The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 568: A routine as deep as the sea

Blue sky garden villa group.

Inside the model room.

Mai Xiaoyu was lying on the ground in pain.

His face was ugly and painful, and his painful features were about to squeeze together. He covered his chest with his hands, gasping for breath, obviously out of breath, anyone can tell that he has difficulty breathing, and the situation is more serious.

Tong Liya held up the large crystal ashtray in her hand, looking at Mai Xiaoyu with a dazed expression on her face.

After half a minute, she put down the ashtray: "The wicked have their own rewards, huh!"

After all, picked up the backpack and turned around and left.

"help me……"

"help me……"

"I, I, I don't want to die..."

"help me……"

Behind him, Mai Xiaoyu's weak voice and intermittent words kept coming into his ears. Tong Liya paused for a moment and continued to run to the door.



Mai Xiaoyu's voice became weaker and weaker, and he could hardly even speak, leaving only a quick and difficult gasp, which struck Tong Liya's heart.

Run out of oil?

Don't know why, Tong Liya came up with this word in her mind.

She took another two steps forward, seeing the door of the villa right in front of her, but turned around and ran back to Mai Xiaoyu.

"What's wrong with you? Don't pretend to be dead, I didn't hit you."

"No, no, no, you, me, rant, rant..."

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu was already entering less air and leaving more air. He couldn't even utter a complete word, so he could only jump out word by word. He pressed his chest with both hands, his expression was extremely painful.

"Asthma? You mean you have asthma?"


If asthma is not treated in time, it may cause sudden death!

The kind-hearted Tong Liya does not doubt that he has him. Although she thinks Mai Xiaoyu is a heinous villain, her life is at stake, so she chose to save others.

"Just hold on, I'll call for an ambulance."

"Come, come, no, and... medicine, medicine, medicine..." Mai Xiaoyu raised his hand hard, and tremblingly pointed to the handbag on the sofa.

Tong Liya Bingxue was smart, and she instantly understood: "Is there medicine in her handbag?"

"Save, save..."

"I will save you." Tong Liya got up, quickly took her handbag from the sofa, and squatted down next to Mai Xiaoyu, flipping through her handbag, and said: "In the future, do less bad things. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. There will be retribution if there is too much...Where is the medicine?"

The handbag is not big. Tong Liya looked through it several times but couldn't find it. She turned her handbag over and emptied her in a hurry. There were a few things scattered on the ground, but there was no medicine or spray for asthma!

"where is it?"

"Where is your medicine?"

"Is it a capsule or a spray?"

"Why can't you find it?"

Tong Liya rummaged anxiously. Seeing Mai Xiaoyu's condition became more and more serious and her breath weaker and weaker, she felt anxious.

"Don't... look for it, it seems, it's like me, the bodyguard..." Mai Xiaoyu raised his hand laboriously, holding Tong Liya's cold little hand, "Yes, yes, I'm sorry..."

"Don't talk now, I'll call for an ambulance."

"Come on, it's too late." Mai Xiaoyu grabbed Tong Liya's hand and refused to let her call.

"It might be too late if you don't call!"

"Also, still, there is another way..."

"What else can you say quickly."

"People, people, artificial me..."

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Tong Liya pleadingly and opened his mouth.

Tong Liya hesitated.

However, considering the fact that human lives are more than just a few breaths, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.

She first unbuttoned Mai Xiaoyu's collar and belt to prevent external factors from causing restraint on her chest and abdomen and affecting ventilation.

Then one hand lifted Mai Xiaoyu’s chin so that he kept his head tilted back; the other pinched Mai Xiaoyu’s nose, took a deep breath, bent his head, and prepared to blow into Mai Xiaoyu’s mouth. .

At the moment when her four lips were about to touch, Liya Tong suddenly realized something.

Isn't he asthma?

Can artificial respiration cure asthma?

Also, his speaking is not as difficult as before...

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's previous career, Tong Liya suspected that she had been deceived and retreated from the cliff.

"Wait for me, I will rinse my mouth first."

To soothe Mai Xiaoyu, he must run when he gets up, but unfortunately his eyes are the window of the soul. From her eyes, Mai Xiaoyu has guessed her thoughts a long time ago.

As soon as Tong Liya turned around, Mai Xiaoyu jumped up from the ground with a carp, and then hugged Tong Liya who wanted to run from behind.

"Let go of me, you let me go!"

Tong Liya struggled hard, grabbing Mai Xiaoyu's arm with her hand, and slamming Mai Xiaoyu's instep with her foot.

"It's still a wild horse."

Mai Xiaoyu had been prepared early, and directly threw Tong Liya onto the sofa. Before she got up, she rushed forward.

Tong Liya is not as weak as it seems on the surface, and never bows to the evil forces.

She tried her best to resist and struggle, but in the face of Mai Xiaoyu, a "high martial" liar, all resistance was in vain.

A minute later, she was restrained by Mai Xiaoyu, and she couldn't get rid of it, lying on the sofa. A pair of small hands was forced to raise his head high, and a pair of bright wrists were clipped by Mai Xiaoyu's right hand, unable to break free.

Mai Xiaoyu pressed on her back, clipped Tong Liya's pair of wrists with her left hand and held it above her head, and controlled Tong Liya's head with her right hand to prevent her from ramming and biting.

The posture of the two seemed very ambiguous, but at this time, no one thought about this issue.

Even if Tong Liya's little **** was close to her body, Mai Xiaoyu's Teddy showed no signs of awakening.

"You are going to run away, why come back to rescue me again?" Mai Xiaoyu asked jokingly in Tong Liya's ear.

"Whoever comes back to save you, I can't wait for you to suffocate and die from an asthma attack!"

"But you still can't bear to watch me die and come back to save me. Do you think I am handsome and fall in love with me?"

"I can't wait for you to die! Man, scum! Rogue, gangster! Bastard!"

"Then I’m strange. You know that I’m not a good person, and you let people kill you, and you let you go. And you obviously have a chance to run, but come back to save me. If you don’t fall in love with me, you are stupid, yes. no?"

"Human scum! Metamorphosis!"

Tong Liya gritted her teeth, remorse in her heart as continuous as the torrent of rivers.

When she wanted to come, if she had left at the time, instead of returning with a thoughtful benevolence, she would not fall to where she is now and fall into the hands of the other party again.

Or after Mai Xiaoyu lay down, he made up an ashtray fiercely without letting the opponent succeed.

Tomorrow I knew that he was a heinous liar, why did he come back to save him and be deceived by him!

I'm all right now. After being teased by the other party, I fall into the claws again...

This is just her wishful thinking, Mai Xiaoyu's routine is as deep as the sea, how could there be a flaw to let her escape?

"You are right, I am a scum, a liar, not a good person, but you are a good person, a good girl with a kind heart. You have also said that good will reward evil and evil, and my future retribution will not bother you. Worry, but you should be rewarded for such a kind and beautiful girl, right?"

"What do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to touch me, I will bite my tongue and kill myself!"

"Don't get excited, you are such a kind girl, how can I be willing to hurt you."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu slowly got up from Tong Liya, took a few steps back, pulled a chair, and sat opposite her.

Tong Liya sat up in a spirited spirit, pulled her backpack to protect her chest, and looked at him vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"You know who I am, right?"

"You're a liar!"

"That was before, and I was referring to my current identity, the owner of Mengren Film and Television."

"So what, I won't be fooled by you."

"I admit, I am not a good person, but your kind deeds just now deeply touched me. In return, I am willing to sign you and make you a star."

"I won't do it!"

Mai Xiaoyu took out a cigarette, lit one, and said slowly: "You have no choice, little sister Tong Liya."

"You, how do you know my name?"

Mai Xiaoyu took out three things from his arms and shook them in front of Tong Liya.

The mobile phone, ID card, and student ID are all hers.

"What do you want?"

"I made it very clear, our cute people intend to sign you."

"I won't do it, you are a liar, a bad person!"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and asked, "Are there many good people in the entertainment industry? Little sister, the entertainment industry is very deep. White lotus like you with no background and no background can't survive at all. But there are bad people like me who provide you with shelter. , You will be safe and don’t have to worry about being bullied."

"Don't you think your statement is ridiculous, don't forget that you are a bad guy!"

"Knowing that I am a bad person, would you still dare to reject me? You heard what I said to that little liar just now, do you know why he has to mess with me? Because he knows things he shouldn't know. And you, you know More!"

Mai Xiaoyu said viciously, her ferocious appearance, frightened Tong Liya to stand up.

"You are so filthy rich people."

"Have you heard of the silt of the lotus, it looks like a dirty silt, but it can breed a pure white lotus. This is fate. You know so many secrets that I can’t tell anyone. If you are me, you think I should What to do with you?"

"You should surrender yourself, just like you persuade that person."

"Naive! Since you are too naive, I will not ask you. I also give you three options, you can choose one of them. Either you die; or accompany me to bed and then record it; or sign a contract and become a company artist."

"I don't choose any, I won't be threatened by you!"

"So strong?" Mai Xiaoyu smacked his lips and took a cigarette. "You are so beautiful, with elastic thighs, and your little hands are white and fragrant, so you are not afraid of my overlord's bow?"

"If you dare to touch me, I will bite my tongue immediately, and death won't let you defile me!"

"If you say you are naive and don't believe it, if you die, I won't defile you? And, do you think death is the most terrible thing in the world? Can death really solve everything, ah?"


When Tong Liya heard the words, her delicate body trembled lightly: "You, how did you know?"

Yaya is her nickname, few people know it, and her mobile phone, ID card, or student ID are not on it!

Mai Xiaoyu sneered and said: "You already know that I am a cute boss. Do you think it is difficult to get your news with my current financial position? Also, don't you always say that I am a scumbag? The gangster is abnormal. Asshole.

You can guess if I can inquire about all the information of your parents and family. You can also guess, if you report me, call the police and arrest me, how will I treat you and your family? "

In order to match his words and tone, he threw away his cigarette butts and crushed them with his feet.

"You are shameless!"

Tong Liya pinched her neck and screamed, sternly inwardly.

At this moment, she finally felt the fear of selling small fish.

Bad guys.

Rich bad guys.

Especially rich bad guys.

Especially rich and bad bad guys...

Ordinary people are like ants in their eyes. If they are offended, it is really possible that life is worse than death.

She can commit suicide, fight to the death, and even call the police so that the police can bring Mai Xiaoyu to justice, but what about her family?

Tong Liya was silent, the unique fragility of a woman made of water crushed her strength and tears filled her eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu smirked, walked over and sat down beside her. Grab her little hand, play and stroke.

Tong Liya wanted to withdraw her hand, but was glared by Mai Xiaoyu, and she was timid. Can only endure the anger and fear in his heart, letting Mai Xiaoyu stroke his little hand.

"One minute."

Mai Xiaoyu gave the same consideration period.

One minute, sixty seconds, soon.

Tong Liya is unwilling to be threatened by Mai Xiaoyu, a "heinous" villain, but she can't think of any solution.

She felt like she was wrapped in a large invisible The more she struggled, the tighter she became, until she felt a deep sense of powerlessness in her heart.

The sorrow of the little man?

Time is up.

Mai Xiaoyu asked: "Have you considered it?"

Tong Liya was silent.

"I have seen countless beauties over the years, but you have a unique beauty, perhaps because of the Xibe nationality, which is very attractive to me. Since you have been unable to make a decision, then I will choose for you. I choose the second one."

Before the words finished, Mai Xiaoyu reached out to hug Tong Liya.

Tong Liya was so scared that she almost jumped up and screamed: "I choose three, I choose three, and I am willing to sign a contract with your company!"

"Are you sure?" Mai Xiaoyu asked disappointedly.

"I'm sure! I am willing to sign, but you have to swear not to touch me!"

"Okay, I swear. As long as you sign a contract with the company and keep secrets for me, I swear not to touch you, otherwise you will not die."

When Mai Xiaoyu did what he said, he took the initiative to let go of Tong Liya's little hand, and then sat aside.

"This is my business card... Go on!"

Tong Liya carefully took the business card, which was printed with words such as "Moe Ren Film and Television", "Mai Xiaoyu" and the phone number.

"Bring your ID card to the company tomorrow morning to find me."

"I have class tomorrow morning."

"Then three o'clock in the afternoon. If you don't have time in the afternoon, then come to my house at nine o'clock in the evening."

"I have time in the afternoon and I will go to the company on time."

Is Tong Liya the little lamb in the pen?

Mai Xiaoyu's routine is not over yet!

Ten minutes later, Mai Xiaoyu drove a Mercedes Benz, ready to send Tong Liya back to school.

Before they left the Lantian Garden under construction, a policeman in a police uniform stopped them...

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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