The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 572: "If You Are the One" has a big deal

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Liu Tao plays the Capricorn house-spector "Pan Wenlin"; Cici plays "Zhou Xinrui" of the Taurus relatives blind date group; Shu Chang plays the Aries policewoman "Chen Xiaoyu"...

The filming of Mengren Film and Television Investment, the participation of all its actors and the director Zhang Xiaoquan’s transformation work "Love Call Transfer" is progressing smoothly, but other troubles are coming.

This trouble is not only for Mengren film and television, but the entire entertainment industry!

As early as the end of September, some media suddenly broke the news: Due to the low ratings this year, the CCTV civilian talent show "Dream China", which was founded in 2004, will face suspension!

As soon as the news came out, a reporter asked the director of "Dream of China" to verify the news, but the other party refused to disclose it. Subsequently, the producer of the show also refused to respond to the matter.

This news, like a cold wind, wrinkled the pool of talent show.

Affected by last year's "Super Girl" effect, this year's variety show shows are very popular, and it is often you who sang me on stage.

"Dream of China", "Super Girl", "My Type My Show", "Come on, Good Man", "Dream of Red Mansions"...

Too many so-called civilian talent shows dominate the TV screen during the weekend. When the audience turns on the TV, they can almost hear the host saying: "Please vote for the contestants you like in the following way. See the bottom of the screen for the voting method. Fate is in your hands..."

Change the station?

People changed, but words didn’t change!

There are so many programs of the same type, and the competition is fierce. "Dream of China", "Super Girl" and "My Type My Show" have even been broadcasted many times at the same time.

However, there are many programs of the same type, which also proves that this type of program is popular.

This year's "Dream of China" adopts the format of last year's "Super Girl". There are seven competition areas nationwide, with nearly 100,000 applicants. With the help of CCTV, a national platform, will be broadcast during prime time on weekends, and the ratings will be poor?

Therefore, the credibility of this revelation is worth studying. But there must be a reason for the unfounded story, and the director and producer of "Dream of China" facing the reporter's truth-seeking attitude cannot but make the old drivers in the entertainment circle think deeply.

Will this be a signal released by the relevant departments?

Subsequently, there were more and more unverified and unproven news from various sources, and some people even broke the so-called "CCTV internal news", with certainty that "Dream China" would be closed next year.

In the entertainment circle, TV stations are a special group, forming a circle of its own. In this small circle, the old drivers need a high degree of political awareness and a keen political sense in order to be able to keep up with the rhythm of the policy and the macro perspective in time.

Otherwise, it is not only irresponsible for the revolution and life work, but also irresponsible for his political career.

Therefore, as soon as the news about the suspension of "Dream of China" came out, the chief planner of "If You Are the One" contacted Mai Xiaoyu, the general counsel, and clearly expressed his concerns about the show on the phone.

"Mr. Mai, I'm afraid there is a big move on it."

The ratings of "If You Are the One" continue to be hot, but the criticism has never stopped.

The words and deeds of the female guests; the hot and sensitive topics; the vulgar content of the discussion; the tit-for-tat between male and female guests; the hand-matching with a very low probability of success, etc., have made "If You Are the One" always on the cusp of public opinion.

Of course, there are also factors in which some people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong.

If "If You Are the One" is a half-dead show with no ratings, it probably won't be so much trouble.

"Then rectify, just use this rectification to make another hype. I have prepared the draft of the rectification plan. I will arrange for someone to send a fax to it, and your program team will see where it needs to be modified..."

This was Mai Xiaoyu's reply at the time, and the draft of the rectification plan was faxed to the "If You Are the One" program group to discuss and modify. He doesn't participate in the specific operations. After all, he is just the general counsel, so he can do his best as a consultant.

Well, he is also lazy.

He is not afraid that "If You Are the One" will stop broadcasting, which is one of the ace programs of Litchi Satellite TV. As long as there is a chance to stand firm, Litchi Satellite TV will not let this ace card hang up.

At that time, the chief planner was still curious: "Mr. Mai, you have expected that the show will face rectification?"

Then Mai Xiaoyu told him: "Maybe he will be criticized by CCTV by name. You should be mentally prepared and don't be crushed."

As a result, in late November, Mai Xiaoyu's prediction came true!

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television officially issued two official documents, the "Notice on Further Regulating the Management of Marriage, Love and Dating TV Programs" and the "Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on Strengthening the Management of Emotional Story TV Programs."

In official terms, it will "start to rectify the proliferation, fraud, and vulgarity of blind date shows that have caused great social outrage."

The wind is up!

getting bigger!

On the 24th, CCTV's "Focus Interview" program announced the announcement of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television regarding some dating programs and emotional story programs.

On the 25th, Xinhua News Agency also issued a rectification notice from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and named several dating programs represented by "If You Are the One". While affirming that these programs "provide opportunities for acquaintance and communication for married young men and women, and reflect the guiding and service functions of television media", they also pointed out that there are "serious problems" in the programs.

For example, some guests have false identity, self-hype, vulgar speech, misconduct, and malicious ridicule; the host is weak in guiding; some programs blindly pursue ratings, and allow unhealthy and incorrect views of marriage and love such as money worship, vanity, and sex.

The final goal is: "These practices seriously deviate from the socialist core value system or on the 25th. CCTV's "News Broadcast" also released a comment "Media must remember social responsibility." In the blind date programs, some promote and hype vulgar and vulgar content such as "golden women" and "show off rich men", which is very unhealthy. The organizers simply pursued ratings and popularity, and failed to fulfill their media responsibilities. "

The stick was raised, who was the first to be beaten?

Who else besides "If You Are the One"?

Who made you high ratings!

This is the same as when the sky is falling down first. Who makes you the best?

Moreover, some of the official dating shows are all following the trend of "If You Are the One", and some of the shows are called a blue one.

This is not because the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television deliberately targeted "If You Are the One". In fact, this time the board is very large, with a dozen large pieces.

Last year's "Super Girl", this year's "If You Are the One", neither can run away!

For example, for singing talent shows, in addition to the “cross-provincial event contestants must be 18 years old” stipulated in the spring of this year, the “sub-contest area activities shall not be broadcast on the local provincial satellite TV” and “judges”. There are various regulations such as “Don’t embarrass the contestants”, “The air time of talent show should not exceed two and a half months”.

This year is not for which variety show, but the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television vigorously rectify all entertainment programs-entertainment restrictions!

Don't talk about "Dream China", even "Super Girl" may be discontinued!

Rabbit and fox sad?

Mai Xiaoyu has no such thoughts!

When the board falls, whoever hurts will know.

He has to resolve the rectification problem of "If You Are the One"!

So, after receiving another call from the chief planner of the show, Mai Xiaoyu went to see his Zhixing beauty psychologist again...

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