Chapter 904 The Crown Princess serves as a midwife

 Baili Rongze had a splitting headache when he heard this, but no matter how Guan Paner and Fan Xuening quarreled, there would never be a result.

Thinking that there were many guests waiting in the front yard, Baili Rongze called in a few maids, "I'll go down and have a rest with Aunt Fan first, and then I'll invite a doctor to the house."

The maids came over quickly, carefully helped Fan Xuening up and walked towards the door.

With Fan Xuening leaving, the guests gathered at the door naturally returned to the courtyard.

Not long after, Fan Qingyao and Guan Pan'er were left in the flower hall again.

Guan Pan'er looked at Fan Qingyao reluctantly and asked, "Did the Crown Princess enjoy the theater just now?"

Fan Qingyao nodded happily, "Not bad."

 Guan Pan'er, "…"

 She has truly never seen a more hateful person than Fan Qingyao!

"Don't think that I will thank you. I didn't push Aunt Fan at all just now, or maybe you were smart and didn't help her deceive others. Otherwise, if anything happens to me, the Guan family will definitely beg the emperor to investigate strictly. You can't get away with it either." Guan Pan'er snorted, of course she would not thank Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao put down the tea cup in his hand and said calmly, "I'm just telling the truth. It's Miss Guan who is very articulate and does her duty. With Miss Guan's attitude just now, not to mention Aunt Fan alone, even the entire Third Prince I’m afraid all the people in the mansion can’t do anything to you.”

Guan Pan'er always felt that Fan Qingyao's words were more like calling her a shrew, but the sad thing was that she couldn't find any evidence.

Fan Qingyao didn't care what Guan Pan'er thought. He got up and walked out the door. The distance from the pavilion to the flower hall was not too far. There was such a big noise in the flower hall just now. Yan Hanbai should be able to hear it. Yes, but among the people who had just gathered at the door, there was no figure of Yan Hanbai.

Just as Fan Qingyao left the door, the second princess ran over in a panic, "Oh no, Princess, Princess Pinglai was hit by someone, and her lower body is already red!"

Fan Qingyao was stunned and quickly asked, "Where is he?"

"They were just sent in. The sixth prince and concubine are accompanying them. The eighth prince and concubine have already gone to inform the third prince." The second prince and concubine quickly pointed to the yard not far away. She also did not expect that the sixth prince and concubine had just been sent away. The Sixth Prince encountered such a thing when he came back.

But thinking about it, I should be lucky. Fortunately, I was caught by them, otherwise I don't know how much time it would have been delayed.

Since life was at stake, Fan Qingyao naturally did not dare to delay. He hurriedly walked towards the yard not far away with the second prince and concubine. However, no matter how he walked, he felt it was too slow, so he simply started running.

As soon as you enter the door, a faint smell of blood comes from the shop.

Fan Qingyao walked around the screen and entered the back room, where he saw Yan Hanbai lying on the bed. His face was as white as paper, and his skirt and quilt were soaked with blood.

Yan Hanbai saw Fan Qingyao entering the door and opened his mouth to say something, but Fan Qingyao walked over and held Yan Hanbai's shoulders, "Don't say anything, save some energy and make sure the child is born safely. "

Yan Hanbai's eyes turned red after hearing this, and he nodded vigorously.

Fan Qingyao looked at Yan Hanbai and the second princess and said, "Hurry up and ask the people in the mansion to boil hot water. The more the better, and then ask someone to bring some charcoal and a pair of scissors. It's best to have them." "It has just been sharpened and has not been used before." After hearing this, Han Jingchen and the second prince's concubine hurriedly walked out, but now that most of the maids were busy in front, they could not really go to the front to call people. Neng found a few maids and gave them instructions, and then the two of them split up, one boiling hot water and the other looking for things.

When Baili Rongze heard the news and rushed over, he heard that the sixth prince and concubine were boiling hot water in the kitchen, while the second prince and concubine took the servants of the house to the storehouse to get charcoal themselves.

After hearing the news, the eighth princess quickly asked for the direction of the kitchen, and then ran over with her skirt in hand. She heard that giving birth to a baby requires a lot of hot water, and she was afraid that the sixth princess would be too busy alone. .

The servants of the third prince's residence were dumbfounded by the personal efforts of several princes and concubines.

These are all pampered masters. I am afraid that they have never had food in Dalian since they were young, but now they are boiling water and carrying charcoal. How can we not be surprised?

 Baili Rongze knew that those who could do this must have been united, and the only one who could unite all the princes and concubines to work together like this was Fan Qingyao.

 In fact, he was also curious as to why Fan Qingyao always had the ability to impress others.

 Why, he was the one who discovered Fan Qingyao first, but in the end he had to watch her marry someone else.

"Your Highness, the imperial doctor is here!" The servant's report sounded from behind.

 Baili Rongze turned around and quickly motioned to the imperial physician to go and see the person first. If something really happened to Princess Pinglai, he would have to bear the responsibility.

The imperial doctor hurriedly entered the door carrying the medicine box. He saw that the room had been tidied up, and even basins of hot water were ready. At this time, the princess was kneeling beside the bed, observing Ping Ping. The sound in Princess Lai's stomach.

  "Sun Qiantang, the humble minister, would like to express his regards to the Crown Princess and Princess Pinglai." The imperial doctor hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his head to say hello.

Fan Qingyao looked at the imperial doctor and said, "No need to be polite. I see that Princess Pinglai has already started to activate. After the imperial doctor Sun cleans her hands, she will prepare the silver needles and come over to help."

Doctor Sun nodded quickly and went to prepare, but when everything was ready, he only belatedly said, "Prince Princess Qi, if you want to give birth, you always need a midwife. I don't know who Princess Pinglai's midwife is." Will the time come?"

Fan Qingyao looked at Yan Hanbai's unbearable pain and said softly, "The midwife should have been raised in Prince Pinglai's Mansion, but now I'm afraid it will be too late to send someone to pick her up. Dr. Sun can only help administer acupuncture to help Princess Pinglai prevent the disease." If there is heavy bleeding, I will cooperate with Imperial Physician Sun and ask Princess Pinglai to use her strength."

When Dr. Sun heard this, he almost dropped the needle bag in his hand, "Absolutely not, no way..."

 History of childbirth has required the cooperation between the imperial physician and the midwife.

 The imperial doctor is the main one, and the midwife is the auxiliary.

If you let him instigate orders to the midwife, that's it. If you let him order the princess to do things, I'm afraid he won't live enough?

"Life is at stake, there is no delay, just do as Dr. Sun does." Fan Qingyao said, seeing another movement under Yan Hanbai, he quickly stretched out his hand under the quilt.

 (End of this chapter)

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