Chapter 877 The fifth prince wakes up

Fan Qingyao knew very well that now that she was rescuing the people in Dongxiang, she would be criticized sooner or later. But in the face of those innocent lives, she just wanted to do it first and then talk about it. Unexpectedly, Baili Fengming had been silent for a long time. The ground was cleared for her.

As long as this matter alarmed the emperor, it turned from darkness to light. Even if Baili Rongze wanted to use the court to get rid of those people, they had to be cautious.

"Actually, I can afford it even if I don't need the Liao family." Fan Qingyao said softly. Now that Baili Fengming has offended the Liao family because of her affairs, I'm afraid that this matter will soon spread to Baili Rong. Over there.

Since Baili Rongze knew about it, Concubine Yu naturally knew about it too. With Concubine Yu's methods and calculations, she didn't know what tricks she was going to create to embarrass Baili Fengming.

 Baili Fengming smiled and touched the top of her soft hair, "I can eat Madam's soft rice, but others can't."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 You are eating soft food, are you eating unreasonably?

"Since we are enemies, no matter what we do or not, we will not turn our hostility into friendship. After all, I have been dealing with Concubine Yu for more than ten years, so don't worry." Baili Fengming's slender fingers slid down towards Fan Qing. Yao's fair cheeks were slightly pinched. She had lost some weight, but her fat-like skin really made him fall in love with her.

Fan Qingyao looked at a certain fox who was still in the mood to take advantage of him, but he smiled and said nothing more.

Baili Fengming looked out the window, seeing that it was dark outside, and frowned silently.

 “What?” Fan Qingyao asked.

"It's time for me to return to the palace." Baili Fengming thought for a while, and finally suppressed what he originally wanted to say. This matter is a long story and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. It would be better to choose a better one. It's not too late to tell her the time.

Fan Qingyao noticed that Baili Fengming was hesitant to speak, but he didn't ask any more questions. He stood up and accompanied him out of the yard, heading towards the door of the house.

I didn't expect that as soon as I stepped out of the door of the mansion, I saw Shaoxuan settling in front of me, "Your Highness, Crown Princess, the fifth prince is awake!"

Fan Qingyao knew that the fifth prince would definitely wake up, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. However, although he woke up, his body was still very weak. If he wanted to recover as before, he would have to cultivate carefully.

When Fan Qingyao came to her senses, she wanted to ask the nurse at the door to go back and get her medicine box. But before she could say anything, a slender beautiful hand appeared in front of her, carrying her medicine box. In sight.

Immediately afterwards, Baili Fengming and Fan Zhao were seen saying, "I will take your young lady to the palace to sit for a while. There is no need to follow her. I will personally send her back later."

After saying that, he pulled Fan Qingyao and got into the carriage.

As the carriage drove slowly towards the palace, Fan Qingyao had always been in a somewhat confused state. He had long been accustomed to making decisions and arranging everything by himself, but now he suddenly became a man with clothes to wear, food to eat and mouth to open. My lord, it’s strange that you can get used to it.

 Baili Fengming could see her awkwardness at a glance, "Being by my husband's side, if I still need my wife to do everything by myself, wouldn't it make me, as a husband, very incompetent?"

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that you are a soft-boiled person?"

There was no trace of embarrassment on Baili Fengming's handsome face. Instead, he nodded calmly, "You always have to show some skills before you can eat soft rice openly." Fan Qingyao, "..."

You'd better shut up.

 Baili Fengming smiled softly and put his arms around Fan Qingyao's thin shoulders, "Get some sleep. I'll call you when I get there."

Fan Qingyao thought that it was indeed a long distance to walk from the western suburbs mansion to the palace, so he simply rested his head on Baili Fengming's shoulder and closed his eyes. He originally wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while, but he didn't expect it to happen. He fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes again, the carriage had already stopped outside the palace gate.

The weather in July was already slightly chilly at night. Baili Fengming took out the shawl from the carriage and carefully put it on Fan Qingyao's shoulders, then took her hand and got out of the carriage.

The two of them walked all the way towards Fengyi Palace. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the Queen pacing back and forth in the side hall with a gloomy face, obviously very angry.

Bai Li Lingyu was sitting on the bed, her face still looked a little weak due to the lack of blood under the candlelight, but fortunately she still looked in good spirits.

Faced with the Queen's wrath, Baili Lingyu kept persuading, "Empress, please be careful that your body is damaged by anger. You can't even get angry with those dogs. Those people don't do harm every day. You and them After all these years of dealing with each other, why are we still not used to it?”

"Your life was almost lost, how can I not be angry!" Queen Zhen Xi had a cold face and turned around in circles again angrily.

Baili Lingyu was worried to death. If he made his mother so angry, he might as well sleep a little longer. He happened to see Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming coming in, and he quickly said, "Brother and sister-in-law, the emperor." , you are finally here, hurry up and help me persuade the Queen Mother..."

Fan Qingyao looked at the Queen's face and made a guess in his mind. He walked over and supported the Queen's arm and said softly, "No matter what the Fifth Highness has gone through, waking up is better than anything else. My daughter-in-law knows The Queen Mother has always treated the Fifth Highness as her own child, but even so, she still has to consider her own health. If anything happens to the Queen Mother, the Fifth Highness will also blame herself. "

After hearing this, Queen Zhenxi looked at the fifth prince on the bed.

Bai Li Lingyu, who is very aware of current affairs, covered her chest for Junjie and coughed hard several times, "Cough..."

 Empress Zhen Xi sighed, "Xiao Qingyao said you were hurting your head, so you can pretend to be more like me."

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

 Is it so difficult to be a patient now?

Queen Zhen Xi also knew that her appearance would make the children worried, but she just couldn't swallow it. She turned around and sat on the soft couch, sighing heavily, "Concubine Yu was very cruel when she was young. Thinking that the third prince has not learned anything else, but has learned a lot about viciousness and cruelty, even daring to kill his brothers and sisters, what else can he not do? "

After hearing this, Baili Fengming looked at Baili Lingyu and asked, "What's going on?"

Baili Lingyu thought for a while and said, "After the riot on the 15th, I led people to investigate the place where the accident occurred. Unexpectedly, I picked up the purse that Brother Sanhuang carried with him. Then Brother Sanhuang appeared at the scene without knowing when. Behind me, he knocked me unconscious while I was off guard."

 Baili Fengming also knew about the trouble in the main city, but whether it was him or the Queen, it was one thing to have suspicions, but it was another thing to really know who the murderer was.

 (End of this chapter)

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