The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 868: Kill them quickly, leaving no one behind

Chapter 868: Kill quickly, leaving no one behind

 It is a coincidence that the village that was massacred was between Guangling and Huaishang.

 The generals from the Donglin Kingdom made such a big noise, which naturally also alarmed the men of the Hua family who were on the Huai River.

Now the Hua Family Man has secretly buried all the people in the village, but what will happen next...

They thought about it and decided to write a letter asking the prince for his opinion.

"Seeing with my own eyes the generals of Donglin Kingdom doing whatever they want on the land of Xiliang, alas..." Shaoxuan sighed heavily, fearing that the men of the Hua family would go crazy. After all, the people of Xiliang have always been They are all existences they protect with their lives.

 “Then just kill him.”

Shaoxuan was stunned, "Kill, kill who?"

Baili Fengming said calmly, "Kill them all."

 Shaoxuan, “…”

 Either he is crazy, or His Highness is crazy...

  Anyway, you have to be crazy to say such a thing!

The emperor's current attitude is clearly to settle the matter. Even if the ministers in the court hate Donglin's generals to death, who would dare to disobey the emperor's wishes?

Fan Qingyao naturally had the same worries, "It is not a pity that Dong Lin's group of people died, but with the emperor's character, how could he help to deal with it? I am afraid that the emperor will be the first to order the investigation of the true identity of the people who killed Dong Lin." Fierce, to calm down Donglin’s anger.”

"If he dies elsewhere, my father will naturally help Donglin, but if he dies in Huaishang, my father will not be able to help him even if he can't think of it." Baili Fengming curled his lips and smoothed out his beautiful smile. Fan Qingyao was worried.

Shaoxuan was dumbfounded.

 Is this even possible?

 Baili Fengming smiled and nodded, there was nothing wrong with it.

Today's father has already put his own interests first. If this is the case, he will label those in Donglin Kingdom as plotting against his father's interests. In this way, there is no need for others to say anything else. , My father cannot tolerate those people.

Fan Qingyao didn't expect this. Looking at Baili Fengming's handsome and charming face, her heart trembled for no reason. She had never seen him like this before.

 Be vigorous and resolute, decisive in killing...

 He really looks more and more like an emperor.

Shaoxuan's eyes lit up with excitement as soon as he thought about making those **** in Donglin pay with their blood, and he personally sent the news out of the city that night.

The men of the Hua family, who were still immersed in the tragic deaths of the people, after receiving the letter from the prince, were really excited and their hands were trembling. They tracked the whereabouts of Dong Lin and his party overnight, and included Dong Lin's information. The general and the soldiers were lured to the boundary of Huaishang.

They have no control over how a mere general from the Donglin Kingdom wants to show off his power in the Donglin Kingdom, but if he kills the people of Xiliang under their noses, he is openly seeking death.

The boys of the Hua family were familiar with the art of war at the age of three and practiced in the army at the age of five. Although they had been incognito for so long in Huaishang, their skills were a little rusty, but they were still able to face a group of thugs from the Donglin Kingdom. .

The Eighth Prince watched helplessly as Donglin's generals were being chased and intercepted by the Hua family men, just like catching turtles in a urn. He also saw with his own eyes the Donglin generals escaping in panic, only to die tragically under the Hua family men's swords and guns. Tears and trembling.

 Scared.     This is not a war, this is clearly a massacre...

The Eighth Prince, who had grown up in a prosperous and peaceful age, had never seen such a scene. Seeing a group of people from the Donglin Kingdom transform from living people to dead corpses, he really wanted to ask from the bottom of his heart, who is it? I can come to save him, he wants to go home!

There were no prisoners of war in this battle.

As all the soldiers of the Donglin Kingdom, including the generals, were killed in the battle, the news quickly spread to the main city. It was Emperor Yongchang who was sitting in the court before he could think of how to suppress the matter, so he informed him of the Donglin Kingdom's party. Everyone died?

As soon as the news came out, the whole court was as quiet as a chicken.

The ministers standing in the court were united this time. They all felt from the bottom of their hearts that the Donglin people deserved to die. However, they could also sense that the emperor had not ordered anything for so many days. It was clear that I just want to calm down and resolve this matter.

So no matter how much people felt about relieving their hatred, they did not dare to boast in front of the emperor. They could only stand there with their heads hanging down, acting as expressionless wooden posts.

Emperor Yongchang looked at the secret report in his hand, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Three years of tribute was nothing to the court, but it was a huge fortune to him. During this period, he happened to need a lot of silver, and he thought he could resolve the matter with Dong Lin. , wherever I thought, the duck was boiled into the pot and just flew away.

 Isn’t Emperor Yongchang angry?

 They are all going to be so angry!

But Emperor Yongchang could not ignore the location written in the battle report, which was on Huaishang.

Emperor Yongchang knew better than anyone else what was hidden on the Huaihe River. Those people from the Donglin Kingdom would not even let innocent village women go, so it was reasonable for them to take advantage of his small treasury.

In this way, the emperor was lucky to have reached a deal with the bandits in Huaishang. If those bandits hadn't taken action this time, wouldn't the mines in Huaishang have been secretly emptied by Donglin's generals?

 After leaving the court, Emperor Yongchang specially called the prince to the imperial study room.

 “What do you think about the affairs of Donglin Kingdom?”

Even though Baili Fengming knew that the emperor was asking questions knowingly, he still knelt on the ground in a panic and said, "I would like to inform my father, my son. I also heard about this matter from the courtiers today, but please rest assured, my father. I have already sent a letter to Huaishang to ask."

Emperor Yongchang lowered his eyes and looked at the prince with an unguessable expression, "Those bandits previously voluntarily made deals with the imperial court, but now they are massacring the Donglin Guards behind the imperial court's back. In this case, it is better to get rid of them quickly."

Hearing these words, Baili Fengming didn't even hesitate. He kowtowed immediately and said, "My son, I am willing to listen to my father's instructions."

Facing Baili Fengming's joy, Emperor Yongchang did not continue the topic. Instead, he waved his hand to indicate that he could go out. "When there is news from Huaishang, let me know as soon as possible."

"My son, I obey." Baili Fengming knelt down in fear, and then walked out the door tremblingly.

Lin Yi, who was standing outside the Imperial Study Room, saw His Highness coming out of the door. He hurriedly greeted him and personally helped him back to the East Palace. Then he said softly, "I need my subordinates to go to Huaishang in person so that the men of the Hua family can go to Huaishang in advance." Evacuate?”

It is not a trivial matter for the emperor to issue a killing order. Once the Hua family man's identity is completely exposed, a large number of people in the main city will be implicated.

 And the first one to be sent to the guillotine will definitely be the Crown Princess!

Baili Fengming, who had long since recovered, shook his head, "No need. If my father really wanted to take action, he would not ask for my opinion. This time, my father just wanted to test my attitude towards Huaishang." That’s all.”

Even if Donglin's army really died in Huaishang, his father's suspicion would naturally arouse suspicion, but what was hidden in Huaishang was his father's private mine. Once the killing order was really issued, his father's mine would It would be made public, so how could my father be willing to do so?

 (End of this chapter)

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