The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 880: Isn't that just fighting each other?

Chapter 880 Isn’t it just about fighting each other?

The main courtyard was bustling with activity. Fan Qingyao stepped into the threshold and saw that all the aunties were there. Mu Yan had obviously not woken up or had been dragged up. Now he was leaning on the fourth aunt's shoulder and was still confused. With.

With Fan Qingyao's arrival, the originally gloomy-looking daughters-in-law showed a little smile and took the initiative to talk to Fan Qingyao. Even Mu Yan opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Tao Yuxian also smiled and said, "Xiao Qingyao, come here to meet your cousin and cousin Leshan."

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and saw a middle-aged woman sitting next to her grandmother. She looked a little older than her aunt who was once in the house. She was dressed in brocade and red floral material. She wore thumb-sized pearl earrings on her ears, and the gold bracelet on her wrist looked heavy just by looking at it.

With such a nouveau riche-like dress, coupled with the high eyebrows, and sharp and critical eyes, it is true that just by looking at him, he is not easy to talk to.

As soon as Yin Liya saw Fan Qingyao, she recognized that this was the person who had just blocked her out. She immediately raised her eyes and looked Fan Qingyao up and down with her eyebrows raised.

Although Fan Qingyao had no intention of getting along with this cousin, his grandmother still had to say hello, "Qingyao has met my cousin."

Yin Liya frowned, looked at Tao Yuxian beside her and asked, "How come I didn't know there was such a sister in my house?"

Tao Yuxian smiled and said, "This is my maternal daughter. She came back with her later. Now that my daughter has remarried, Xiao Qingyao has stayed with me."

Yin Liya nodded suddenly, looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "That's normal. After all, no second-married woman is willing to bring a loser. Speaking of which, you are also pitiful."

That’s what he said, but his tone didn’t mean the slightest bit of sympathy.

Fan Qingyao knew that she would never get along well with her cousin if she blocked the door, but he didn't expect that this woman would not hide her malice and dare to say anything in front of her grandmother. explain.

In this case, there is no need for Fan Qingyao to tolerate anything, "It turns out that my mother really didn't want to remarry at the beginning, but she didn't want Governor Sun to be passionately devoted to my mother. Fortunately, my mother is now Mrs. Gaoming, and she can be regarded as a member of the imperial family with Governor Sun." A well-matched couple.”

Isn’t it just fighting each other?


“Can anyone who is in the lower court be given a imperial edict?” Yin Liya couldn’t help but shout out.

Tao Yuxian frowned, "It is indeed the emperor's personal decree. No one dares to play with this matter."

Yin Liya seemed to notice Tao Yuxian's unhappy expression, and she quickly smiled and said, "Auntie said yes, I was just sighing with emotion. I used to hear people talking about Mrs. Gaoming, but I never thought that the real Mrs. Gaoming was from my family. Inside the mansion…”

In Xiliang, women are inherently inferior to men. After getting married, who can say that they will not be ignored by their husband's family, but it is different when they are given a royal title. That is an honor that every woman dreams of getting in her life.

In the early years, Yin Liya had many connections to spend money on. She just wanted to find a job for herself, but she didn't expect that she spent a lot of money. In the end, it was just a bamboo basket to fetch water.

Originally, she was laughing at Hua Yuelian, who was just a concubine who was kicked out of her husband's house. However, what she had always dreamed of fell into Hua Yuelian's hands. How could Yin Liya not be jealous.

 They are all going to die of jealousy.

The daughters-in-law of each house have long been dissatisfied with Yin Liya's behavior. Now looking at Yin Liya's stiff smile at the corners of her lips, she feels happy in her heart.

Yin Liya knew that she was being laughed at. She looked at Fan Qingyao with a dark face and said, "I heard that your mother gave birth to another child. Although it is also a daughter, she is still the biological flesh and blood of the Sun family. It is also a pain for you." I lost my father at a young age, and now my mother is missing.”

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly and said calmly, "My marriage has been decided. When I get married, I won't be able to trouble my mother's family often, so I won't bother my cousin to worry about it. But I I heard that a woman can no longer be granted a royal title after her fortieth birthday, but if my cousin really wants to get a royal title, it’s not impossible. If she can’t do it in this life, she can still do it in the next life.” Yin Liya was angry and annoyed, “You said. I am old?"

Fan Qingyao seemed to be aware of his faux pas, and quickly covered his mouth and widened his eyes, "Looking at my cousin, she is already over forty years old. Am I wrong?"

Yin Liya, “…”

 Did someone ask you to repeat it again?

The daughters-in-law in each room looked at Grandma Ciao, who had a particularly ugly face, and were laughing to death. They really thought that with a few coins, they could show off their power in the Hua family. Even if we spoil you, there is no way that Xiao Qingyao will spoil you. With you.

Cao Leshan on the side was dumbfounded. As far as she could remember, this was the first time she saw her mother being so angry.

Tao Yuxian looked at this scene and didn't know what to say. He didn't expect to live in peace, but he didn't expect that his cousin's daughter-in-law was still very domineering over the years.

Tao Yuxian was not easy to lecture when people came to visit him, he could only look at Fan Qingyao and said, "Go and sit down."

Although Fan Qingyao didn't want Yin Liya to have an easy time, she still had to obey her grandmother's words. Besides, Yin Liya came to the Hua family as a guest. If she went too far, others would just say that the Hua family didn't know how to treat guests.

Mu Yan was already in high spirits from watching the show. When she saw the third sister coming over, she quickly gave up the chair beside her and said, "Third sister, this way."

Fan Qingyao walked over and sat down, smiling and said, "Are you feeling energetic?"

Mu Yan smiled secretly, "It's hard to think without being energetic when my third sister is here."

Fan Qingyao smiled and tapped the tip of Mu Yan's nose. Seeing that Mu Yan was wearing thin clothes, he took off his shawl and put it around Mu Yan's shoulders.

This scene happened to be witnessed by Cao Leshan, who watched quietly as Fan Qingyao **** Mu Yan, unable to stop the envy and expectation in his dark eyes.

Mu Yan noticed Cao Leshan's gaze, and took the initiative to say to Fan Qingyao, "Third sister, this is Leshan's cousin, she is of the same age as me, but the month is half a month younger than me."

Fan Qingyao looked at Cao Leshan and smiled lightly, "Cousin Leshan."

Thinking of her mother's dark complexion, Cao Leshan was still a little frightened by Fan Qingyao, "Biao Qingyao, cousin."

"Before Cousin Leshan came here, my grandmother said that Cousin Leshan was well-behaved and sensible. Now that I saw her, it really made me feel ashamed. Now that I have entered the Hua Family, Cousin Leshan doesn't need to be restrained. If you need anything, just talk to the people in the house. Just open your mouth."

Fan Qingyao looked at Cao Leshan, somewhat surprised. He didn't expect that such a arrogant mother could raise such a timid daughter.

 Cao Leshan also didn’t expect Fan Qingyao to have such a talkative side, so she nodded quickly, "Okay, okay..."

In the eyes of others, this scene was just a normal thing, but when Yin Liya saw it, she was very angry.

Originally, she wanted to cause trouble because Fan Qingyao looked down on their mother and daughter, but now looking at Fan Qingyao's attitude towards her daughter, if she continued to make trouble, she, as an elder, would be the one to care about them. .

 (End of this chapter)

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