The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 269: Gilded? NO! (2 in 1 large

This late night in September 2002 became an indelible "mark" in Zhang Yang's life.

In the wee hours of the morning, he was awakened by water and just wiped off the water stains on his face. Suddenly he was horrified to find himself lying in the car with a person on his back.

It's a colleague, Lao Wang, lying on his back, naked and AA body like him...Well, the pants are still there, but what's the use!


It looked like a frightened chicken, screamed, turned Wang Debin on his back, grabbed the scattered clothes, and instinctively wanted to rush out of the car.


One foot was printed accurately on his chest, and his body seemed to be hollowed out... almost exactly what it meant, and fell on Wang Debin.


Wang Debin was in pain and woke up with a moan.

After erasing the water stains on his face, seeing the car seat down, he and Zhang Yang frankly faced each other, much calmer than Zhang Yang.

The first reaction of an old driver in his thirties was to look at the lower bodies of the two.

Fortunately, the pants are still there, and the chrysanthemum is not broken.

Then he and Zhang Yang looked out of the car together, at the "devil" with a bright smile holding a half bottle of mineral water in his cigarette.

"Awake?" Mai Xiaoyu greeted with a smile, and threw half a bottle of mineral water into the car.

"What did you do to me!" Zhang Yang was young, stimulated by the terrifying picture of brain replenishment, his eyes were red and glared at Mai Xiaoyu, like a beast about to fight for his life.

"What else can you do? Taking pictures and videos, isn't this your reporter's usual method?"

"Malgobi, I will fight with you..."

Zhang Yang's courage vented as the Phillips head screwdriver with a length of more than a foot appeared in front of him.

Wang Debin stopped him and scolded Mai Xiaoyu angrily: "Despicable!"

"Haha, I'm despicable? Didn't you all learn from you?" Mai Xiaoyu smoked, raised his leg and stepped on the car seat, leaning forward, "Don't tell me, you two have followed me all the way, just want to find Liu Tao made an appointment for an exclusive interview."

"Huh! She is an actor and a public figure. We are journalists, the press is free, and we have the freedom to interview and take pictures!" Wang Debin fumbled for the clothes to put on her body, while warning Mai Xiaoyu, "and your behavior is illegal! "

"You are really journalists? Why didn't I find your press card? Even if you are journalists, you have the freedom of press, and the freedom to interview and take photos, but as one of the parties, I find that my legal rights have been violated, and I have the right to fight back! As for breaking the law, tell me, what law did I break?"

Playing word games and exploiting legal loopholes, Mai Xiaoyu is no worse than a reporter!

"By the way, look at your mobile phones, I have a great gift for you."

On Xiali's center console are two mobile phones of Wang Debin and Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang is not an old driver, but he can also think of what Mai Xiaoyu's gift is.

That was one of the housekeeping skills of reporters to feed their families, eat fragrant and spicy food!

He didn't care about wearing half of his clothes, and quickly took his cell phone and opened it, as if struck by lightning!

In the mobile phone is a group of fragrant and glamorous pictures. The fragrant and glamorous make him cold, the fragrant and glamorous make him angry, and the fragrant and glamorous make him want to vomit.

Wang Debin, who was already dressed, leaned over, glanced at the pictures in Zhang Yang's phone, and sneered contemptuously.

Posing, absolutely posing!

The traces of the pose are obvious, and there is no technical content, and the insider can see it at a glance.

Want to threaten us with this?


The old driver didn't care to take his mobile phone, which was a paused video.

When the video was played at random, the old driver's eyes became straight and he could no longer calm down.

"Car AA shock" video!

The protagonist is him and Zhang Yang!

I bought a watch last year!

The picture is okay. They are all half-length photos, and because of the light and pixels of the phone, they are blurry, and it is difficult for people who are not particularly familiar with them to recognize the person in the photo.

But the video is different.

Wang Debin has been in the industry for a long time, his income is high, his mobile phone is better than the public ones, and his pixels are also high.

And it is video shooting, you can freely zoom in and out, and give a few more facial close-ups without affecting the video effect.

What's more frightening is that in the video, the Xiali car is still shaking, and the car AA shakes... it's really like Nima!

What are you waiting for, delete!

Wang Debin and Zhang Yang acted exactly the same, and did not hesitate to delete the indecent videos and indecent photos on the phone.

"It's very swift." Mai Xiaoyu chuckled lightly, took out the rice and Yali mobile phone from his pocket, and swayed gently in front of the two of them.

Zhang Yang subconsciously wanted to rush to snatch, but was held back by Wang Debin.

"Shameless!" Wang Debin cursed under his anger.

"Oh, angry? Isn't this your usual method of concocting news? Why, you call freedom of the press, and I call it shameless if I use it?"

"what do you want!"

"'Paparazzi late at night, it's hard to bear the AA shock of a lonely roadside car", how about this? Or'Paparazzi staged a homosexual AA love car AA shock on the side of the road late at night', which of these two titles is better?"

Facing Mai Xiaoyu's sarcasm, Wang Debin and Zhang Yang lost their temper.

Mai Xiaoyu retracted the phone, lit a cigarette again, and shook the screwdriver in his hand: "You know, put my old temper, I will use this thing to explode your chrysanthemums. Because I am now switching to a film and television company, and I don't want to No matter how cruel and bloody. If someone forces me to go the same way, I don’t mind making some people pay a heavy price."

The plain tone makes it hard to hide its harshness.

Wang Debin and Zhang Yang seemed to see the terrifying hideous faces under Mai Xiaoyu's calm expression.

"what the **** do you want?"

"It's very simple." Mai Xiaoyu put a smile away, "When I used to mix, there was only one principle of life. Who makes me unhappy, I make him unhappy in this life, do you understand what I mean?"

"If I see news reports in the media that I don't want to see, the fate of you two... Humph, tonight's video is just an appetizer, and I will let you have a deep understanding at that time!"

After that, Mai Xiaoyu turned and left, not paying attention to the two.

After getting in the car, Liu Tao took him and asked with concern: "Are you not injured?"

"No. I went to reason with them, not in a fight. How could I get hurt?"

Liu Tao was still uneasy, and took Mai Xiaoyu to check, mainly checking his hand.

I didn’t see any bruises, redness, swelling, or broken skin wounds, so I felt relieved: “Every time I clashed with people, I was worried about your injury. I still remember the time you sent me into the group last year. People feel distressed when they see it."

"Relax, I will try not to fight in the future. When you need to hire two bodyguards, let them go, you can rest assured."

"Well, you are the boss, you should have a bodyguard by your side." Liu Tao nodded, "Which newspaper reporter are they?"

"I don't know, I suspect that they are not regular reporters, but informants or paparazzi who specialize in digging for privacy and breaking news to the media."

Mai Xiaoyu started the car and left.

The Xiali car behind has already left first.

Liu Tao is very clever, and soon wants to understand why: "Someone buys them and wants to explode my scandal?"

"Don't worry, I have solved it."

"How did you solve it?" Liu Tao looked at Mai Xiaoyu with interest.

She is afraid of scandals, but not afraid of scandals with Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu hahad and said, "Dawn with reason and move with affection, and reason with them. Fortunately, they all understand the truth well, and I was persuaded by me and decided to change their past."

"You lied to me again." Liu Tao leaned back in his chair and pursed his small mouth. "Maizi, let me ask you something. If one day, the media broke the news about my scandal with you, what should I do?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Your acting career has made a good start. Now is the rising period of your career. Don't be ruined by the scandal."

"But there are some actors who quickly rise to the top due to scandals."

"I do not like!"

Mai Xiaoyu was very fierce, Liu Tao was very happy, she glanced at Mai Xiaoyu, and then asked in a low voice: "You don't like the scandal with you?"


Around one in the morning, a commercial and residential apartment in Huilongguan.

A 60% new second-hand Xiali was parked downstairs.

In a duplex-structured residence on the top floor, a set of partition desks are placed in the living room, with a total of four positions.

Desktop computers or laptops are placed on each desktop, alongside professional equipment such as copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners, and professional cameras.

On the wall directly opposite the gate, there is a sign with five characters "Longxing Workshop" hung.

The owner of Longxing Studio, Cao Long, who was in his early thirties and beard-faced, sat under the sign, dangling a cigarette, looking at the distraught Wang Debin and the solemn expression of Wang Debin, handing over two cigarettes, and asking in a deep voice. :"what happened?"

Zhang Yang took the cigarette and lit it shiveringly, silently smoking and bowing his head, his expression seemed to have been greatly insulted.

Wang Debin was fairly calm, took a cigarette, and sighed: "Head, we're doing it."

He told the whole thing in detail from beginning to end, and Cao Long was speechless: "It's so yin!"

"Who said it's not." Wang Debin sighed, "That guy is a smiling tiger. He was so bad-hearted and brutally hurt when he heard what he meant."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang raised his head and complained: "Brother Long, who is the boss of a film and television company, he is clearly an AA hooligan!"

Cao Long and Wang Debin looked at each other and said, "Xiao Zhang, you have a short time in the industry, and you can't see through some things. In the entertainment circle, how many are not hooligans? The more famous, the more AA hooligans."

"Brother Long, what should I do? He took a video of me and Lao Wang. If it is posted on the Internet, how can I behave? If my family sees it, how can I have the face to go home..."

Young people experience too few storms and are easily frightened.

Whenever he thinks of that video, Zhang Yang has an urge to die.

The old driver Wang Debin didn't care, and comforted: "What a big deal. Xiao Zhang, to do our job, you must have a strong psychological quality and a thick-skinned fighting ability. Take a video photo, It’s no big deal, he won’t send it out."

"He doesn't send it?" Zhang Yang's tone was hopeful.

"Fist, it's the most threatening to close it, and it's useless to fight it out. Didn't you listen to his last words, as long as we don't report the negative news about Liutao and their company, he will not release that video."

Wang Debin explained two sentences and turned to Cao Long: "Head, whose job you are taking, this job is not easy to do. The surnamed Mai is a Beijing ruffian, who doesn't agree with a word and does it directly, but Nima is sinister, don't it be who we are?"

This is the reason why Wang Debin's heart is heavy.

Longxing Studio has always used the disclosure of celebrity privacy as a profit-making method, and at the same time, it also accepts all kinds of grievances in the circle.

As long as you are willing to spend money, which celebrity you want to play, we will help you discredit which one.

It is difficult for ordinary people to clean their butts, let alone celebrities?

In the five or six years since its establishment, Longxing Studio has never dared to disclose its office address for fear of being hit by someone.

Except for the boss Cao Long, the official staff has always maintained a size of four. Almost everyone who has worked for a long time has had the experience of being beaten.

The offended person is much older.

That's why Wang Debin suspected that someone deliberately shamed them and asked them to explode the privacy and scandals of Mengren Film and Television.

"You have asked too much, don't forget our rules." Cao Long paused and asked: "Where are the photos taken tonight?"

"They were all ruined by Mai."


Zhang Yang was afraid that Mai Xiaoyu would publish tonight's video on the Internet, and tentatively asked: "Head, shall we still stare at cute people in the future?"

"Forget it, let them go first. I received the wind. Skystar Entertainment recently released "Instant Kill". During the filming, the actor forced the actress to speak in the bathroom. Go and kick this thing and kick it as soon as possible!"


A few days later, seeing that there was peace in the media, there was no negative news about cute people, and no negative news about Liu Tao, so Mai Xiaoyu relaxed and began to prepare for a trip to Korea.

"Boss, do I really go to South Korea to make a movie? Or do I play a leading role?"

Huang Bo has always felt incredible.

After many years of singing, he didn't become a famous singer, and changed his career as an After making two movies and one TV series, he went directly to South Korea and became the leading actor.

The ups and downs of life are too great!

"You don't want to go?" Mai Xiaoyu asked back.

Li Xue covered her mouth and chuckled: "Brother Bo doesn't want to, but lacks self-confidence."

"What does it mean to be unconfident? Mr. Mai said that my appearance is highly recognizable!"

"Yes, it's very recognizable in appearance. Bo brother, you have to come on, you have a great performance in "Stone". When you come back from South Korea with gold plating, you are guaranteed to go to the next level."

"Who said that the neck is gilded in Korea?" Mai Xiaoyu denied Li Xue's statement, "Neck, do you think so too?"

"No. Every role is a brand new opportunity for me. Whether it is domestic or South Korea, I will do my best to play it well."

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: "This kind of mentality is very important to the actors. Keep it. When you are filming in South Korea, don't forget to interact with domestic fans through Weibo. That is your root."

"Don't worry, Mr. Mai, I know."△≧miào.*bi(.*)gé△≧,

"How did the script look?"

Huang Bo grinned, "Well, isn't the scale a bit big?"

In mid-September, Mai Xiaoyu, Chen Qiaoen, Huang Bo, Li Xue, and Huang Bo's two assistants flew to South Korea to negotiate a contract with the ihq imaging division to jointly shoot the thriller film "Old Boy".

Due to the good foundation laid by "My Savage Girlfriend" and Huang Bo's wonderful performance in "The Stone", the two parties had a very pleasant exchange, and the contract was successfully signed three days later.

The investment amount of "Old Boy" is converted into Chinese currency, which is nearly 11 million.

Moe Ren Films has increased its capital with 4 million cash, and enjoys 40% of the box office and movie rights.

In addition, the number one movie man-Huang Bo!

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