Don't 999, don't 888, as long as 3 characters, as long as 3 characters, you can take the TF card home for free. Mai Xiaoyu is a family gift, the price is not exaggerated, the quality is guaranteed, value for money, and economical.

You can't be fooled, you can't be deceived. It can be used in this way, it can be used in this way, it can be used in this way, it can be used in various ways, it can be matched freely, and it must be in line with your taste!

However, Luo always felt expensive.

"Your appetite is not small."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled without saying a word.

President Luo picked up the wine glass, shook it, smelled it, and took a sip in his mouth. After several tastes, he slowly lowered his throat.

It's not over yet. He closed his eyes and felt the aftertaste and the length and balance of the aftertaste of the red wine in his mouth, and integrated the impression of smell and taste in his memory for aftertaste.

Eva has stopped struggling, and Mai Xiaoyu has not let go of her just to be on the safe side. Riding on her hips, sitting and watching Luo Zongzhuang|Force.

After a long while, Mr. Luo recalled the aftertaste of playing with red wine and opened his eyes: "Apart from Wang Yuyan, which two are there?"

"Azhu, Murong Fu."

"Hehe, what you want is either the heroine or the lead partner. I am an investor, but I am only one of the investors."

Mai Xiaoyu pointed to his mobile phone, um, now in the hands of Mr. Luo: "Is this not enough?"


"No, it's a gift. This thing is a hot potato in my hands, but in Mr. Luo's hands, you must be able to find the greatest value."


A gleam of light flashed in Mr. Luo's eyes, and he asked, "What is your name and what job is it in Moe?"

"Mai Xiaoyu, cute boss."

President Luo: "..."

Are you a cute boss?

Then there is no one on the wine table tonight?

Always let Liu Xiaoli play the leading role, she never introduced you?

Do you hide and observe for a long time?

Enough Yin!

"You are not like the boss of the company, but a bit like... a liar. No, most liars don't have the skill of you. Eva has received special training, and none of the bodyguards outside the car is her opponent."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "If she were a man, I wouldn't be able to beat her."

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's hand-to-hand fight with Eva, Mr. Luo was quite speechless.

"Is it comfortable?" Mr. Luo asked.

"Ah? I almost forgot to feel it." Mai Xiaoyu deliberately pressed down a few times, feeling Eva's buttocks, "Haha, it's very flexible and very comfortable."

He smiled and got up and let go of Eva, who, after regaining his freedom, pounced again.

Mai Xiaoyu was as steady as Mount Tai, bluffing: "Catch the milk dragon claw hand!"


Eva backed away hurriedly, wrapping his clothes around the chest with the middle door wide open, to avoid showing the light.

"Okay Eva."

"Mr. Luo, he is not my opponent, he is too nasty..."

Eva was wronged.

She is Mr. Luo's personal secretary in name, but actually a personal bodyguard.

The bodyguard has only one duty, protecting the safety of the employer.

But just now, she was defeated by Mai Xiaoyu's despicable means.

What despicable means?

In the process of hand-to-hand combat, Mai Xiaoyu tore off the shirt on her chest, and even the small cover was torn off accidentally.

She has received professional training again, is a very good professional bodyguard, after all, she is still a girl in her twenties.

Suddenly an unexpected situation caused her chaos, and only then was Mai Xiaoyu restrained!

What she said was the truth, but Mai Xiaoyu didn’t like to hear: "I’m nasty? It should be said that you have a poor psychological quality. Remember your identity, first a bodyguard, then a woman. Even if you are naked, you can’t panic, otherwise, how about you? Protect the employer?"

"Strong words!" Eva scolded angrily.

Mr. Luo also felt that Mai Xiaoyu was a bit arrogant and coughed, "I can trust Eva. In the past two years, I have encountered two kidnappings. If it weren't for Eva to fight back the kidnappers, the consequences would be unimaginable. You are like this, I Never seen before."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Dragons have dragons and tigers have traces. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist..."


Although Eva reprimanded Mai Xiaoyu for being mean, the atmosphere in the car tended to ease in this conversation.

Perceiving this change, President Luo examined Mai Xiaoyu and raised his phone: "Your goal has been achieved. I can consider the conditions, but I want the original version and all copies in your hand."

"You have the original version in your hand, I never copied it."


"Copying will kill people, otherwise Huaying Baichen will not close the door immediately after I get the video, and Wang Yidong will be missing."

President Luo smiled coldly: "Nowhere? As long as others are in the country, hiding anywhere is useless!"

Too many people are involved in this video.

The handsome male and beautiful models, the artists, and the **** horses are all supporting roles, and the real protagonist is Mr. Luo and people of his level.

From the perspective of power and wealth, Mr. Luo is a big man.

Someone yells at them, trying to seize their handle... Whatever the purpose, can they tolerate it?

Really think that suicide is just a fiction in the novel?

It is precisely because of this that Mai Xiaoyu thinks that video is a hot potato.

Tonight, borrowing flowers to present the Buddha, not a copy but a complete video, to give Mr. Luo in exchange for the "Tianlong" triangle. In his opinion, it is very cost-effective.

Is the handle of a big man so easy to grasp?

Also grab a group of Nima.

Hurry up!

Mr. Luo stared at Mai Xiaoyu: "Give you another chance, really only this one? The current technology can detect whether the video is the original version and whether it has been copied."

Mai Xiaoyu raised his head with a smile and calmly faced Mr. Luo's gaze: "I'm still young and cherish my life very much."

The two looked at each other for a few minutes, and President Luo nodded slightly: "You are a smart person, wait for my news."


Wang Yuyan, Azhu, Murongfu?

When Liu Xiaoli heard the news, she couldn't believe her ears. She pulled Mai Xiaoyu and asked repeatedly: "Mai, are you sure? President Luo really agreed? Three roles?"

"Aunt Liu, you have asked a dozen times, how could I be joking about this kind of thing?"

It's no wonder that Liu Xiaoli lost her temper.

The big production "Tian Long Ba Bu", supervised by the famous director Zhang Jizhong, is very attractive.

How many companies secretly manage, want to send their own actors into the group, win the leading role or important roles, relying on the drama to become popular. As a result, with the help of her paved road, Mai Xiaoyu asked for a female lead and two lead partners from the investor!

Wang Yuyan, that is the absolute heroine!

Azhu and Murongfu are also important roles!

After the excitement a serious problem was placed in front of Liu Xiaoli.

Moe Ren's current artists: Liu Tao, Xi Qian; Deng Chao, Hu Hu.

Three roles: Wang Yuyan, A Zhu, Murong Fu.

How to divide?

And isn't the company preparing to shoot "Legend of Sword and Fairy"?

"It's okay, shoot "Tianlong" first, and "Sword" next year." Mai Xiaoyu drove the car and arranged casually, "Hu Xun just started his sophomore year, first take classes with peace of mind to lay a solid foundation, and next year starring in "The Sword" with Qian Qian,' Murong Fu' let Deng Chao go up, he needs more filming to hone his acting skills."

Liu Xiaoli glanced at Liu Tao and asked hesitantly: "What about'Wang Yuyan' and'Azhu'?" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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