Chapter 889 Encounter with Fan Xuening

When Tao Yuxian saw Baili Fengming, she frowned subconsciously. She would not forget that there were Yin Liya and her daughter beside her. It was just to conceal the identity of the prince and to stir up trouble. Now they met face to face, but again What should we do?

Just when Tao Yuxian was struggling, Baili Fengming had already walked over and took the initiative to say, "I heard that Qingyao has been feeling unwell recently, and I thought that I might not be able to go to the God Worship Festival with the old lady of the Hua family today, so I thought Come over and stay with her, so that the old lady of the Hua family can rest assured."

Tao Yuxian subconsciously bent over, "It's such a bother..."

 Baili Fengming grabbed Tao Yuxian's wrist and smiled like a spring breeze, "The old lady of the Hua family is serious. Qingyao and this junior have an engagement, so it's natural for this junior to come and visit Qingyao."

After hearing this, Tao Yuxian realized that the prince had probably seen something, so he followed her wishes and did not reveal his identity. Then he looked at the prince's deep eyebrows, and Tao Yuxian smiled and nodded, "That's the case. , I am naturally relieved."

 Baili Fengming smiled again before walking to Fan Qingyao's side.

But before Fan Qingyao could say anything, Yin Liya dragged Cao Leshan over and said, "I didn't expect that this is our sister Yao's fiance. He really looks like a talented person. This is my daughter Leshan, Leshan , call someone quickly!”

Cao Leshan lowered her head and murmured for a long time before Nuonuo said authentically, "Cousin, cousin husband..."

When Baili Fengming saw that Fan Qingyao didn't take the initiative to speak, he understood what was going on. However, since Cao Leshan had spoken, he couldn't really turn a blind eye, otherwise it would make Fan Qingyao unable to get off the stage.

 “Yeah.” A faint voice seemed to be an agreement, but in fact it meant a rejection.

Hearing this um, Cao Leshan lowered her head to her chest.

Yin Liya didn't seem to notice Baili Fengming's indifferent attitude. She took her daughter's hand and said, "Looking at the clothes he's wearing, he doesn't look like a young master from an ordinary family. I don't know what the family does, but there are other brothers." ?”

Hearing this, the daughters-in-law of each house were all shocked!

He is not your daughter’s fiancé. What do you want to know so clearly?

Fan Qingyao's face also turned cold. Just because she didn't speak, it doesn't mean that she really acquiesced to this cousin's behavior of kicking her nose and face.

But before Fan Qingyao could say anything, Tao Yuxian shouted angrily, "Today is a big day for worshiping gods. Why don't you all get in the car quickly? Why are you standing here in a daze? If you delay the time, you will all be protecting the country tonight." Those who eat fast and chant sutras in the temple should make amends to the Buddha.”

Of course, the daughter-in-law of each room could tell who the words were directed at, and they immediately pulled Yin Liya and Cao Leshan in threes and threes, without giving Yin Liya a chance to struggle, and directly dragged them into the carriage.

Of course, Yin Liya didn't want to leave just like that. She hadn't finished her words yet, but after such a delay, Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao had already disappeared from the door of the house.

Looking at the empty door of the house, Yin Liya could only hold back her breath and shrink back into the carriage.

Originally, the fourth daughter-in-law, Yafu, wanted to ride in a carriage with Yin Liya, but thinking about Yin Liya's actions just now, she had to resist. She would rather squeeze into a carriage with other sisters-in-law than sit with Yin Liya. , As a result, Cao Leshan was the only one left in Yin Liya's carriage.

As the carriage drove slowly, Yin Liya looked at Cao Leshan and cursed, "You are really a coward. You don't even know how to fight for such a good performance opportunity. Then besides being better-looking, what else does Fan Qingyao have?" "Neng Nai, why are you so useless?"

Cao Leshan lowered her head and whispered, "Mom, forget it, but that's Cousin Qingyao's fiance."

"What the heck, any man in Xiliang doesn't have a lot of wives and concubines. Even your unattractive father is an aunt with several houses, let alone the young master of a wealthy family in the main city. Let me tell you, if you rob If no one comes, I will send you to Guzi’s temple!”

"Have you heard what I said? You don't even know what kind of character you are. If I hadn't had the misfortune to give birth to you, no one would even want you as a concubine. Now I'm working so hard to pave the way for you, isn't it because I have no other choice, otherwise you think I want to be your mother?” ˆˆˆˆ “You don’t have to say anything now, I’ll put it here today. If you can’t even compete with a bastard, then you might as well die! "

Yin Liya’s shouts and curses came intermittently from the carriage.

The boy driving the carriage couldn't help but sigh. It was really unlucky to have such a girl at the stall.

 Cao Leshan, who was sitting in the carriage, did not dare to resist in any way, and she did not even dare to say anything. She just kept twisting the handkerchief in her hand until the handkerchief changed its shape.

 The carriage jolted for half an hour, and finally arrived at Huguo Temple.

Everyone got off the carriage one after another and stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. There were dense crowds of people who came to worship.

Tao Yuxian and others were about to walk up the steps when suddenly a familiar figure came into view. The daughters-in-law of each room in the Hua family looked at the person and froze in place.

Fan Xuening, who came to worship Buddha with her maid, did not expect to meet the Hua family here, but since they met face to face, it was hard to pretend not to see them.

"I said why she looked so familiar. It turned out to be the old lady of the Hua family." Fan Xuening walked over first, with a charming but condescending smile on her face. In Fan Qingyao's eyes, she did not have a high status, but among other people In front of others, she still has the capital to hold her head high.

The Hua family's impression of Fan Xuening was still in their childhood, but now they can guess Fan Xuening's identity by looking at the eyebrows and eyes that are very similar to their own Xiao Qingyao.

I just thought that Fan Xuening and Fan Qingyao had a bad relationship, and the daughters-in-law of the Hua family had no intention of speaking.

The maid next to Fan Xuening frowned and said, "Why are you so unruly? When you meet Aunt Fan from the Third Prince's Mansion, you are not polite enough to say hello!"

Fan Xuening waved her hands, then looked at the Hua family and said, "My servants don't understand the rules and have disturbed everyone."

Tao Yuxian smiled lightly, "I have long heard that Aunt Fan is very favored in the Third Prince's Mansion. It is true that she is so when I see her today. It's just that she has married into the royal family, even if she has no name or status, she is still a member of the royal family, and the servants around her are so arrogant and majestic. It’s not just Aunt Fan’s face, but also the royal family’s face.”

The smile on Fan Xuening's face froze, "What the old lady of the Hua family said is true, but the third prince has never mentioned these words to me. I was negligent."

These words are clearly talking about Tao Yuxian's dog catching the mouse.

Tao Yuxian was not angry either. He just paused and said, "It is indeed a rare blessing to have the attention of the third prince. However, everyone's blessing is limited. If you waste more, you will definitely lose more than you gain. Aunt Fan is so smart, she should know that the royal family It’s not just the third prince.”

Just because the third prince likes you doesn't mean that everyone else in the royal family likes you. If Concubine Yu really likes you, the position of the third prince's concubine will not be taken by anyone else. In the final analysis, she is just a little aunt, so why bother? Feeling proud and carried away by the temporary spring breeze.

 (End of this chapter)

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