The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 910: Help your daughter-in-law vent her anger

 Chapter 910: Helping the wife to vent her anger

As soon as Concubine Pan De left, Concubine Yu couldn't hold back her anger anymore and kicked the footrest in front of her to the ground in anger.

“Bang!” A sound frightened everyone inside and outside Yueyue Palace to the point where they all knelt on the ground.

Yunyue heard the sound and rushed over. After sending the palace attendants out of the palace, she looked at her mother and concubine and said, "The third prince has passed away. Concubine Pan De naturally has complaints against Rongze. Mother and concubine must not be instigated." That’s it.”

Concubine Yu had a dark face, "Of course I know Concubine Pan De's little thoughts. It is just to reassure her that I will continue to use people who are related to her. Concubine Pan De is also a smart person. This time I am looking for the daughter of the Guan family, but she is much more grateful than some white-eyed wolves!"

Yunyue heard that these words did not seem to be directed only at Baili Rongze, so she asked, "What happened?"

"What else could it be? Why am I so anxious to renew your brother's marriage? Isn't it because once we get involved with the Guan family, it will only benefit us and not bring any harm. But look at what he has done. She was openly helping Fan Xuening and Pan De Fei to shout!" Concubine Yu became angrier as she spoke.

Had she known this was the case, she should not have let Fan Xuening get involved with her son in the first place.

There is not much ability, and there are so many hearts. Now she is framed with Pan De Fei, but she didn't even look at it?

Yunyue was secretly frightened when she heard her mother and concubine talking about what happened in the third prince's mansion today. She didn't expect that Fan Xuening would not even care about her mother and concubine in order to prevent Guan Pan'er from entering.

"This matter is just Fan Xuening's temporary confusion. As long as the mother-in-law wants to let Guan Pan'er in, her little concubine can't stop her. Why should the mother-in-law be angry with her?" Yunyue comforted softly. .

Concubine Yu frowned and looked at Yunyue, "You also speak for that bitch?"

Yunyue looked at her mother's expression and whispered softly, "I'm afraid my mother has forgotten that Fan Xuening was indispensable for the third prince's concubine to be able to shut her mouth so quickly. Now that Fan Xuening dares to openly frame Pan Defei, I'm afraid it's the same Because it depends on a little bit.”

Concubine Yu's face was gloomy and cruel, "That bitch, she just helped me a little and wants to ask for interest from me. She is thinking well."

Yunyue analyzed it carefully, "Fan Xuening is quite clever, and his methods are sharp enough. If such a person can be used well, it will be of great benefit to us. Besides, Fan Xuening knows too much about us now. If it is true, It may not be that easy to get rid of.”

How could Concubine Yu not think of this!

But as soon as she thought that Fan Xuening, that little bitch, knew that she didn't dare to get rid of her, Concubine Yu's heart became filled with panic.

Concubine Yu felt uncomfortable, so naturally she couldn't make Fan Xuening feel comfortable. Even if she couldn't get rid of Fan Xuening for the time being, Concubine Yu would never make Fan Xuening feel better.

That night, news came out in the palace that the third prince was heartbroken because the third prince's concubine died of illness. Concubine Yu was worried that the third prince would be depressed, so she knelt down in front of the emperor in person and begged the emperor to renew the third prince's string.

Emperor Yongchang always loved the third prince, and when he saw Concubine Yu crying in front of his palace, he immediately called Bai Tu to his side, "Go and ask around to see if there is any hotel suitable for the third prince." Women, their conduct should be dignified, and their families should be clean.”

Bai Tu hurriedly went out to inquire about it, and found out about Guan Pan'er.

"Guan family?" After hearing Bai Tu's report, Emperor Yongchang thought of the relationship between the Guan family and Concubine Pan De.

  It is not that Emperor Yongchang is forgetful, but that the Guan family really has nothing to offer, so that after all these years, even he himself has forgotten why he let Concubine Pan De into the palace in the first place.

"I heard that the Miss Guan family accompanied Concubine Pan De to the funeral today. Unexpectedly, she had a very happy conversation with the third prince in the third prince's residence. I heard that even the people in the third prince's residence were curious, because since the death of the third prince's concubine, Afterwards, the third prince has not been so talkative for a long time."

Emperor Yongchang nodded, "In that case, let's betroth the one from the Guan family to the third prince."

Soon, it was spread that Guan Pan'er became the successor of the third prince's house. Concubine Yu pretended to shed tears of gratitude, and after kowtowing three times in front of the emperor, she asked Nanny Ying beside her to leave the palace that night to discuss the wedding with the Guan family.

With Concubine Yu’s actions, the entire palace knew about it.

 In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi was really stunned when she heard Lily's report, "Is the string really renewed?"

Lily nodded, "It is said that the emperor personally selected the person. Concubine Yu has sent people out of the palace to go to the Guan family. I think there will be good news soon."

"The last one has just been laid to rest, and the next one can't wait to come. I didn't think that the third prince looked like the emperor before, but now I am blind."

As for this sentimental and unrighteous spirit, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the emperor. It can only be said that it was carved from the same mold.

When Baili Fengming came in, he saw that the queen mother's face was not good, so she smiled and said, "Is the queen mother likely to have heard the news that Brother Three Emperors is going to renew their marriage?"

 Empress Zhenxi waved to her son, "Have you heard about it too?"

Baili Fengming lifted her robe and sat next to her mother, and then she said, "Bai Tu just sent a message to his son, saying that someone deliberately leaked in the palace that Miss Guan family went to the third prince's mansion today. Look at It should be Concubine Yu’s intention to match her up.”

Queen Zhen Xi was stunned, "So this is what you mean?"

Since Concubine Pan De was able to take Guan Pan'er to the third prince's residence for the funeral, she was pleased with the concubine. Queen Zhen Xi had heard about it early on, but she didn't take it to heart.

But now listening to Baili Fengming's words, Queen Zhenxi had to take it seriously.

 After all, the palace only knew that Bai Tu was the chief steward around the emperor, but they had no idea that Bai Tu was now listening to Baili Fengming's orders.

Baili Fengming didn't want to hide anything from his mother, so he just gave an overview of what happened in the third prince's house today, "Although I was not present at the scene, I heard that it was Ayao's help that allowed Concubine Pan De to save her life. Grandma Sun, if this is the case, I thought that it would be in line with Ayao's wishes to allow Guan Pan'er to marry into the third emperor's brother's house."

Empress Zhen Xi was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She really didn't expect that such a thing could happen during a funeral.

 Speaking of which, Aunt Fan in the third prince's residence is quite capable. No wonder she was able to deceive the emperor in the beginning, and even now she can still hide it without revealing anything.

“I am still wondering how you can care so much about such trivial things in the backyard. It turns out that you are just writing this to vent your anger on your wife.” Empress Zhen Xi said with a smile.

Regardless of whether Fan Xuening's plan today was achieved or not, Princess Pinglai and Fan Qingyao were involved in the plan.

Even if Fan Qingyao did not suffer this time, Princess Pinglai almost lost one or two lives because of this. With Fan Qingyao's clear-cut and protective temperament, how could he not be angry?

So her son simply went along with the situation. On the surface, he was following Concubine Yu's wishes, but in fact, he was helping his daughter-in-law to create trouble for Fan Xuening.

 Empress Zhen Xi looked at her son's increasingly mature features, feeling indescribably happy.

Little Qingyao is a good girl, and my son knows that pampering her is a good thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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