The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 293: I want to shoot an advertisement again (2 in 1)

With regret of the wrong hundred million, Shen Fei sadly returned to the dormitory.

"Sister Fei, how did you talk to that assistant director tonight?"

"Did he promise to give you a role?"

Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl leaned in immediately and asked concerned.

Tang Yan did not respond, lying on the bed wrapped in quilt, as if asleep.


Shen Fei snorted coldly, took off her coat and replaced her high heels, took a sip of hot water, and said disdainfully: "Stay with him for three nights, give him a cousin, and introduce you to the director. Is Cao Te so worthless?"


The amount of information is huge.

Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl looked at each other.

The entertainment industry is full of various unspoken rules, accompany sleeping on top, and rumors that girls use their youth and body in exchange for opportunities.

They had all heard of it, but when they faced it for the first time, they were still unacceptable when they were slightly immature.

After all, no one is willing to “degenerate” by themselves. It takes time and the “rape” of life over and over again to fall into the abyss of desire step by step.

They are only freshmen, young and in the ivory tower, their hearts are still relatively pure.

This topic is too heavy for them who are new to the fringe of the entertainment industry.

Tang Wenhui tentatively asked: "Does it have to go through those things to become famous?"

"It's not necessarily." Shen Fei lit a cigarette. "Either luck is against the sky, or your family background is strong enough, otherwise, this is a shortcut."

"Is it going to be red when I fall asleep?" It was a girl with short hair who spoke.

Shen Fei took a cigarette and smiled mockingly: "It may not be red if you sleep, it's hard to be red if you don't sleep."

"No wonder you are in a bad mood, and I can't stand it with me." Tang Wenhui felt sad.

Shen Fei shook her head: "This is a big deal. I'm in a bad mood because I missed a great opportunity."

"what chance"

"When I came back, I saw Mr. Mai at the gate of the school."

"That cute boss who likes men"

"He came to our school so late, is it because of which boy?"

Nonsense, he is not **** at all

Tang Yan brushed open her eyes, lying on the bed and raising her ears, feeling uneasy, for fear that Shen Fei would see herself getting off Mai Xiaoyu's car.

Fortunately, Shen Fei only watched half the scene.

"When I came back, I saw him and the boy from our school outside the school gate. It seemed that they were making trouble because of something. Then the boy called several people in the society, one by one, they were very fierce, and he was carrying a machete and steel pipe. At first glance, it’s not a good stubble, but when those guys see Mr. Mai, it’s like a mouse and a cat, like grandsons one by one."

After hearing Shen Fei's account, Tang Wenhui asked stupidly: "What a good opportunity is this?"

"You are stupid" the girl with short hair also has a look of regret, "If he is injured, Sister Fei calls the police to save him and takes him to the hospital to take care of him. Can he say that even if he doesn't sign a contract, at least their company will film in the future. Sister Fei is an important role. Tsk tsk, what a pity."

Tang Yan couldn't help it anymore, she sat up and asked, "Sister Fei, is he such a good boss?"

"You didn't fall asleep" the short-haired girl smiled, "I will watch less Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas in the future."

Tang Wenhui also said: "We don't have a bad club in our country, and when I went to the interview, I thought he was very talkative, but he was tall and handsome, but it's a **** guy."

Tang Yan ignored them and looked at Shen Fei.

Shen Fei smiled and said, "We can't talk about it. It's probably because there are many people and there are many ways to go, and the two things are related. This kind of thing is normal in the circle, otherwise you won't be able to open a company."

Bai has a relationship

The scene at the entrance of the police station and the words of Shen Fei made Tang Yan feel like she was caught in a big net, unable to struggle, unable to resist, and could only accept her fate and listen to Mai Xiaoyu's words honestly to make money for Mengren.

Otherwise, what awaits her is likely to be an extremely tragic fate

what do I do

At night, Tang Yan fell asleep in tears.

The next day is the weekend and there are no classes.

Tang Yan's eyes were swollen when she woke up three poles of the sun.

I was in a bad mood and had no appetite, so I just took a few bites for lunch and didn't eat it.

Seeing that the time was approaching one o'clock noon, she dragged a heavy pace, left school with great resistance, and headed for Meng Ren.

Today, she is going to make a model card for her to recommend to her. Mai Xiaoyu stipulated it for her.

When she came to the company, Mai Xiaoyu personally took her to familiarize herself with the company, and focused on introducing her to Li Xue, and then asked the makeup artist A Zuo to take her to make-up, design styling, and make model cards.

The company's chief photographer, Zhang Xiaoquan, was filming in a field, and Arzuote found his former photographer friend to take photos of Tang Yan.

This person opened a wedding photography studio by himself, because the level of photography is not bad and the business is good.

Tang Yan was doing makeup in the company's studio, and Mai Xiaoyu called Li Xue to the office.

"Is it busy these days"


Huang Bo is filming in South Korea, Tianlong starts up at the end of the month, and Liu Tao, Xi Qian and Deng Chaojin group.

The four of them had just debuted. In order to avoid being mistaken for the big names of playing games, Li Xue did not continue to shoot commercials for them. The TV dramas are scheduled for next year. Recently, I just helped Liu Tao and Deng Chao to take on a few commercial events to make a short and quick money, and if I had the opportunity, I would get a chance to get a picture.

"How about Hu Hu"

"He has a good image. Last month, he took five or six commercials. They were all small commercials. The pay was not high. The main reason was to let him adapt to the lens and look for the lens." Li Xue hesitated for a moment, "Mak, how do you plan to arrange it? Do you have any requirements for Tang Yan advertising?"

For members, as long as there are advertising auditions, they will arrange for them, and will not consider the image in the advertisement; but the cute artists have more things to consider when shooting advertisements.

Remuneration is one aspect, and the image, positioning, grade and other aspects in the advertisement must be measured.

Just like in the first half of this year, Chopsticks Brothers relied on three songs to make a small fire. A chopsticks factory hoped that Huang Bo and Deng Chao would be the spokespersons of the factory. Mai Xiaoyu refused when he knew it.

"Tang Yan, don't make arrangements for now. I will try to find a way to get a big brand advertisement. You should pay attention to it when you look back. If a big company wants to shoot an advertisement, remember to tell me."

"For Tang Yan" Li Xue widened her eyes, "Mr. Mai, did you know each other before?"

"You are so gossip, aren't you afraid of being dumb?"


Li Xue stuck out his tongue, smiled and ran out of the office, looking for Tang Yan.

She is Tang Yan's agent, it is necessary to get to know each other as soon as possible.

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the phone and dialed the number of Shengshi boss Gu Hongzhou.

Gu Hongzhou said with a smile on the phone: "Mr. Mai, thank you for contacting us with the advertisement of Sunshine Real Estate last time. I will invite you to dinner when you are free."

"The meal will be forgiven, you owe me a favor."

"Two favors, and the matter of Huanyu. Liu Lei came to me some time ago, and he confessed to me with tears and nose. I hope I will intercede with you and let him go."

"You promised"

"How is it possible, I am not Mr. Dong Guo."

"Okay, old Gu, I've improved, and I must never have a trace of sympathy for that kind of person. If you are serious, you owe us both, how are you going to pay it back?"

"Say it, I'll listen to you."

"Our company just signed a new person, a girl"

Mai Xiaoyu's plan is to let Tang Yan make her debut through the advertisement.

It cannot be a popular advertisement for small and medium-sized companies, it must be a large-scale enterprise. Only large companies have the strength and are willing to spend money to promote them on a large scale through various forms such as TV and outdoor billboards.

"You are going to arrange her to debut like Liu Tao's Dove girl"

"Almost. It doesn't have to be called XX girl, mainly because the audience can remember her after the advertisement is broadcast."

"Hehe, you are finally willing to make a move"

Before, Gu Hongzhou contacted him several times, hoping that the two parties would jointly bid for large-scale corporate advertisements, but they were rejected by Mai Xiaoyu.

He thought that Mai Xiaoyu became popular in film and television dramas, and he was reluctant to get involved in advertising. In fact, Mai Xiaoyu did not have a good idea.

There are many advertisements in the strange dream, but there are not many excellent advertisements that are in line with China's national conditions and are impressive.

Not every drop of milk is called Deluxe, and not every advertisement can be called a classic.

The few times that Gu Hongzhou contacted him, the products he chose were not suitable. His "copying" of related ideas from his dreams is not as good as the two advertisements for Dove Chocolate and Glacier Orchard, so he simply didn't accept it.

"This time my creative fee can be reduced to one million, but I have to choose the actors, and I have requirements in terms of products."

Gu Hongzhou can understand the first two conditions, but the product requirements

"any request"

"I only accept ads for drinks, shampoo, chewing gum, milk tea, candy, cosmetics, and others."

"Well, your request is the same as your own. They are all wonderful. You say it again and I will write it down."

It was Mai Xiaoyu's temporary decision to go into battle and shoot the commercial in person, because he should have cried last night when he saw Tang Yan's swollen eyes.

Using the method of Stockholm syndrome to circle lambs twice cannot completely eliminate Tang Yan's rejection psychology, and she must taste the sweetness as soon as possible.

The old saying goes: People are forgetful.

Psychologically speaking: proximate effect.

The verbal coercion and temptation are far inferior to the reality of a real gun.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the filming of Tang Yan ended, and Mai Xiaoyu sent her back to school.

Driving to a large fitness club near the Chinese Opera, Mai Xiaoyu applied for a membership card for her, signed up for training courses, and paid for a full year.

Back in the car, Mai Xiaoyu took out another 3,000 yuan: "Take it."

"What's the meaning"

"Give you pocket money, three thousand a month."


A blast of thunder struck in my heart.

Tears of humiliation slipped silently, worrying to offend Mai Xiaoyu, Tang Yan tried her best to endure sobbing.

"Get sick, cry even if you give you money"

"I don't want you to keep your promises, you said that I will not bully me after signing the contract"

Mai Xiaoyu twitched the corners of his mouth twice, realizing that Tang Yan was misunderstanding, and said dumbfounded: "You don't think I want to support you, right?"

"Don't think about it, I would rather die than let you succeed"

"You don't have to die, I'm not interested in seeing your brain door."

"How to explain the money"

"I said it's pocket money, and Hu Xu also has it. You are all students, and you can't make a lot of money with less film appointments. The company subsidizes you three thousand a month to buy some clothes, cosmetics, and fashion magazines. Do you understand?"

Tang Yan blinked, digesting Mai Xiaoyu's words: "Three thousand a month, thirty-six thousand a year"

"Do you still think I'm a liar now?"

Tang Yan shook her head, and hurriedly said again: "No."

"Wipe your tears dry. Let me tell you one more thing. During this period of time, you will come to the gym when you have time besides class at school. After a while, I plan to arrange for you to make an ad debut. If your temperament does not feel like mine, Standard, just replace you"

"What kind of advertising"

"Ask so many why, in short, it is an advertisement of a well-known brand."

"Oh, I will work hard."

"Okay, I'm done talking to you, get out of the car."

"You won't send me back to school"

"It's not a few steps to walk back by myself, and I'll be annoyed to see you"

After Gan Tangyan got out of the car, Mai Xiaoyu drove away immediately, as if he didn't want to see her for a minute.

Tang Yan is not unhappy, but feels safe in her heart.

What she fears most is Mai Xiaoyu's attention.

"What advertisement?" Looking at Volvo going away, Tang Yan muttered to herself, and then touched the bangs on her forehead, pouting, "How can my forehead be so big?"

In mid-November, the 39th Taiwan Island Film Golden Horse Awards ceremony opened.

Mai Xiaoyu, Liu Tao and Chen Qiaoen had dinner at home and watched the live broadcast of the awards ceremony together in front of the TV.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. The two groups of people's seats are actually next to each other.

Throughout the awards ceremony, the Rock Crew only gave three shots.

Two of them were quickly scanned, only when the best original script was announced, Shishi was one of the nominations, and the camera gave Moe Ren a close-up, although it was only a few seconds.

And there are more than 20 shots of the instant kill crew, which does not include the close-ups given when the award nomination is announced.

The camera swept over many times, and after filming the instant kill crew, it was almost abruptly cut away, for fear of shooting the rock crew.

Too bully

Mai Xiaoyu frowned.

Liu Tao noticed his emotional changes and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Need to say, it must be that Ah Zheng did not attend the awards ceremony. He didn't say anything about the awards and didn't give a few shots." It was Chen Qiaoen who knew Mai Xiaoyu very well.

"This is also exquisite"

Liu Tao's debut time is not There are many things in the entertainment circle that I still don't understand. As a daughter of the Hailian Chen family, Chen Qiaoen has heard and heard in the family since he was a child, and his horizons, insights, and contacts are much higher than ordinary people.

But Liu Tao is kind and gentle, she gently took Mai Xiaoyu's arm: "A few shots are nothing. Our company is still small now, but with you, it will definitely get better and better in the future."

This was heart-warming. Mai Xiaoyu smiled and patted the back of her hand: "I'm not that fragile, so don't worry about me. I'm just worried that Sister Liu will be wronged when they go to Taiwan Island."

"No way"

"Why not? I saw Ning Shibin on TV just now."

The next day, Mai Xiaoyu's worries became reality, and there were harsh voices in reports about this Golden Horse Awards.

"The Stone Golden Horse Award, which is known as a masterpiece of low-cost movies, was cold, and no reporters interviewed after the award ceremony."

"Ning to be a Phoenix Tail rather than a Chicken First Best New Actor Zhang Man thanks Kintee Television for giving him the opportunity. Fortunately, he did not sign a cute person at the beginning."

"The director who can control the big scene is the professional director Zhang Cheng, who was nominated for the best director by instant killing. It seems to imply that the new director Xiaoxing Xi lacks professionalism and looks down on his new work."

The particles are not accepted Nima than, a total of one nomination, OK?

This actress named Zhang Man is too funny, when did I say to sign you who you are?

Are you still driving the big scene, are you going to force me to make a big movie?

Haha, the free hype opportunity is here again.

Ning Shibin, Ning Shibin, are you the captain of the warm squad?

You make trouble first, the bigger the trouble, the better

Mai Xiaoyu dialed Liu Dehua's number: "Brother Hua, when will there be a schedule next year" to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote from the starting point. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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