed her shamelessly.

After all, this is Dali Temple. If someone really gets into trouble here, the Minister of Dali Temple will be in trouble. In the final analysis, the Minister of Dali Temple is just a neutral person. If it weren't for Zhao Yi'er's incident, the Minister of Dali Temple might not even have the prison door behind him. Will not open.

 But what to do?

Fan Qingyao had no intention of giving up when he came this time.

"Thank you." She followed Qing Dali Si into the cell calmly, but Fan Qingyao had already begun to plan in her mind how to tie Qing Dali Si to her boat.

 Even if it is only temporary.

As soon as Lang Ya followed Fan Qingyao down the steps, he took the initiative to walk a few steps in front of Fan Qingyao and carefully protected Fan Qingyao behind him.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 Is it even possible?

 He is not haunted here!

Dali Temple is indeed the most rigorous place for interrogating prisoners in the main city. There are countless cells in it. The cell Fan Qingyao is deep in now is very different from the one she once stayed in. It is square and square. Among the cells, there was only one in the middle made of iron bars. Looking from the outside to the inside, it looked exactly like a zigzag.

On the wall outside the iron bars, there are various unnamed instruments of torture, each of which has been dyed dark brown by blood. Just looking at it is shocking.

As if he heard the sound of footsteps, the man who was lounging in the prison opened his eyes, glanced fiercely at the people standing outside the iron bars one by one, and then closed his eyes again.

Fan Qingyao looked at the Dali Temple Minister and asked, "Has the identity of this person been found?"

The Minister of Dali Temple quickly said, "According to what he said, he is a commoner in the main city, living in the Grocery Street area, and was later coerced and induced by His Highness the Crown Prince to cause trouble on the 15th."

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows, common people?

 Ordinary people do not have the courage to be so arrogant.

Seeing that the man in the prison still had his eyes closed, the Minister of Dali Temple immediately scolded, "How can I tolerate your rudeness in front of the Crown Princess? Why don't you quickly kowtow to say hello!"

The man opened his eyes again casually, and when he looked at Fan Qingyao, he said with a half-smile, "What's going on with the Crown Princess coming here at this time? Could it be that the Crown Prince secretly informed the Crown Princess and asked her to come to the little girl in advance?" Have you settled the commission?”

These words are clearly a naked slander!

Fan Qingyao was not angry at all, "How much money did the prince promise to give you to buy you for being so reckless about your life?"

The man didn't seem to expect that Fan Qingyao would ask such a question. After thinking about it for a moment, he smiled and said, "Of course it's a thousand taels of gold."

When Fan Qingyao heard this, he also laughed, "The emperor is strong, the prince is not even qualified to be in politics now, all the errands are just to assist the emperor, all the people living in the main city know this kind of thing, you Since you live in the main city, how can you not know? ” ˆ ˆ “I don’t know what the princess means.”

"The meaning is very simple. How can a prince who doesn't even have half of the power in his hands get ten thousand taels of gold? Even a three-year-old kid wouldn't believe it."

"I, how could I have thought so much? I was coerced by the prince!"

"Since it was a coercion, when I released you when there was trouble on the 15th, you should have taken the opportunity to escape instead of harming innocent people with others, or did you simply not know that the prince was not in charge on the 15th? city?"

When Baili Fengming went to the two cities, everyone was watching. Even if Baili Fengming had the ability to escape from the eyes of Zhang Ping in the two cities, he could not escape the eyes of the people in the two cities, and from both cities It would take at least a day and a night to get from the city to the main city. If Baili Fengming really disappeared, unless both Fengcheng and Nancheng were dead, it would be impossible for them not to report it to the court by now.

The Minister of Dali Temple looked at Fan Qingyao in surprise. When an ordinary woman encounters such a thing, she would be frightened to death. However, looking at the Crown Princess, she not only stood calmly, but also took the opportunity to follow her steps. clichés from other people’s mouths…

 This ability cannot be done without obeying.

However, it was after hearing these words that the Minister of Dali Temple, who originally did not believe that the case would be so simple, became even more convinced that the prince was innocent. But what makes people troubled now is that this man insisted that it was the prince who instigated it, so just He can't believe it. He has to make the emperor and the people in the main city believe it.

The man didn't expect the little girl in front of him to be so cunning, and his eyes on Fan Qingyao became more alert. "The person who threatened me said that he was the prince, and I didn't know anything else."

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

OK, I started breaking jars again.

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, "Everything that needs to be done has been done. Who will believe you if you say you don't know?"

  The man gritted his teeth and said, "The man's face was covered. He said he was the prince."

The smile on Fan Qingyao's face disappeared instantly, leaving only a cold look, "What others say is what it is. You don't even have basic evidence, so you dare to talk nonsense here with red lips and white teeth. Do you know that you are slandering today's society?" The prince is punished by death for the nine clans!"

 The man trembled all over and his face turned pale.

 The interrogations in Dali Temple were certainly scary, but they basically followed a fixed routine.

The man had been informed of all the procedures of Dali Temple before he came, so he did not panic even if he was tortured. But now when faced with Fan Qingyao, who did not act according to common sense, he was instantly exposed.

Dali Temple Qing looked at the man who wanted to argue but couldn't open his mouth, as if he had been opened to a new world.

How can it still be tried like this?

From the time when the Minister of Dali Temple was assigned to Dali Temple, he followed the steps of the previous Minister of Dali Temple. Over time, he became accustomed to the interrogation methods of Dali Temple. It was also like this that when faced with the different procedures, he The man who was still familiar seemed a little helpless.

But now, the man who has decided to go to Dali Temple is obviously frightened by Fan Qingyao. What does it mean?

 It shows that Fan Qingyao's method was something that this man had not anticipated in advance.

When things developed to this point, the Minister of Dali Temple realized belatedly that it was not because Dali Temple was better than the Soldiers and Horses Division that they caught the man, but because someone wanted to put the prince to death, so he deliberately sent this man to death. It was in the hands of Dali Temple.

 (End of this chapter)

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