The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 549: To make stars, we are professional.

The new week is here.

After attending the regular meeting in the station, Zhou Zhe returned to the office humming a small tune.

Recalling the scene at the venue just now, Zhou Zhe felt that he wanted to eat ginseng fruit, just one word-cool!

Director Ma Guoqiang praised him by name at the meeting.

Said that he deeply understood the brand positioning and spiritual connotation of Taili, and dared to introduce the TV series that his peers did not dare to introduce-"Soldiers Assault", which reflects contemporary military culture, and achieved good results, which fully proves that Yanjing Satellite TV is based on culture. The correctness of the station!

As for the "study time" last week... The leader is very busy. Is it wrong to forget something?

Zhou Zhe was also a veteran driver. He also selectively forgot that incident, and attributed all the credit to the training and wise leadership of the leaders in the station. He just did what he should do.

In short, the leaders of the station are very satisfied with him, and the position of the director of the film purchase department has been firmly established, no one should think about it!

Back at the office and closed the door, he couldn't wait to dial Liu Xiaoli's number: "Mr. Liu, this is Zhou Zhe of Yanjing Satellite TV. Have you seen the latest ratings of "Soldiers Assault"..."

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

Ma Guoqiang praised Zhou Zhe by name because he heard a leader above casually convey the affirmation of "Soldiers Assault" by a senior leader of the army; and Zhou Zhe's excitement was because of the success of "Soldiers Assault".

Just yesterday, Yanjing Satellite TV, Dolphin Satellite TV and Litchi Satellite TV, as "Soldier Assault" topped the top three ratings in the same period, completed a low- and high-flying counterattack.

That's right, it's hanging silk. "Soldier Assault" is a complete hanging silk TV series.

The most famous in the play is "Stupid Root" Wang Baoqiang.

Other actors...Well, there are many talented young and middle-aged actors, but how many people have heard of it before?

A group of unfamiliar actors and actresses together is still a small character TV series, not legendary heroes and generals. Can such TV series become popular?

There are no beauties, no loves, no stars in TV dramas...Without beauties, you can't catch your attention, without celebrities, you won't have high ratings, and you can't build a plot without romance. How many people like this kind of "three no products"?

Otherwise, no TV station was willing to buy it before the broadcast. If Mai Xiaoyu had enough face, he might just throw it into the warehouse and eat ashes after the filming.

However, it was precisely such a "Three Noes" TV series that turned into a dark horse to be released in September 2006, attracting a lot of attention and causing more and more shocks.

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

The TV series has not been finished yet, and these six words have become familiar because of the word of mouth from the people who eat melons. It can not help but recall the phrase "light sword spirit" that was widely used after the "light sword" hit last year.

Someone jokingly said: In September last year, Moeren Film and Television produced a "Bright Sword", which caused many companies of the "Liangjian Spirit" to be introduced into the corporate culture. "Soldier Assault", the six-character motto "Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up" was born. I'm afraid it won't be long before, and the right ear can get calluses.

Although it is a joke, it is enough to prove the popularity of "Soldiers Assault".

It is unimaginable in the television industry that such a "Three Noes" TV series can become popular.

As a result, all the charcoal feeders jumped out.

No matter at home or abroad, no matter ancient or modern, there is no shortage of afterthoughts in the world.

The various analyses and positive reports on "Soldiers Assault" are really endless and dazzling.

"The investment of 10 million yuan in "Soldier Assault" is only a medium scale in the domestic military drama. There are no star lineups, bizarre stories, love between men and women, grand scenes, court grievances and other'commercial elements'. Be favored by others...

... This "monk play" starring a group of obscure lads ignited the passion in people's hearts. No beauty is still good-looking, no celebrity is still prosperous, no love is still sensational, more important than these elements are artistic quality, a character close to life, and an innovative spirit of exploration. "

"The story is full, the characters are solid, the emotions are rich, and the introverted and simple narrative method makes the completeness of the artistic creation of the whole play reach a new height of contemporary military theme creation."

"Soldier Assault" successfully described the growth process of contemporary Chinese soldiers, and created a group of extremely powerful individualized portraits of the contemporary army."

"Soldier Assault" meticulously and realistically presents the mental outlook and outstanding qualities of the Chinese soldiers, and for the first time shows some of our military’s modern weapons and equipment. The whole play reflects that the Chinese army is a great army and the Chinese soldiers are a new era. The most respectable person."


Professionals have what the professionals say, and the audience has the feelings of the audience.

There is an interesting theory in economics called the "drinking fountain effect": People who work in the office often like to focus on the drinking fountains and have a lively discussion about the most watched TV shows or major events the night before.

Economists believe that once a TV show or event has occupied the drinking fountain, it means that it has occupied the public's attention.

"Soldier Assault" was in the golden autumn of September, and took the "drinking fountain" with the momentum of giving up to others.

"Occupied! It was a complete fall!"

Some audiences said so, speaking out the aspirations of many audiences.

Xu Sanduo is naive, silly, foolish, dull and paranoid.

The self-confidence of being talented, good at drilling camp, will have troubles and minds.

Shi Jin's kindness, pragmatic, steady, careful and tolerant.

The masculine man in Gaocheng is full of masculinity, rough but fine, strict on the outside, kindness on the inside, and a little childish.

Yuan Lang's wisdom and wisdom are almost perfect, and he has a deep understanding of human nature.

Wu Liuyi is full of tenacity, never admit defeat, never give up.

Wu Zhe's sunshine is optimistic, confident and humorous, and capable of literary and military skills.


Too many characters in the play left a deep impression on the audience, causing many audiences to stand in front of the TV every night, just to look at them silly and laugh and cry with them.

Shi Jin roared when he smashed the hammer: "You want to drag me to death, Xu Sanduo! For you, I broke off with the company commander... Today I broke off with him again... If you continue to do this, I will have to next year. Let’s leave...Don’t let your dad call you turtle son! Damn it!"

When Lao Ma was discharged from the army, the soldiers he had brought specially sent him. The background music is more silent than sound, and the affection is deep.

When the Gangqi Company was about to disband, Ma Xiaoshuai's solemn and tragic entering ceremony, and his later sentence: "Don't think that I will not grow the bones of the Seventh Company a few days after I came to the Seventh Company!"

When Wu Liuyi abstained, in order not to hinder Xu Sanduo, he set off his flare before the finish line and screamed with a smile: "I can't run! I abstain!"

When Yuan Lang and Gao Cheng met at the Wuban resident, the heroes said "I drink a catty of alcohol, and drink with you, two catties", "I drink two or two, drink with you, and die."

When Shi Jin left the army, he said he wanted to see Tiananmen Square. At night, sitting in a car and driving through the brightly lit Tiananmen Square, Shi Jin, who always loves to laugh, cries like a child, crying distressingly, and crying heartbroken.


This is a TV series depicting the emotional world of men, showing the high spirits of a military career and the growing years of life and death together. There is no woman, no love, but only the friendship between a group of rough men, the nostalgia for the troops and other feelings.

But there are still too many plots that move the audience and make people cry.

With the popularity of "Soldiers Assault", more and more TV stations have joined the ranks of broadcasting this TV series.

After the first round of three satellite TV broadcasts, they kept rebroadcasting during the day; the four star satellite TVs snapped up the second-round broadcast rights for a single episode of 150,000; the third-round TV stations were eagerly waiting, holding their fingers to check the days.

Many TV stations regretted that even if they did not buy the first broadcast rights, it would be okay to buy the second round broadcast rights. Didn't see the average ratings of the second round broadcasts, they are almost catching up with the first round?

There are also online video sites that regret it. They didn't want to buy it at the beginning, but now they can't buy it. Storm Video exclusively buys out the network broadcasting rights. Many viewers want to watch the video and can only download the Storm Video player. The installed capacity of Storm Video has reached a new high!

Storm Video’s profit this time was so great that Zhou Jun couldn’t talk from ear to ear with joy.

In addition to the popularity and installed capacity of the player, in the 30 episodes of "Soldiers Assault", the advertisements inserted in the beginning of each episode all reached 30 seconds.

Okay, users will complain, but the number of clicks is like hormones, faster and higher than adrenal surges. Because there is only one company, there is no choice, and the price of placement ads is also the highest in the industry!

The popularity of "Soldiers Assault" is still fermenting.

This "pure man" TV series, with all male soldiers in the play, has been favored by a large number of female audiences.

After the eleventh, the "Xu Sanduo Support Group", known as "married only to marry Xu Sanduo", appeared; the gossip teacher took the name of the dream lover "Yuan Lang" to test the characters for divination; the monitor "Shi Jin" owned him Most of the national fan groups are female fans...

More and more female audiences began to discuss which tough guy is the best husband in "Soldier Assault". The answer will never be uniform, because turnips and vegetables have their own loves, and there are too many actors in "Soldier Assault" that impress people.

Wang Baoqiang is red, and the red makes his colleagues confused and forced.

In the age of looking at the face, it is not enough for a cute person to hold a Huang Bo, and he also holds a Wang Baoqiang...

It is not only Wang Baoqiang who is red, but also actors who play the roles of Shi Jin, Chengcai, Yuan Lang, Gao Cheng, and Wu Liuyi.

In addition to earning a lot of money again, Mengren Film and Television has once again proved to the outside world that we are professional in making stars!

Consider last year's "Bright Sword", and then look at this year's "Soldiers Assault"...

Cute drama!

Cute drama!

Cute drama!

The audience was immersed in the plot of "Soldier Assault"; artists began to work hard to establish relationships with cute to have the opportunity to participate in the cute drama in the future; industry insiders broadcasted "Soldier Assault" The model is impressive.

TV stations and video websites broadcast at the same time, and the combination of traditional platforms and emerging platforms has caused industry insiders to think about and discuss the broadcast mode of TV dramas.

Film and television companies are paying more and more attention to video sites, and video sites have found a new direction for development. For those filmmakers who are unable to sell TV shows to TV stations, video sites are a good choice.

The television station felt threatened. However, the video website industry is still immature and still in its growth stage. TV stations that have been the boss for many years still don't take this threat to heart.

As for the "initiator" of all this, Mai Xiaoyu, at the moment in Hengdian's "Xian 3" crew, pointed at Tang Yan, who was full of grievances, and yelled, "Spit it out for me!"

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued.)

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