The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 897: It’s just a matter of who stabs her more painfully

Chapter 897 Let’s compare who gets stabbed more painfully

Others present were shocked. No one expected that Fan Xuening was so ruthless and could even do such a thing.

To be honest, Fan Xuening should be the happiest after Pan Yulu died, but Fan Xuening ran to the Pinglai Palace with a sad face and personally informed Yan Hanbai of the death of the third prince and his concubine. Why?

Naturally, she wanted to gain a good reputation for herself and let the people in the main city see that she, as an aunt, should pay more attention to the third prince's concubine. In this way, when she is corrected, she will be more justified.

Han Jingchen really felt that his three views were about to collapse, "I'm really willing to do anything for the sake of being on top, and I'm not afraid that something will happen to you today."

Yan Hanbai was very angry. "I think she just wants something to happen to me to be happy."

The eighth prince concubine quickly spoke to persuade, "If something really happens to you today, Aunt Fan is the most concerned. How could she let something happen to you? Princess Pinglai calm down, or the anger will damage your body."

The second prince's concubine also said, "Aunt Fan from the third prince's residence is a smart person. Since she personally came to announce the funeral of Princess Pinglai, she naturally knew that if something happened to Princess Pinglai today, she would not be able to climb up by then. Being sent directly to the Palace of Hell is considered a sign of mercy from the emperor, right?"

Fan Qingyao nodded. Of course she didn't believe that Fan Xuening's calculations could not predict the consequences of Yan Hanbai's accident, but if it was really just to find a good reputation for herself and let Yan Hanbai come forward, she had to say that the risk was too great. of some.

Or does Fan Xuening actually have other plans?

"Ohh Ohh ohh…"

While several people were talking, they heard a sad cry coming over.

Everyone looked out the door curiously and saw Fan Xuening, supported by several ladies, walking towards this side with weak feet. Her pale face was covered with tears, and her eyes were swollen from crying. of walnuts.

“There is no resurrection after death, but Aunt Fan has to take care of her body.”

"I heard that Aunt Fan hasn't eaten for several days. What should I do?"

“We all know that Aunt Fan has a good relationship with the third prince’s concubine. If the third prince’s concubine finds out, I’m afraid she will also be worried about Aunt Fan.”

 Several people in the house, “…”

If Pan Yulu really knew something, I'm afraid the coffin boards at this moment would not be able to cover it.

Today, the third prince's concubine is going to mourn. Not only Fan Qingyao and others are going to attend, but also the ladies and ladies with some reputation in the main city are going to attend the funeral. Those who are surrounding Fan Xuening now, Fan Qingyao and others They are no strangers either, they are all well-known figures in the main city.

On a normal day, as Fan Xuening is a little aunt, these ladies would not interact with her. But now that the third prince and his concubine have passed away, Fan Xuening is the only mistress in the house, and neither do these ladies. Fool, you must maintain it in advance.

As he was talking, several ladies accompanied Fan Xuening into the flower hall.

Looking at the people sitting in the flower hall, the ladies quickly bowed their heads to say hello, "I have seen the crown prince, Princess Pinglai, the second prince's concubine, the sixth prince's concubine, the eighth prince's concubine..."

Yan Hanbai touched his belly and glanced at the ladies in front of him, and said with a half-smile, "Oh, I said she looks so familiar. Isn't this Mrs. Liu from the Liu family in the east of the city? Mrs. Zhao is also here. Yes, Aunt Fan is a lucky person. These ladies are of noble status. Now they can stay by Aunt Fan's side, but no one else can ask for it. "

The ladies in front of him all had contacts with Yan Hanbai's natal family, but when Yan Hanbai met them on the street when the eldest prince was in decline, what he received was colder looks and ridicule than strangers. .

Now that Yan Hanbai had the opportunity, he naturally wanted to vent his anger. He also grabbed Fan Xuening and stepped on her hard. Didn't you come to the house in person and beg me to attend the funeral? Now that I'm here, are you happy? ?

 “Princess Pinglai just likes to joke.”

"That's right. I think that when Princess Pinglai was a daughter, she had the best relationship with my sister Yan." "The common women don't come to the house because they are afraid of affecting Princess Pinglai's rest. If Princess Pinglai doesn't dislike it, , tomorrow the ladies will go to the Pinglai Palace to visit you."

 In the main city, the richer and more powerful a family is, the more they will worship those who are superior and those who are inferior, and these ladies are just one of them.

But now that Yan Hanbai was blowing a cold wind on their spines, their faces didn't look any better, and even the smiles on their faces were stiff.

"I never joke with normal people, but the ladies are right. I am indeed afraid of being disturbed, especially those wild dogs and cats that pass by the door of the house all day long. They are the most annoying." Yan Hanbai I don’t care if these people’s smiles are stiff or not, it’s up to you to be happy however you want.

With his mouth feeling happy and his heart feeling happy, Yan Hanbai turned around and took the Eighth Princess and others to drink tea, leaving the ladies aside.

Several ladies present were scolded and looked like vegetables. They were so angry that they didn't dare to show off their anger.

  Can't walk or sit down. It's really killing me.

Fan Xuening walked up to Fan Qingyao at this time and said with a weak face, "I didn't expect that my sister would come to mourn the third prince's concubine today. If the third prince's concubine knew about it, she would definitely be happy."

Hearing this, the ladies felt relieved in their hearts and quietly looked at Fan Xuening's face filled with gratitude.

 When Han Jingchen and others heard this, they began to feel uncomfortable.

When Pan Yulu was alive, she did not deal with Fan Qingyao. This was no secret, but Pan Yulu's death had nothing to do with Fan Qingyao. What does Fan Xuening mean by saying such a thing now?

Fan Qingyao's eyes were indifferent and fell on Fan Xuening without any fluctuation. "It seems that Princess Pinglai hasn't finished speaking. It seems that Aunt Fan suddenly spoke at this time. It seems to be against the rules. Or should we say that the rules of the Third Prince's Mansion are just that, no big deal." Small, no distinction between superiority and inferiority? "

 If you want to take the opportunity to win people's hearts, you must also see whether you have the face.

Fan Qingyao would definitely not give Fan Xuening this face anyway.

Fan Xuening did not expect that Fan Qingyao would not give her any face, and was so surprised that she did not say anything for a long time.

Isn't Fan Qingyao really afraid of being known as acrimonious?


Fan Qingyao really never cared about it, "I thought that when I came to the third prince's house last time, Aunt Fan had already taken charge of the family. Now that the third prince has passed away, I want Aunt Fan to take over. Things in the house can be regarded as easy."

You can imply that Pan Yulu and I have a bad relationship, and I can imply that you are power-hungry and troublesome.

Isn’t it just stabbing each other with knives?

Then it’s a competition to see who gets stabbed more painfully.

The ladies nearby watched the tit-for-tat confrontation between Fan Qingyao and Fan Xuening, and were so nervous that they didn't even dare to express their anger.

They had long heard that the Crown Princess was articulate and had a sharp voice, but now that they saw her, it was really extraordinary.

 (End of this chapter)

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