No. 2 parking building of Capital International Airport.

Parking lot on the ground floor.

"Brother Fork, did you say that the boss saw my text message?" Xiaoxing Xi leaned against the back of the car and asked Zhang Xiaoquan next to him.

"Yu'er is very alert and can definitely see it. Even if you don't see it, there are ways to avoid the reporter from being photographed."

"Tsk tsk, it's not a problem to avoid reporters. It would be nice if we didn't have lambs in the first place."

"Wake up. If it weren't for me to circle Liutao, the fish would have changed so much? Now we don't know where to circle the lamb again. Can you have a chance to be a director?"

"Asshole, Liu Tao is your circle? Didn't I come back from the Yang Songzhen circle? It has a half-cent relationship with you? Brother Fork, you are my photographer now, if you still lack me like before Enough respect, be careful that I will beat you back to your original form and let you be a photography assistant."

"You guys, believe it or not..."

Zhang Xiaoquan's voice stopped abruptly, staring in the direction of the entrance in amazement.

Xiaoxing Xi followed his gaze and saw a pair of young men and women appear in his sight.

Men wear sunglasses and masks, and women wear sunglasses and baseball caps. The two of them each took a suitcase and talked as they walked, as if they had a close chat.

Women occasionally raise their hands and slapping men on the arms, like acting like a baby, like a couple.

Women’s baseball caps are very low, but Zhang and Zhang still easily recognize Chen Qiao’en; as for the man... the man who has been partnered with big 3 for more than three years, it’s too exaggerated to say that "you can recognize it even in ashes", but Nima A mask, do you think we don’t recognize you wearing a vest?

Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan swallowed together and looked at each other.

What's happening here?

Was the lamb eaten?

The boss/Yu'er is too good!

Can you digest it?

What should I do if my bangs are swollen?

"...Do you always carry a mask and baseball cap with you when you go out?"

"This habit is so strange, why?"

"Are you afraid of meeting reporters?"

"Why don't you answer my question!"


Chen Qiaoen kept on twittering, but Mai Xiaoyu at first gave a perfunctory sentence, but then he didn't answer at all.

Annoyed by Chen Qiao'en's noise, he said in a bad mood: "It is my habit to carry a mask and baseball cap with me. I have an umbrella in my luggage. Besides, I am not afraid of reporters, but I don't like dealing with reporters."


"Shut up and listen to me. On the contrary, it is you. Since you are afraid of being photographed by reporters, why don't you take precautions and grab my baseball cap?"

Chen Qiaoen was said to be stunned. After a moment of silence, he "angrily" fought back; "Who said I was afraid of being photographed by reporters? I have something..."

"'Oh, I just remembered that I was okay'." Mai Xiaoyu learned her tone on the plane, "Your acting skills today are terrible, this sentence is too fake, and the expression is too exaggerated and artificial!"

"I hate it, don't talk like me!" While speaking, Chen Qiaoen raised his hand and gently beat Mai Xiaoyu's shoulder.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Then you admit that you are afraid of being photographed by reporters, why?"

"You are the boss and I am your assistant. Of course I have to keep pace with you."

Chen Qiaoen's Feng Qingyun calmed down his own compelling questions, and Mai Xiaoyu sighed: "Jon, you have made great progress in the past six months."

"Hey, those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

The two talked and laughed and came to Su and Zhang, Chen Qiaoen smiled and greeted them, while Mai Xiaoyu was in a bear hug.

The four people got into the car, Xiaoxing Xi drove, Mai Xiaoyu sat in the back row, Chen Qiaoen consciously sat beside Mai Xiaoyu, and finally Zhang Xiaoquan twitched his mouth and sat in the passenger seat.

"Mr. Mai, did you see the reporter outside the airport?" Zhang Xiaoquan asked.

"Yes, but they didn't see me. Haha, I asked Xiaoxue to send them away."

Now Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan feel at ease.

However, Xiaoxing Su accidentally discovered from the rearview mirror that Chen Qiaoen was smiling, and the smile was mysterious, and couldn't help asking: "Jon, what are you laughing at?"

Chen Qiaoen laughed because she understood what the three of them were talking about and felt funny.

"Think of a funny thing. Director Xi, how did you come to pick up the plane at the airport today? Aren't the crew busy?"

"Why not busy, the day after tomorrow I will follow the location producer to select locations outside."

This is the first time Xiaoxing Xiao has taken the lead and directed a movie.

Unlike "Crazy Stone", which must be shot according to the script, he can give full play to his own style and brand his own unique mark on the film.

Although it is not a company's movie, it also condenses a lot of his efforts.

Now that the actor has been found, when the location is selected, it is time for him to take the crew to the field for filming.

Therefore, he deliberately came to pick up Mai Xiaoyu with Zhang Xiaoquan today, just to get together with Mai Xiaoyu before leaving Yanjing. I am afraid that the next meeting will be next year.

Gathering less and more is the status quo of the entertainment industry.

This is true for couples and lovers who live together, let alone brothers and friends?

Nine months have passed this year, and the three brothers are busy on their own. It is difficult to be like a lamb in the past few years. When nothing is wrong, they get together to drink and chat with women.

First send Chen Qiao'en back, Mai Xiaoyu's salute and leave it at home, then the three brothers came to Dong Juan's small restaurant, eating and drinking in the private room, with constant emotions.

The former Mongolian big3, director Xiaoxing Xi and photographer Zhang Xiaoquan have embarked on a journey to pursue their dreams, and Mai Xiaoyu...

"Yu'er, what is your dream?" Zhang Xiaoquan asked with his arm around Mai Xiaoyu's shoulder

Does curing Song Ma’s disease count?

Does helping Liutao realize his dream count?

Besides, he didn't know what dream he had, the dream he had once died long ago.

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.

Unlike Su and Zhang, he doesn't think so much about the entertainment industry.

"Isn't making money our biggest dream!" Xiaoxing Xiao, who was a little drunk, also put his arms around Mai Xiaoyu's shoulders, "Boss, how far has your relationship with that lamb progressed now?"


"what kind of friends?"

"Friends who are more familiar... Brother Fork, you don't have to look at me that way, I know what I am doing. Do you know why many people like to kill familiars, because they are easy to kill. The same is true of lambs."

Zhang Xiaoquan picked up the wine glass and smiled: "I am mainly worried that you will be trapped."

"I have a sense of measure."

Xiaoxing Su raised his wine glass: "Stop talking about that lamb, let's go one first. Since we changed our business, brothers have been drinking less and less frequently, so I won't be drunk tonight!"


Two days later, Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan took people to fly to other places to select sceneries, and Mai Xiaoyu saw him off at the airport.

"Lao Xi, Brother Cha, you are filming in a field, if you are hit by a lamb, remember to notify me in time."

"Understood." Xiaoxing Xiao nodded, "but I think this chance is very small. When I used to circle the lambs, I had almost no contact with them. During this period of time, I was frequently seen and no lamb recognized me."

Zhang Xiaoquan said: "Yu'er, we are worried about you. Let's not talk about the undercover lamb. Now that the company is so famous, I am afraid that the lamb from the past will come to the company for an interview and bump into you."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled lightly: "It's okay, I can circle him once, and I can circle him again, one circle to the end."

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