Chapter 921: Who gave you the courage?

The woman didn't expect that the thing hidden inside her sleeve would really fall out. She was thinking about how to find an excuse for herself, but before she could say anything, Ningtian spoke first, "I saw it with my own eyes. A girl dropped it, but the girl was walking in a hurry and didn’t notice it.”

 Everybody, “…”

Oh, I see.

This is obviously picking up other people’s things and putting them into your own sleeves.

On normal days, everyone would be able to accept it. After all, in such a large main city, there are only a few people who can really make a fortune.


 Wasn't this woman just scolding, saying that the things in Qingnangzhai are poisonous?

How come you changed hands and hid the things from Qingnangzhai?

Yue Luo looked at the woman whose expression was changing and asked, "If I remember correctly, this sister should be unable to adapt to our things. Why is it okay to pick this up now?"

 The woman said in a panic, "Well, that's because I'm useless..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt the top of my head suddenly sinking.

When the woman looked up, she almost fainted on the spot. She saw that Peng Jing had poured a whole can of hair oil onto her head!

"If you said that the things in our Qingnangzhai were poisonous, you would have fallen to the ground and foamed at the mouth a long time ago, right? Even if it didn't work, you would have been twitching all over. Why do you look better than me now? "Peng Jing looked at the woman coldly.

The woman who was caught off guard really wanted to faint on the spot.

 But the hateful thing is…

 She was so nervous that she was so energetic!

Yueluo looked at the woman and said, "You keep saying that the things in our Qingnangzhai are poisonous, so why do you still pick them up?"


Isn’t Qingnangzhai selling things? Why are you so suffocating when you talk?

Facing the pressing steps of Peng Jing and Yue Luo, the woman could no longer even make a sound. Seeing this, the people around her understood clearly that this was clearly a frame-up.

The merchants who were still waiting to carve up Qingnangzhai were all disappointed and dejected. They no longer waited for the woman to say anything, and shook their heads and turned away.

 The facts are before our eyes, what else can we say?

It's quite cold outside. Wouldn't it be delicious if they had some free time to go back and drink some hot tea?

 For a time, the surrounding crowd dispersed, and the entrance of Qingnangzhai also became quiet.

The woman looked at the leaving people and stretched out her hands to stop them, but she didn't know what to say or what else to say.

"I know you have something to say. It doesn't matter if no one here listens. After you send it to the Yamen, I believe the people in the Yamen will be very willing to listen to what you want to say."

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind her. The woman turned around subconsciously and saw a young and beautiful girl walking towards this direction.

She looks young, but her face is really good-looking, especially her dark eyes, which are so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away, but there seems to be an endless abyss hidden inside. It makes people afraid to stare.

Looking at what the girl is wearing, although there is no gorgeous jewelry, the material of the skirt should not be underestimated, especially the mink velvet draped over the shoulders. The color and style of the coat are both the same.

The more the woman looked, the more frightened she became. She seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly she widened her eyes and said, "Your Majesty, Crown Princess?" At the same time, Peng Jing and Yue Luo also came up to greet her.

 “My slave, please give my regards to the lady.”

 “I’ve met the lady.”

The woman seemed to be greatly frightened when she heard the greetings from Yue Luo and Peng Jing. She wanted to get up and run away, but her legs were so weak that she couldn't even stand up.

“Third sister.” Mu Yan looked at Fan Qingyao walking over and called out.

Fan Qingyao nodded and looked at Mu Yan's injuries carefully. The mark on his cheek was not serious. He only needed to apply medicine carefully for a few days and it would be fine. As for the hair that was pulled off on the ground, it looked like there were a lot more. , but fortunately it is not uprooted, it will naturally grow back over time.

Seeing that there was nothing serious about Mu Yan, Fan Qingyao was relieved. He turned to look at the woman who was almost stunned and said, "You don't even understand what is going on in this shop, how dare you To frame you, I’m curious as to who gave you the courage.”

The woman hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and said, "The civilian woman was just obsessed for a moment, thinking that she wanted to make some money..."

How can a small ordinary citizen really be so courageous?

Fan Qingyao didn't believe this.

However, Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to tell the truth. The Yamen has plenty of time to waste time with you. I believe the Yamen can always give me a satisfactory explanation."

Just kidding, the princess's affairs, even if the door is light and boiled oil, it is necessary to do it.

 So who is the one whose lamp is lit and oil is boiled?

 Of course it’s this woman!

The woman was really frightened. She quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Princess, please spare your life! It really has nothing to do with the civilian women. Someone promised the civilian women that as long as the civilian women came to Qingnangzhai to cause trouble, they would be punished afterwards." A small sum of money from a common woman, but she is also obsessed with it, so she... please forgive me!"

 The woman was kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down her face. She was really blind.

How unreasonable you were just now, now you have to be so humble.

Fan Qingyao has long known that there must be someone behind such a thing, and now he is not surprised when he hears the woman's words. Although the woman is not the culprit, as long as the person who hurts her, there is no reason to be unscathed.

"Your matter will be verified by the government. Ningtian, send him to the Yamen!" Fan Qingyao ordered coldly.

Without saying a word, Ningtian grabbed the woman's arm and dragged her up.

 The woman was really frightened to death and kept shouting for mercy over and over again, "Princess, please have mercy, please have mercy..."

Mu Yan took Fan Qingyao's hand and said softly, "Third sister, why not let her go."

Fan Qingyao looked at the red marks on Mu Yan's cheeks and said, "I don't remember that I taught you the four words of womanly kindness."

Mu Yan looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "I know that the third sister is venting her anger on me, and I also know that the third sister wants to take the opportunity to let everyone see that Qingnangzhai is not someone who can offend anyone, but since this woman is also the target of others, Instigated, and I don’t know who the person is, so even if I send him to the Yamen, I’m afraid he won’t be able to find out the truth.”

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao did not refuse immediately, but asked, "So?"

Mu Yan regained her courage and continued, "So it's better to let this woman go. This will also add a good reputation to our Qingnangzhai. The third sister handed over to me. The most important thing in business is reputation. If this matter If it can really add to Qingnangzhai’s reputation, I think it’s worth it.”

 Being flexible and adaptable is pretty good.

Although Mu Yan is progressing the slowest among the sisters, she has been studying very hard and hard. Being able to say these words now shows that she really puts her heart into it.

Of course, Fan Qingyao would not stop Mu Yan from wanting to make progress. He waved his hand and signaled Ningtian to let him go. After all, compared with the enthusiasm of the fourth sister, the kind of person who dares to do anything with money, It's not worth mentioning.

 (End of this chapter)

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