Chapter 926: A majestic display of power

Fan Qingyao suddenly turned around and saw Tang Juwei wearing an emerald green gown and a jade crown appearing behind him. Taking advantage of the cool night breeze, the clothes on his body swayed slightly. He could really be called a jade-faced man.

"Master Tang is so excited that he came out to blow the cold wind in the middle of the night." Fan Qingyao knew that what she said was harsh, but she just wanted to distance herself from each other verbally.

 They are not dishes in the same pot. Even if they are next to each other, they are just at odds with each other.

"Long time no see, the Crown Princess is still as sharp-tongued as ever. If Tang remembers correctly, you can move around the main city at will. How come the Crown Princess can blow the cold wind, but Tang cannot?" Tang Juwei smiled. Looking at Fan Qingyao was like looking at an unreasonable child.

Fan Qingyao smiled faintly and said with seeming concern, "Since Mr. Tang is a heavenly master beside the emperor, he should also know something about medical skills. The difference between being in the prime of life and being in his twilight years is not the slightest. Perhaps I think the cool breeze is just right tonight, and Mr. Tang will feel the cold wind."

 Tang Juwei, “…”

This is a different way of calling him an old man.

Tang Juwei was not angry either. He just sighed out of nowhere and said, "Fortunately, my old bones are still somewhat strong. Otherwise, wouldn't I have to let the Crown Princess enjoy the night view alone?"

Fan Qingyao frowned, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence, but he did not show any doubts. He just said softly, "Some beautiful scenery is best enjoyed alone."

You are trying to get close to her here, do you really think she is a three-year-old baby?

Tang Juwei clicked his tongue, shook his head and said, "My other advantages are not very obvious, but I can still keep my promise. Since I have made an appointment with the Crown Princess, I must come on time."

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao's right eyelid twitched heavily.

If she didn't understand Tang Juwei's meaning just now, then unless she is stupid, she still can't understand it now!

The reason why Fan Qingyao is standing here is because she received Baili Fengming's letter, but now Baili Fengming has not shown up yet. Instead, Tang Juwei is standing in front of her. Thinking about Tang Juwei again If Wei...

 So the person who wrote to her was not Baili Fengming at all, but Tang Juwei!

When Lang Ya came back with the letter, it was from His Highness the Crown Prince. Of course Fan Qingyao believed that Lang Ya would not betray her, so the only possibility was that Tang Juwei not only pretended to be Baili Fengming, but also imitated her. Baili Fengming's notes.

It is true that Lang Ya does not understand medical skills, but it is not easy to fool his eyes. When Fan Qingyao thought about the handwriting that was almost exactly the same as Baili Fengming, his heart beat faster.

She did not dare to say easily how good Tang Juwei's medical skills were, but his skills in disguise and imitation were already very good.

"Tang just wanted to meet the Crown Princess, but if he made an appointment in his own name, he was afraid that the Crown Princess would break the appointment, so he took this step. I hope the Crown Princess doesn't mind." Tang Juwei said with a look on his face. The apology seemed to be really forced.

"Mr. Tang went his own way first, how can he ask for my forgiveness now? Even if Mr. Tang is not afraid of wasting his words, doesn't Mr. Tang think it's ridiculous?" Fan Qingyao said with a half-smile.

 It is extremely shameless to do such a shameless thing and still want to get her approval.

There were countless ways to ask her out, but Tang Juwei chose the most disgusting one. He clearly wanted to tell her that he knew her relationship with Baili Fengming, and as long as he wanted, he would It can make Fan Qingyao unable to distinguish between true and false.

How could Fan Qingyao not see such a clear display of power?

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Not far away, Ning Han's cry suddenly rang out.

Fan Qingyao turned around following the sound and saw a person standing next to Ninghan, holding Ninghan's arm tightly. "Princess, there is no need to panic, Tang just doesn't want anyone to disturb the beautiful moonlight." Tang Juwei said with a smile.

Of course Fan Qingyao didn't believe Tang Juwei's lies, but with such a situation in front of her, she probably wouldn't be able to escape even if she took Ninghan to escape.

In this case, Fan Qingyao simply calmed down, turned to look at Tang Juwei and said, "I am really honored that Mr. Tang has put so much effort into this."

Tang Juwei looked at Fan Qingyao's expressionless face and couldn't tell whether she was pretending to be calm or whether she really didn't take his methods seriously.

Tang Juwei did not expect that despite being so young and frivolous, the city could be so calm.

No wonder she has been able to deal with the always suspicious emperor for so long. The more we look at this little girl, the more we look at her.

"The reason why Tang traveled thousands of miles to come to the main city is because he heard that the Crown Princess had found a pill that could make people immortal." Tang Juwei smiled slightly, "There are so many people in the world who want to live forever. The princess was willing to offer such the heaviest thing to the emperor, which really impressed Tang. "

The reason why Tang Juwei is standing here is to set up a trap with Baili Rongze and others to make the emperor who has tasted the Lingxue Pill unable to extricate himself, so it is reasonable for him to know about the Lingxue Pill.

 But why did he mention this at this time?

Fan Qingyao squeezed the hand in his sleeve and said calmly, "People who study medicine are not convinced by the idea of ​​immortality. It was just a coincidence that they were able to find the Lingxue Pill. Mr. Tang's information is quite good." , So Mr. Tang believes that people can live forever? "

Tang Juwei did not expect that at this time, Fan Qingyao would still have such a calm mind to test him. He smiled softly and said, "I believe it, and Tang Mou believes that there really is something in this world that can make people live forever." The Tao family's medical skills are famous all over the world. As the descendant of the Tao family's medical daughter, the Crown Princess should know more about it than Tang. "

Sure enough, Tang Juwei knew about the existence of medical classics.

Hearing these words, Fan Qingyao clenched his hands in his sleeves even tighter, "Medical skills pay attention to hearing, listening, listening, and sincerity is the principle of medicine. People who talk about immortality are not doctors. It is more appropriate to say they are liars. "

 Tang Juwei, “…”

  She did not forget to scold him during the conversation. This girl really has an unforgiving mouth.

“When people live in this world, they always have to have some fantasies, don’t they?”

"There is a fundamental difference between fantasy and daydreaming. Mr. Tang looks clear, but he is also a confused person. If Mr. Tang doesn't mind, I don't mind prescribing some medicine for Mr. Tang, which can help Mr. Tang soothe his liver and regulate his qi. "

Tang Juwei was stunned for a moment. If he had been a few decades younger, he really wouldn't have heard this girl scolding him for being crazy.

"The Crown Princess knows how to joke, but Tang Mou heard that the successive Tao family medical girls seemed to be passing on the Tao family's medical skills, but in fact they were carrying a big secret of the Tao family." Tang Juwei looked at Fan Qingyao with a smile. , those eyes were like hooks, staring intently, for fear of missing any of Fan Qingyao's expressions.

 (End of this chapter)

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