Chapter 870 What a Liao family

Seeing that her mother-in-law did not say anything, Yunyue was very upset. Although she understood that her position in her mother-in-law's heart was not as important as her younger brother's, she still suppressed her anger and said, "Now is the time to employ people around my father. If this When I was sent for marriage, I was afraid that neither my mother-in-law nor my younger brother would be able to deal with my father. I really didn’t want to marry Dong Lin’s fool, but if I could fight for the interests of my younger brother after marrying him, I wouldn’t understand. Sacrifice, but how should my father deal with it after I leave?"

How could Concubine Yu not see that Yunyue was simply looking for a reason to find a way to save her, but one thing Yunyue said was right. Now, whether it was the emperor's side, or she and Baili Rongze, Can't leave Yunyue completely.

"Looking at it, the day is coming soon. This time, you will personally deliver the things to your father." Concubine Yu looked at Yunyue and said, as long as the emperor understands how important Yunyue is to her, the emperor will naturally Yunyue will not be sent to Donglin for marriage.

Yunyue naturally understands this truth.

Yunyue was so happy that she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips. After thinking about it, she took the initiative and said, "Do you know, my concubine, that someone has been quietly transporting medicinal materials to the East Alley recently?"

Concubine Yu frowned, "Where did you get the news?"

"Erchen bumped into him accidentally once, so he sent someone to keep an eye on the east alley. The person delivering medicine in the alley was very well hidden and never showed up. However, Erchen later checked the man who went to deliver medicine. I didn’t expect to find out that it was related to the Crown Princess.”

Fan Qingyao?

 It’s Fan Qingyao again!

Concubine Yu couldn't get angry whenever she thought of Fan Qingyao. If she calculated it carefully, Fan Qingyao had disturbed her many good things, and now he wanted to run in front of her. Did you respond to her?

Yunyue paused and then said, "Those people in the East Alley are already unconscious, but only by allowing them to continue to go crazy will the court find an opportunity to kill them all. If they are really under the influence of the Crown Princess's medicine, If they always remain calm, the court will find no reason to attack them."

Concubine Yu’s face turned dark with anger after hearing this.

 Those people in East Alley must be eliminated, so as to ensure that the secret will never be leaked out.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I have my own sense of proportion." Concubine Yu said bitterly, how could a little Fan Qingyao want to overturn the world in her hands?

  It’s simply a dream!

“My son, I obey.” Yunyue smiled faintly, knowing very well that if she wanted to continue to stay in this palace, she not only had to please her father, but also let her mother and concubine know that she was indispensable.

With Concubine Yu's guarantee, Yunyue's chances of showing her face in front of the emperor will naturally increase. Every time the emperor goes to Yueyue Palace, Yunyue will accompany her, trying her best to make her father remember her. good.

When Emperor Yongchang saw this, he naturally knew what was going on. However, in the face of Yunyue's various attempts to please him, Emperor Yongchang did not show any signs of it.

Yunyue understands that her father is just waiting for something like that if he doesn't express his position now, so she must let her father know that only she is here, so that her father can always get what she wants.

 It's just that this matter is easy to say, but now there is one very important thing missing. Fortunately, there is still some time, Yunyue can carefully identify the chosen target.

The life in the palace seemed to have returned to calm. Fan Qingyao also stayed at the front door of the palace and spent all day preparing medicinal materials to treat the people in the alley.

Purchasing medicinal materials in such large quantities will naturally attract the attention of others over time. Fan Qingyao simply used Qingnangzhai and asked Mu Yan to go out and buy medicinal materials. Anyway, Qingnangzhai also needed a large amount of medicinal materials.

Mu Yan heard that the third sister prepared these medicinal materials in order to cure the people, and of course she agreed with both hands. In addition, the shopkeepers who rented the Huajia shop at that time were basically in the business of medicinal materials, so Mu Yan went to buy them. It is much more convenient when taking medicine.

The shopkeepers at the medicine shop are also grateful to repay their kindness. Seeing that Mu Yan buys a lot of medicinal materials, they give him a heavy discount every time, which can be regarded as a small profit but quick turnover. It was originally a win-win situation, but who would have thought that the merchant alliance in the main city suddenly increased its membership fees significantly overnight. As a result, not only the drug stores, but also all the shops that joined the merchant alliance would have to increase their prices accordingly.

Fan Qingyao originally needed to buy medicinal materials in large quantities, and the money was not a lot of money for Mu Yan. Thinking that Qingnangzhai was given to her by her third sister, it was natural for her to buy all the money. Medicinal materials, but now faced with the sharp increase in prices of medicinal materials, Mu Yan can no longer hold on.

 Despite this, Mu Yan still gritted his teeth and did not complain to Fan Qingyao.

But just because Mu Yan didn't say anything, it didn't mean that Fan Qingyao really didn't notice anything.

After Mu Yan delivered the medicinal materials that day, Fan Qingyao asked Ning Han to find out what happened. He heard the news that most shops in the main city were increasing their prices one after another, and the people in the main city were miserable.

At present, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the court neither needs to fight nor raise troops. It is naturally unreasonable for prices to rise at this time. After Fan Qingyao asked people to inquire more carefully, he found out that it was the merchant alliance in the main city who had done it himself. advocated an increase in membership fees.

 Among the merchants in the main city, there are very few people who have not joined the merchant alliance. Now faced with the increase in merchant alliance membership fees, they cannot raise prices even if they don't want to.

Otherwise, would we still have to lose money to do business?

This time, it was none other than the Liao family who proposed a price increase in the business alliance.

The merchant alliance in the main city is organized by merchants from several major families. Although the Liao family has always been low-key in the main city, because the Liao family has always contributed money to support the operation of the merchant alliance in these years, among the merchant alliance, China has the right to speak.

Although other people in the merchant alliance felt that the sudden increase in dues was inappropriate, the Liao family used the excuse of preparing for a rainy day and saving military pay for the Xiliang army in advance, which was also reasonable.

When Fan Qingyao learned about this, there was only burning anger in his heart.

  The Merchant Alliance did not raise the membership fees earlier or later, but it just raised the prices in the main city when she needed a large amount of medicinal materials. Do you really think that you can fool her by giving a seemingly reasonable reason?

 What a joke!

I am afraid that she secretly rescued the people in the East Alley and blocked some people's way. Some people couldn't sit still, so they contacted the Liao family to interfere.

 As for who some people are…

 Who else could it be?

 What a concubine Yu, what a member of the Liao family!

How could Fan Qingyao not understand Concubine Yu's little thoughts? Even if she could continue to spend money to buy medicinal materials, I'm afraid Concubine Yu would not let her go so easily and would hand over the evidence that she had the money to the emperor. , The emperor, who has always been suspicious of the Hua family, will only become more suspicious of the Hua family.

 To put it bluntly, this is basically forcing Fan Qingyao to let go!

 Do you really think that if this is the case, Fan Qingyao will comply with Concubine Yu’s wishes?

How can it be.

 (End of this chapter)

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