The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 474: See you at the gate of Chaoyang Park! For the rudder master Mu Tian Lin Yuan Wan rewar

The next day.

The girl woke up early, looked at Mai Xiaoyu who was still sleeping with a complicated expression, and sighed silently.

Perhaps, he will not hurt me.

At least, he found out that I called the police last night, and he didn't do anything to me.

Or maybe, when he gets better, he will really leave, and I will be able to return to the peaceful life of the past...

It is also compelling to pin one's own safety on others.

How can the new Yan Piao girl who is unfamiliar with her place be able to provoke the local black and desperadoes?

After freshening up, put on makeup carefully to show your most beautiful side as much as possible.

This is not only to cover up the dark circles under the eyes of lack of sleep, but also a requirement of her industry.

After putting on makeup, look at Mai Xiaoyu again, pick up the bag and pack the phone, and go to work.

She first drove to a small family car wash near the rented place.

Last night, Mai Xiaoyu made the back seat of the car very dirty and stained with blood. The cleaning fee was a bit expensive. And here is outside the North Fifth Ring Road, the location is remote, and the cleaning cost is much cheaper than in the city.

Knocked on the door of the car washing room, and amid the yawning complaints of the boss, she asked the other party to clean the Alto car seriously, saying that she would come back to pick up the car at night. After walking for ten minutes, I came to the bus stop on the side of the road and squeezed the bus to work.

Opposite the bus station is a police station. She stared at the door of the police station for a long time, until the bus drew in. She followed the crowd and squeezed onto the bus, and did not have the courage to call the police.

After an hour and a half, she came to the company downstairs.

Look at the watch, it's only half past eight, and it's still early to work at nine.

An early fragrance came from the roadside, and my stomach screamed unsuspectingly. She hasn't eaten anything since last night and is very hungry.

But thinking of the extra expenses incurred by washing the car, she resisted the temptation and temptation of the fragrance-breakfast was only, and she would not starve to death if she did not eat it.

"Sister Liu Yan!" A handsome and sunny young guy, eating pancakes and carrying soy milk, walked over from the breakfast stand.

Seeing the visitor, Liu Yan was a little flustered: "Jinwei? Well, I will return your car tomorrow, okay?"

"No problem!" Jinwei is a happy person, "You came so early? Haven't eaten yet, I'll ask you what to eat."

Liu Yan is not the kind of delicate girl by nature. Although her family is not good, she is very strong: "Thank you, I have had breakfast, let's go together..."


It was noon after Mai Xiaoyu woke up.

Liu Yan has gone to work, and he is the only one in the room.

He yawned, stretched his waist subconsciously, and pulled the injury on his body, causing him to take a breath of pain.

Nima, when I wake up, it hurts more than yesterday!

I have taken two mobile phones that have been turned on silent, and each of them has multiple missed calls.

On the rice phone, dozens of unfamiliar missed calls and a bunch of text messages.

Then click on the text messages, all of them are threatening text messages.

"Grandson answer the phone!"

"Isn't it crazy last night, now?"

"You hurt a few of us, my master will never die with you!"

"Hide Nima, I can find you once, and I can find you a second time!"

"When I draw a cartoon, I dare to stab Lao Tzu, and wait until I abolish both of your paws, and see what you use to draw your **** comics."

"Little Beep boy pretending to be grandson now? It's too late!"


Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while, and then replied a text message: "Don't you just rely on a lot of people? If we were one-on-one last night, I couldn't kill you."

After half a minute, the other side responded to the text message: "Pretend to be Nima. At twelve o'clock tonight, at the gate of Chaoyang Park, I will ask you if you dare to come alone!"

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the Yali mobile phone, checked today’s weather forecast, and then replied with the rice mobile phone: "I can’t do it tonight, I’m recovering from my injury, but my brother will help me out. My brother said, at 12 o’clock in the evening, Chaoyang At the gate of the park, he is alone, as many of you as you like, remember to write your last words."

"Ye Nima's words! OK, I will clean up your brother tonight, and then I will clean up you later!"

After sending the text message, Mai Xiaoyu grinned, cursed "SB", and the rice phone turned off.

Looking at the Yali mobile phone, most of the caller ID is recognized.

There are company landlines, assistant Yu Ping’s cell phone, Liu Xiaoli’s phone, and Wu Guodong’s.

He didn't go to the company today. Yu Ping called him out of habit, but no one answered. At noon, Yu Ping contacted him again, but still did not contact him, worried that something happened to call Liu Xiaoli who was on Taiwan Island.

Liu Xiaoli is the stepmother of Mai Xiaoyu. She was also very worried when she heard about this. She called Mai Xiaoyu more than a dozen times and failed to contact her, so she was anxious and worried.

Mai Xiaoyu first called Liu Xiaoli back.

On the phone, he told Liu Xiaoli that he had something to do temporarily. Let her take care of the company's affairs. If there is anything unsure, she can call herself and settle it by herself.

For example, when she and the crew of "Bullfighting" came back from Taiwan Island, the company held a celebration banquet at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and the whole company celebrated, without worrying about money; for example, Liu Shishi's training cannot be relaxed; for example, the preparations for the crew of "Little Devil"; For example, the three suites in Sunshine Star City were transformed into dormitories for female artists of the company and so on.

Liu Xiaoli was attentive, but it didn't sound right, and asked: "You mean, you might not be able to come back for a long time?"

"It doesn't take long. Let's do it for about a month. Aunt Liu, you have bothered so much. You have worked hard, ha ha."

"Maizi, what's the matter with you, where are you now?"

"Um... I'm out of town. A former friend was in trouble. I went over and took a look. It was really fine."

"All right, if you have something to do, you can call me in time, but you can't go there for several years without any news like before..."

Then, Mai Xiaoyu called Wu Guodong again.

"Wake up."

"Well, just woke up, how is your side?"

"I went to tell you that I just brought you a set of toiletries and a few changes of clothes."

"Bring me something to eat by the way."

Then, Mai Xiaoyu contacted Li Qiang, the CEO of Sunshine Real Estate.

Mai Xiaoyu is now inconvenient to meet people, so he has to rely on Li Qiang for the acquisition of the three households on the first floor below.

After buying it, 1701 re-decorated to buy furniture and appliances, 1702 and 1703 after the whitewashed walls are cleaned and cleaned, as long as a complete set of furniture and appliances are available.

In terms of money, he will call Li Qiang's account.

Next, he joined Liutao, Si Qian and Shu Chang three daughters one after another.

The three daughters are all his This time he was afraid that he would not show up for about a month, so he had to make a phone call and say in advance, so that they would not be anxious when they returned to Yanjing.

After finishing all the calls that should be made, he smoked a cigarette and called Chen Qiao'en again. The content was the same as that of Liu Tao, Qianqian, and Shu Chang.

Currently, his relationship with Chen Qiaoen... is very complicated.

A lot of things that shouldn't have happened between the two of them, and the two of them know these things clearly, but they have to pretend not to know.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't think about how to deal with each other's relationship for the time being, and didn't think too much about it—the most important and most important thing was his small goal.

It is no longer that he unilaterally takes revenge on Qingtian in secret. According to Ning Shibin's statement, Ning Zhiyuan had known him a long time ago, and also wanted to clean up him and his cute people, and made several shots.

The two sides are an endless war!


Love Man culture is also the industry of the Sky Group. Does the incident last night have anything to do with the Sky Group? (To be continued.)

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