The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 298: Exposure, all exposure! (2 in 1)

Today is a cloudy day. Early in the morning, the sky over the capital was covered with lead-colored clouds, and it was about to snow.

After waking up, Chen Qiaoen found that he and his clothes were sleeping in Mai Xiaoyu's bed, and Mai missing.

There is a sticky note sticking to a prominent position on the head of the bed with two big words-"thank you" written on it.

Mai Xiaoyu was drunk last night. She took care of her until about two in the morning, thinking about waiting for Mai Xiaoyu to vomit before leaving, but she fell asleep on the sofa in a daze.

It was Mai Xiaoyu who woke up in the morning, saw her leaning on the sofa with her clothes, and thought that she was taking care of herself last night, so she put her on the bed and covered the quilt, and then left a note to express her gratitude.

You have a conscience!

Chen Qiaoen curled his lips, put away the notes, got up to clean the bed.

Let you take advantage of it again. This is the first time in my life that I fold a quilt for a boy.


When folding the quilt, a bunch of keys fell on the floor. Chen Qiaoen recognized that they were the keys to Mai Xiaoyu's office.

This sloppy.

He picked up the key and called Mai Xiaoyu, trying to tell him that the key was at home, but Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone turned off.

She didn't think too much, cleaned up the bed, opened the curtains and opened the window for ventilation, then went home to wash up and change clothes, and rushed to the company to give Mai Xiaoyu the key.

But when she arrived at the company, she unexpectedly learned that Mai Xiaoyu had not come this morning, which aroused her suspicion.

Where did he go?

Turn off the phone?

What happened last night that made him sad and drunk?

"Sister Qiao En, you just happened to be here. Mr. Mai didn't know where he was and didn't turn on his mobile phone. I handed him a document yesterday, and I don't know if he read it." Lu Ning, director of the second group of the scout department, found Chen Qiaoen. .

"In a hurry?"

"Well, I have to reply to the client today, I don't know if he signed it."

"Okay, I'll help you see it."

Chen Qiaoen was Mai Xiaoyu's assistant. He had the key to his office. He opened the door and quickly found the document Lu Ning said. Mai Xiaoyu had already signed it.

The document was handed over to Lu Ning, and Chen Qiaoen planned to go to Sunshine Star City first, and return the key to Mai Xiaoyu when he returned at noon.

However, when she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered the mysterious side cabinet under the boss table.

In the past, she wanted to dig out Mai Xiaoyu's old bottom, and often paid attention to Mai Xiaoyu's actions. Especially when she first joined the company, she often pretended to be reckless and forgot to knock on the door and went straight into the office.

At that time, she found that Mai Xiaoyu was very concerned about the side cabinet under the boss's desk. Of all the drawers and cabinets on the boss's desk, only the side cabinet is locked.

Later, she became Mai Xiaoyu's assistant. She had the keys for all the lockers in the office, but the side cabinet did not.

What's in it?

Chen Qiaoen thought for a while, closed the door, sat in Mai Xiaoyu's seat, testing the keys one by one.


The lock is unlocked.

She didn't open the cabinet door in a hurry, but stared at the side cabinet for a while, conflicted.

Would it be a bit too much for me to do this?

But I'm really curious, he is always mysterious.

Look, or not?

After struggling for a while, Chen Qiaoen finally made a decision: I have helped you so much, so you can satisfy my curiosity, OK, anyway, I will definitely not harm you.

Convincing herself, she opened the door of the cabinet and her curiosity was greatly satisfied.

In addition to paper, pens, erasers, rulers and many other special items for comics, there is also a pile of paper.

This is the manuscript paper for manga, this is the "Naruto" drawing, this is the drawing of "Hua Nan", this is the script of "Sword" written at the beginning, these are the contracts... "Ten Years" free transfer contract, "My Savage Girlfriend" "Joint investment contract, serial publication contract of "Huoying", "Hua Nan", "Why", "Ghost Blowing Lantern"...


Chen Qiao'en's beautiful eyes widened, staring at these "papers", her delicate body trembled and her breath was short of breath, covering her lips, trying to suppress her inner shock. He controlled himself not to scream, and there was already a storm in his heart.

This, this, this...

Maizi, Mai, Ah Zheng, Xiao Yuer... are all him?

Impossible, how is it possible!

When I was in Xiangjiang, I clearly saw a text message threatening Ah Zheng and Xiao Yuer on his cell phone; I also contacted Maizi through text messages; Yang Mi also said that Maizi knew him...

Turning over the "Hua Nan" contract, Chen Qiaoen looked familiar with the contact number on the last page.

She quickly took out the phone, called up the Maizi phone number stored in the phone, and took a breath.

It's exactly the same!

Not only "Hua Nan", but also "Naruto", "Why", "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" contract, Mai Xiaoyu left contact information, is Chen Qiaoen and Yang Mi always thought of Maizi's mobile phone number!

It's him, it's really him...

The side cabinet, the real Pandora's Box.

Opening the side cabinet satisfies Chen Qiaoen's curiosity about Mai Xiaoyu, but also plunges her into the abyss of chaos.

My mind is messed up, my thoughts are messed up, my heart is messed up.

Looking at the various comics, novels, scripts, and contracts in front of him, Chen Qiaoen struggled to sort out his thoughts, trying to straighten out the clues, at least to find a reasonable explanation.

How can a person be proficient in multiple aspects such as novels, comics, scripts, and music creation at the same time?

He is only in his twenties!

Why did he cheat everywhere for a little money before, these things are enough to bring him rich returns.

Also, how should I explain the text messages threatening Ah Zheng and Xiao Yuer when I peeked in his phone?

Why did Maizi say he was threatened?


After half an hour, Chen Qiaoen thought of something, a clear color flashed in his beautiful eyes, and this clearness was mixed with a trace of concern and worry.

Packed the side cabinet, restored the previous placement, re-locked the cabinet door, took out the mobile phone and dialed Lin Zhiling's number.

"Jon, why did you think of calling me?"

"Sister Zhiling, I asked you something, have you told him my identity?"

"Who are you talking about? Oh, he. Of course not, I'm not stupid..."

After ending the call, Chen Qiaoen then contacted Xia Luofeng.

"Brother Luofeng, do me a favor."

"I want to know about Mai Xiaoyu... well, it should be Mai Shouzheng's experience in Yanjing Sports University. Especially the relationship between him and Dong Ping, and the reason for his expulsion, as well as the cause of Dong Ping's death."

"I went to school and asked, and they didn't say anything. I suspect someone had greeted secretly and kept them from talking nonsense."

"You think too much, I'm not targeting him."

"Don't ask why, this is very important anyway, please..."

After the two phone calls, Chen Qiaoen's eyes lightly thought for a moment, and he muttered: "Forget the bar, forget, what role does the owner of this bar play in it?"


Approaching noon, the north wind swept down the sky with goose feather-like snow.

Falling on the roofs, roads, and treetops, covered in silver everywhere, the whole world is white, washing all kinds of dirt in the world.

Wan'an Li, Xiangshan South Road, Wan'an Cemetery.

The snow-covered Mai Xiaoyu sat in front of the tombstone, motionless and let goose feathers fall on him like a snowman.

On the left is Dong Ping, and on the right is Song Ma.

Under the two tombstones, there are two of his closest relatives during his studies in Yan Ti. They let him taste the warmth of family again after he ran away from home.

But now... Heaven and man are forever separated.

Creak, creak.

Someone stepped on the snow and came behind him. It was Wu Guodong.

"I guess you will be here."

Mai Xiaoyu said nothing.

Wu Guodong stood beside him for more than ten minutes, and took out his mobile phone: "Mother Song gave it to you. She walked peacefully. She seems to have known that there is not much time, so let the nurse help her record this video in advance. I forward it to you."

"Also, she guessed that you are the kind person who has been providing huge medical expenses for her life."

"Hirako's death has nothing to do with you. She has never blamed you, including Chang Chang, for your own arrogance."

"The real culprit is me. If it weren't for me, Hirako would not die, you would not be expelled, and you would not be detained, and everyone would not be a stranger..."

"Look at the video, you may be relieved after watching it."

In Wu Guodong's heavy emotional voice, Mai Xiaoyu held the phone and looked at the haggard Song Ma in the video, his eyes flushed.

The wind is getting stronger and the snow is getting more and more chaotic. If Mai Xiaoyu can't feel it when it slaps on his face and body, there is only this video of Song Ma in his mind, eyes, and heart.

The video was not long, only about ten minutes. He watched it three times and then returned it to Wu Guodong.

"I heard it, this was said by Song's mother herself. In her heart, she always regarded you as a family, her child, Hirako's brother, and Chang Chang's brother. Before leaving, she specially treated Chang Chang. If Chang entrusts you to take care of it, don't you want to take care of it and think it's all your fault, so you don't even dare to see Chang Chang's face?"

Mai Xiaoyu didn't answer, thinking of Song Ma's words in his mind.

"Maizi, the deceased is over. Don't over indulge in the grief of the deceased, look forward to everything, and cherish the living."

Song Ma is his godmother, and he can't help but listen to what the godmother said, and in his heart, the godmother's "living person" is Shu Chang, which is also Song's last wish.

In the past, his goal was to raise money and continue her life for Song Ma, but because of self-blame, he didn't even see Song Ma the last time; but now, his goal is to take care of comfort and no more regrets.

Kneeling in front of Song Ma and knocking three times, and lighting three cigarettes in front of Dong Ping's tomb, Mai Xiaoyu stood up and asked Wu Guodong: "Chang Chang will take the college entrance examination next year?"


"Which university are you going to apply for?"

"Central Conservatory of Music."

"Yang Yin? Why would she want to take the test there?"

"She used to go to see Song's mother on vacation, and she often sang to Song's mother. Song's mother likes to listen to her singing, and she also said that she sings very well, and she can become a singer in the future..."

"So she wants to learn music and become a singer in the future, fulfilling Song's wish? This silly girl, Song's mother was only afraid that she would be overwhelmed after she left, so she deliberately gave her a goal to strive for."

"I can't say that completely. Chang Chang sings well, and the singers and guests in the venue also think she sings well."

"That's it..." Mai Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, "Yang Yin covered me."

"What do you mean? Don't be foolish, Chang Chang should be able to pass the exam with his real ability."

"Has she received system training? What if she fails?"

"But it is illegal for you to do that."

"So what?" Mai Xiaoyu pointed to Dong Ping's tombstone, "the people who don't break the law are lying down here!"

Wu Guodong was dumb and speechless.

He used to be a criminal policeman. Even if he left the police force due to injury, he never wavered his heart for years of fairness and justice until Dong Ping's death.

Mai Xiaoyu patted him on the shoulder: "Sorry Lao Wu, I am not targeting you."

"I understand. You can figure it out, remember not to cross the line too much. There are some roads, if you want to go back after you go far, it's too late."

"Don't worry, I know what I do. Just being admitted to the Conservatory of Music may not be able to be a singer."

"She signed up for this year's China Young Singer Competition and has passed the amateur group audition."

The China Young Singers Competition is a national-level television vocal authority competition, and it is also an important step for young singers to let their youth dreams fly, showcase their artistic talents, and improve their vocal level.

The Chinese Youth Championship is divided into two groups: professional group and amateur group, with three singing methods: bel canto, ethnic and popular. Due to the broadcast on the national platform of CCTV, the unique publicity and the high attention of the media, this event has attracted much attention in the industry.

The amateur group has become the cradle for art groups, art schools, and record companies to discover newcomers and art seedlings; while the professional group has become one of the best platforms for newcomers to debut, gilded, increase popularity, and build popularity.

Since its inception, many singers and singers have appeared on the stage of the Huaqing Competition, and they have been on the stage of the Huaqing Competition and achieved good results in the competition. This has become the dream of many young singers.

This can be!

Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while: "Lao Wu, please."

"you say."

"I am going to find a few professional musicians to sing smoothly. I will find someone to write her some songs later, but it is not convenient for me to come forward."

"Understood, you arrange it, and I'll tell her. But it's not a problem that you keep avoiding her like this. Can you still not see her for the rest of your life?"

Mai Xiaoyu sighed slightly: "Wait until she gets older."

It is not difficult for Shu Chang to be a singer in Mai Xiaoyu's view. As long as he does it properly, he is confident that she will become a first-rate singer, even more sure than she will be a fan of Brown Sugar Yan.

The song is okay. Xiaoyuer is him. He wants as much as he wants. It is definitely a good song; and Changchang's teacher, he also thinks about it-MLGB!

After separating from Wu Guodong, Mai Xiaoyu drove to the MLGB recording studio, but after seeing Diao Yi, things did not go well.

"You let me teach whoever you teach? Who am I?"

"Don't ask me money, look down on me, what's wrong, when I haven't seen the money?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll just have two words-no talk!"

"Look to Liu Dehua to teach her. Didn't Ah Zheng teach him spacewalking? Why come to us!"

Under Mai Xiaoyu's soft and hard soaking, he finally figured out why Diao Yi turned his face.

Ah jealous.

They instructed Deng Chao to sing, only in exchange for a copy of Deng Chao's spacewalk; what Liu Dehua got was the original.

This group of 30-something urinary guys are upset, and this upset has been held back for more than half a year!

"I promise you. As long as you teach her to sing, I will teach you spacewalking."

"MLGBD is not over Don't be fooled with that set of tricks Lao Tzu, what I want to learn is Ah Zheng's authentic spacewalk!"

It's hard to tell, Mai Xiaoyu simply used actual actions to prove it.

He kicked the obstructive chair, took off his heavy coat, and turned on the humanoid photocopier.

Diao Yi was stunned, holding back his turbulent thoughts, and staring at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement.

Mai Xiaoyu is only going to that stop now, but that posture has already emerged.

"See it clearly!"

After the words fell, the spacewalk started, right in front of Diao Yi, and the actions were exactly the same as in "I Believe"!

Mai Xiaoyu is not afraid to tell Diao Yi that he is Ah Zheng, but knowing his secret, the conditions are not as simple as training Shu Chang's singing skills! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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