Strictly speaking, tonight's "News Broadcast" did not mention the word "Mengren Film and Television", it can only be said to be involved. There is a news report that involves Moeren Film and Television.

This news report is aimed at the current escalation of uncivilized online phenomena and the continuous chaos of uncivilized phenomena such as online violence and online curse warfare.

"Today, the Internet Society of China issued the "Civilized Internet Self-Discipline Convention"..."

"...Call on Internet practitioners and the majority of netizens to start from themselves, while promoting the healthy development of the Internet with a positive attitude, shoulder their due social responsibilities, always put the interests of the country and the public first, and insist on running the Internet in a civilized manner. Go online..."

In the report, the "Civilized Internet Self-Discipline Convention" and the "National Youth Internet Civilization Convention" jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and Cultural News in the past two years are linked together, reiterating the importance of guiding network organizations and the majority of Internet users to enhance their awareness of online ethics.

It is emphasized that departments at all levels, competent units, responsible enterprises, institutions, and individual groups should use correct methods to guide the majority of netizens to consciously raise their awareness of network civilization. Instead of resorting to extreme methods to control violence with violence...

In the report, there were images of the "Moe Fans" declaration of war widely circulated on the Internet, and there were also images of the "Moe Fans" being abused on Weibo. The pictures are very short, and few shots almost flashed past. The names of the netizens involved and the uncivilized terms are all marked with mosaics.

This is worth pondering.

Although the "Moe People Film and Television" was not pointed out, the meaning conveyed by those pictures couldn't be more obvious.

Some people's interpretation of this news is: the official intentionally beats the cute person to kill the chicken and the monkey, because the cute person jumps up and down recently, and the noise is really too happy.

Some people’s interpretation of this news is quite the opposite: when the government actually recognized the "Moe Fan" combat gun powder, the "Internet civilization language" proposed, but it does not recognize the extreme way that Moe people use violence to control violence, and uses this as an opportunity. Following the "National Convention on Youth Network Civilization", the "Civilized Internet Self-Discipline Convention" was launched to rectify the network environment.

However, this news is not over yet, and all the controversy disappeared after the second half came out.

"...It is everyone's responsibility to maintain a healthy and civilized network environment, and public figures should lead by example. Recently, some artists have launched public welfare campus activities in middle schools in various places, which have achieved good results and have been well received by teachers and students..."

I'm 芔芔茻!

What are "partial artists"?

Is there only four?

Although the reporters interviewed were all middle school students, and Hu, Deng, and Feng were not shown half of the shot in the picture, many people know that the so-called "part of the artist" is exactly "Meteor Garden" f4!

Come, let me say that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television intends to block "Meteor Garden".

Officially, Nima positively affirmed the "f4 Charity Campus Tour" in the "News Broadcast" through CCTV!

Come on, let's say that this news is about beating cute people.

This charity campus trip was made by cute people!


Since its inception, "News Network Broadcasting", which has the "major news right", has long become the "China's political wind vane."

Many people will "decipher the code" through the arrangement of headlines, ranking order, length of camera stay, and length of broadcast time to interpret the news reports broadcast in "News Network" every day.

If you can correctly understand the information released by "News Network", you may seize the opportunity to develop, or make a fortune!

In the "News Network" that night, the people who eat melons just watched the excitement because they couldn't understand it. Some people who eat melon don't even watch them, choosing to watch their favorite shows.

But some people are different because they can understand "News Network"!

"What a great little trick. This is absolutely a coincidence, absolutely, absolutely..."

Ning Shirong, who was sitting in the living room drinking coffee after dinner, was dumbfounded and muttered to himself until the coffee cooled.

Ning Zhiyuan frowned and his eyes flickered.


In the nightclub.

Ning Shibin, who received the news, gave the beauties around him a fierce kiss and exclaimed, "Oh my God, the little crocodile is so fierce!"


Taiwan Island.

Old man Chen digested the information in tonight's "News Broadcast" and dialed the phone of his third son Chen Xiangxi: "The third son, you are sure you know Mai Xiaoyu..."

After hanging up the phone, he called his eldest son Chen Xiangdong again and said, "You arrange someone to check Mai Xiaoyu's background."


Moe member group.

"Have you seen it? Tonight, "News Network" said that our company is out."

"Hehe, I haven't watched "News Network" for many years."

"Something about our company? I didn't see it."

"I didn't mention the company directly, but the reports are all of our company."


Hu Hu Weibo.

"Congratulations, Hu, on boarding "News Network"!"

"How is Ximen's Xiaoyou?"

"Brother Xiaoyao, do you remember Zhao Ling'er on Xianling Island?"

"Whenever you talk about serious matters, you interrupt. Tonight, "News Network" is too much. It didn't show me the camera, and didn't even mention the name."

"It's right not to mention it, anyway, "Meteor Garden" will not be blocked, I am already very happy."

"I don't understand, ask for popular science..."



At the "Ladies' Night" Cheongsam and Jewelry Masterpieces Appreciation Conference sponsored by a certain organization.

Li Hui is holding champagne and is appreciating famous paintings with his friends.

A deputy director of Nanyue Satellite TV came over with champagne: "Old Li, congratulations."

"Same joy and joy." Li Hui asked politely before asking, "Where does the joy come from?"

"Don't you know, the "Meteor Garden" you directed is no problem. Our channel will broadcast it on time."

"Aren't you afraid of being blocked by the General Administration?"

"Blocked? Tonight's "News Network", positively affirming your charity campus trip, you have no affection at all?"


Li Hui was overjoyed and made a polite sentence with others. After drinking the champagne in the glass, he came to a quiet place and dialed Mr. Luo's number.

"I heard that CCTV reported positively on the f4 charity campus trip tonight, did you find someone?"

I'm looking for someone who farts!

President Luo hung up the phone, and his head was full of question marks.

Why is this why why?

He watched "News Network" tonight, and also saw the news that involved Moeren's film and television.

The entry point for the news about "maintaining a healthy and civilized network environment" was almost entirely something that Moeren came up with recently.

f4 public welfare campus tour, torn and forced by the Internet of violence to control violence, and civilized language on the Internet...

A few days ago, when I saw the fans who started fighting against Sun Dapao on the Internet, Mr. Luo also thought that Mai Xiaoyu would have nothing to do when he was full. Doing things with willfulness and recklessness, now it seems that it is completely planned in advance!

No, there may be someone on it. Mai Xiaoyu received the wind in advance and knew that the government was going to rectify the network environment. That's why he did so many things that seemed compelling.

Reminiscent of the end of last year, when the police drama was on fire, Mai Xiaoyu took out the military-themed script "Bright Sword" that was still unpopular, as if it had long known that the radio and television would adjust the police drama. Mr. Luo increasingly believes that Mai Xiaoyu’s background is not as simple as it appears.

At least in the information he learned, there was a gap of about three years between Mai Xiaoyu's emergence from the detention center and the creation of Mengren Film and Television in Yanjing. Where he has been in the past three years, who he has known, and what he has done are all a mystery.

Mr. Luo doubts that the three years of experience have greatly changed Mai Xiaoyu. Like the team behind him, the members Maizi, Mai, Azheng, Xiao Yuer... It is possible that there are others who have met in those three years.

Maybe Mai Xiaoyu still has a relationship with a certain high-level boss, otherwise, why do cute people rise quickly?

When I closed my eyes and thought, the phone rang.

President Luo picked up the phone and saw the caller ID. After connecting the phone, he smiled and said, "Brother Zhu, why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Brother Zhu, the leader of the Sanjin private gas company.

"Xiao Luo, have you watched "News Network" tonight?"

"Look, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Luo, tell me the truth, who is the backer on top of the wheat?"


What a coincidence!

Coincidentally, one can't help but doubt that there are people on Mai Xiaoyu.

Otherwise, how did he know that the government was going to rectify the network environment and did a lot of things in advance?

Those things are really very boring in the eyes of big bosses and elites. But tonight’s news is based on the mess that Mai Xiaoyu has done recently.

There is no one to blame on it!

Not to mention Mr. Luo, Mr. Zhu and others suspect, even Mai Xiaoyu's relatives are the same.

"Wheat, is there someone above you?"

Liu Xiaoli and Comrade Old Mai sat opposite Mai Xiaoyu from left to right, looking at him seriously.

"There are people up there? Where are they? Is there a thief in the house?" Mai Xiaoyu looked up and said with a smile.

The news broadcast tonight was quite shocking. He and Wang Baoqiang were halfway through drinking, and received several calls from Liu Xiaoli, and had to rush back to the Mai's villa in Sijiqingqiao.

"Don't pretend to be a fool here." Comrade Old Mai scowled, "answer your Aunt Liu's words well."

"I don't know what you want to ask."

Liu Xiaoli paused for a moment and sorted out her thoughts: "Okay, I ask. Arrange for Deng Chao and their public welfare campus trips, and the verbal wars between netizens and Sun Dapao fans, as well as the verbal wars with Sun Dapao and those people. It's planned, right?"

"Isn’t the public welfare campus trip discussed at the meeting? The online verbal warfare was a temporary motive. I saw that Sun Dapao was not pleasing to the eye. The premiere of "Meteor Garden" hasn’t ended yet. Rhythm."

Mai Xiaoyu was telling the truth, but Liu Xiaoli didn't believe it, even his father, Comrade Lao Mai.

Comrade Lao Mai said: "Then how do you know that the country is going to rectify the network environment?"

The country's intention to rectify the network environment has long been released. Some people know the general development time, but the exact start time... few people know!

Not to mention that the content quoted in news reports is all something that Mai Xiaoyu has done recently.

Note that it was Mai Xiaoyu who did the job, not a cute person!

Mengren Guanwei has been in his hands all the time, and he has done it all by himself, except for the phone to ask Hu Xu to pick up Xia Qin, and no one else interferes.

At that time, Liu Xiaoli and other high-level officials also suggested that Mai Xiaoyu should not make such a big fuss, because it made no sense.

what's the result?

A lot of people think that it is meaningless and boring, and they are on "News Network"!

"I really don't know." Mai Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I don't know? Then you can do nothing, and scold others on the Internet, and you end up scolding "News Network"?"

"Coincidence, it just happened."

There is only f4 public welfare campus trip, which Mai Xiaoyu deliberately did; online scolding wars are just Mai Xiaoyu's venting of personal anger.

He was not a broad-minded master, and he had a short-term mentality, so he launched an online scolding war for the "Ximen's Xiaoyou". As for the slogan of "civilized online language"... it is to give money to one's own family and avoid being regarded as an online mob by the public.

Unexpectedly, the slogan he used to promote himself fits the "Civilized Internet Self-Discipline Convention", and the official announcement can also attract more netizens' attention.

Mai Xiaoyu has figured it out, but others don't believe it!

"Is it a coincidence?" Comrade Old Mai frowned. He even hoped that there was someone on his son, so that he would not be afraid of being bullied.

Liu Xiaoli also said: "If you say it is a coincidence, it is a coincidence. No matter what, "Popular Garden" will not be stopped."

However, CCTV has all stated that it believes that the f4 public welfare campus is effective. How can the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television stop broadcasting "Popular Garden"?

CCTV is the only son of SARFT!

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: " this incident is finally over."

"I intend to continue this charity campus activity and make it our company's tradition. From now on, it will be held every September at the beginning of primary and secondary schools, and the number of participating artists will increase. What do you think?"

"Yes. Aunt Liu, this is within your responsibility, so you don't need to ask me."

"I am also going to contact the media to increase the publicity of public welfare activities, but I am worried that after tonight, many companies will follow us, you..."

"I can't help it. Aunt Liu, I really don't know anyone. This incident is a coincidence from beginning to end."

Mai Xiaoyu's original 70% assurance does not include online scolding wars.

The f4 charity campus trip, selling a face to the radio and television; and his last card, "Bright Sword", sold to CCTV for the exclusive premiere, with outstanding results.

Originally, it was the local TV station that competed with CCTV, and it had nothing to do with the film and television production company.

Mengren’s "Meteor Garden" was affected by "Super Girl" Chiyu. Nowadays, the radio and television has gained face, and CCTV has all the face and the inside, and it is very likely that it will no longer be stuck in "Meteor Garden".

That's why Mai Xiaoyu thought he was 70% sure, but he didn't expect that the online curse of venting his anger would become a key part.

In his opinion, apart from coincidence, there is luck in the development of things to this point.

Unfortunately, sometimes no one believes the truth, and people are more willing to believe the results of their own judgments.

A family of three chatted until ten o'clock in the evening, and Comrades Lao Mai and Liu Xiaoli were about to rest.

Before Mai Xiaoyu left, Comrade Old Mai suddenly asked: "What were you doing during the three years you disappeared?"

"Relieve..." To be continued. Find this site to search for \"Biquge CM\" or enter the URL:

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