Chen Qiaoen is not right tonight.

During dinner, Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao were aware of it, but they didn't say anything.

After dinner, when the three of them were sitting on the sofa eating fruits and watching TV, Liu Tao ate Mai Xiaoyu's peeled apples and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Qiaoen showed an innocent... silly smile.

Mai Xiaoyu poked through relentlessly: "Is it hard to pretend for so long?"

"It's not you who caused it!"

Chen Qiaoen is in a bad mood today.

When she was about to get off work in the afternoon, Lu Ning found her in private and asked when the company would issue red envelopes.

As usual, Mai Xiaoyu will give out red envelopes after achieving good results in every project of the company.

This time, "Stone" hits the top spot, and the box office surpasses "I Believe". Both Xiaoxing Xi and Huang Bo, who have benefited a lot from it, have already issued red envelopes. Mai Xiaoyu, who represents the company, is certainly no exception.

How big is the red envelope?

It is related to the scale of corruption in the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.

They dared not ask Mai Xiaoyu, so they unanimously recommended Lu Ning to ask Chen Qiao'en.

Chen Qiaoen was introduced to the company by Lu Ning. The two have a good relationship, and Chen Qiaoen and Mai Xiaoyu are dating, so they should know.

"I dated Mr. Mai? Who said that?"

Hearing what Lu Ning said, Chen Qiaoen almost went crazy.

This kind of gossip has gone too far. What's more, many colleagues believe that during the period when she accompanied Mai Xiaoyu to run on the front line TV, the relationship between the two has made substantial and breakthrough progress.

"Sister Jon, congratulations, you have been secretly in love with Mr. Mai for so long, and finally you have all your hardships and joy."

Lu Ning's sincere blessings brought Chen Qiao'en thousands of invisible crit damage. She was speechless and could only shed her grievances through shopping.

After returning from the shopping mall, he was still not suffocated, so he came to find the "culprit" Mai Xiaoyu to be fair, showing the "ferocious" side of the lamb.

"...You said how I will go to the company in the future!" Chen Qiaoen fell into Liu Tao's arms, full of grievances.

Liu Tao hugged Chen Qiao'en and comforted softly: "It turned out to be this, I thought it was such a big deal."

"You know?" Chen Qiaoen was stunned.

"I have heard it accidentally."

"Do you believe?"

Chen Qiaoen raised his head and looked at Liu Tao, and Mai Xiaoyu also followed Liu Tao's reaction.

"Of course I don't believe it. I can feel it. You don't have a crush on Mr. Mai, and Mr. Mai does not have a relationship between men and women. You are not like they thought. My instinct is very accurate."

Liu Tao said the last sentence with a smile looking at Mai Xiaoyu. The look, the look, and the smile clearly made Mai Xiaoyu feel the trust in it.

Things like gossip cannot withstand the passing of time.

With the development of Mengren's film and television, all the staff are engaged in busy work, and soon no one talks about the gossip about Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen dating.

A movie, a TV series, Mengren Film and Television once again expanded the scale, recruiting several new employees from members.

In addition to the scout department, the propaganda department and marketing department came into being.

Although there are not many people in the two new departments, each department has only two or three people, the framework has already taken shape.

The most direct impact of opening a new department is-someone raises their salary or gets a promotion!

Who doesn't want to be motivated?

Who is still in the mood for gossip?

The "Pink Girl" promotional feature editing has been completed, the post-production is nearing completion, and the close contact with Dolphin TV is maintained...

With the great situation that Mai Xiaoyu made, Liu Xiaoli arranged for careful management of the staff, and only waited for the broadcast in October to sound the clarion call for Mengren Film and Television to attack the TV circle.

In late August, there was another good news from "The Stone"-the key extension!

"What are you talking about? That Caotou company's movie is postponed for one month?"

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Ning Shibin was in a bad mood after hearing the news, and was not in the mood to consider which celebrity model to bring to tonight's second-generation birthday party.

The old driver's assistant Zhang Ruilin looked solemn and nodded: "They just issued a key extension notice through the Hailian Distribution Department today, announcing that "The Stone" will be offline at 24:00 on September 28, and the release period will be extended by one month. ."

The key extension is a pure market behavior, and it is also a recognition of the film, which will help push the box office to a higher level.

On the surface, it is the extension of the key release issued by the producer, but it is actually a requirement of the theaters and theaters, because the film can also generate considerable box office.

The key extension is rare, and it represents the audience's recognition of a movie!

If the audience does not approve and no one is watching, the theater will not agree.

"Good luck! How much did that movie get at the box office?"

"It's just over 60 million."

"It's so high!"

Zhang Ruilin hesitated for a moment and said: "I have seen their movie, which is very distinctive. The domestic blockbuster released at the same time can't cause them trouble. Only after the Hollywood blockbuster "Spider-Man" was released, their box office was greatly affected. I am. It is estimated that because of this, it will be postponed for one month to go offline."

"You mean, "Instant Kill", which our company invested more than 20 million yuan, is not as good as that three million yuan movie?"

"It's 8 They have added 5 million in propaganda funds." Seeing the anger in Ning Shibin’s eyes, Zhang Ruilin added, ""Instant Kill" will be released soon. Complete victory over "The Stone"."

This is not nonsense!

"Stone" has been released for a month. During the key postponement period, it is inevitable that the filming rate will drop. If "Instant Kill" can't win, the director and screenwriter should be pulled out and shot!

Ning Shibin glared at him dissatisfiedly: "I want Caotou Company to close down, what can you do?"

"Taking a blockbuster."

The advantage of small films is that they are not afraid to lose money, while the risk of large films is to recover the cost.

With 30 million shots, without a 100 million box office, investors can't make any money!

Ning Shibin thought for a while: "They made a lot of money in their two movies, and one TV series was also finished..."

"TV dramas are not enough to be a problem. All newcomers have poor ratings and it is difficult to sell. Even if they are sold, I will say hello to the TV station and ask them to delay the balance indefinitely. Caotou can't make money with this drama."

"They have two more movies."

Zhang Ruilin said relaxedly: "If one blockbuster is not enough, then two."


Mai Xiaoyu never cared about Ning Shibin's deliberate revenge, because he still needs to be **** his own.

Of course, in the entertainment industry, in addition to having a strong waist, allies are also indispensable.

For example, the prosperous age of the advertising industry, Hailian in the theater, Dolphin TV in the TV station, and Liu Dehua's Yingyi Entertainment...

In early September, Liu Dehua came to Yanjing to attend a brand endorsement event.

After the event, Mai Xiaoyu specially hosted Liu Dehua in a high-end private club.

There are very few people. In addition to himself, Liu Dehua only has Lianjin; while Mai Xiaoyu takes Liutao.

A total of four people can be regarded as a private gathering.

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